A to Z Season 1 Episode 11 Review: K is for Keep Out

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To move in or not to move in?

After a lack of alone time on A to Z Season 1 Episode 11, Andrew and Zelda are desperate.

First off, how long do Andrew and Zelda have left in their relationship? In A to Z Season 1 Episode 10, they had 5 months left, tonight 7 months. Sure, because of a shortened story things changed, but is there consistency? I am honestly curious of the timeline. 

Now, for poor Andrew and Zelda their alone time kept getting interrupted by their sweet, yet oblivious, friends. Even though it was an annoyance for them, it was great to see just how much their privacy was interrupted.

It started with the cold open of the couple stuck in the bathroom with Stephie and her boyfriend and ended with Stu being afraid of the thunder. 

Andrew: Oh no!
Stu: I know that thunder is just the sound of God bowling, but can I spend the night with you guys?

This quote was so relatable, but from many years ago when I had to convince a fellow kindergartner of what thunder really is. Those were the days.

The story at Wallflower felt irrelevant. There were, however, two things I loved about it.

  1. It began a new, very funny friendship between Lora and Lydia, and
  2. It (finally) gave Lora a personality and not just the robotic voice, which I loved.

To see the two chit-chat about the other's relationship issues over a hair salon visit and a late night phone call was new and a nice change for the Wallflower employees. I hope it can continue (at least for these final episodes). 

When it came time for Andrew and Zelda to look at a place and then simultaneously believe they were moving in together, I had an odd realization that a similar story happened in A to Z Season 1 Episode 9. First, a miscommunication and then they decided not to tell each other the truth until it got too awkward. Luckily, the issue of moving in was solved fairly quickly compared to what transpired in the Christmas issue.  

After an entire story of Stephie and Stu infringing on Andrew and Zelda's time, they made up for it in the sweetest way: Giving them three whole days of alone time with a cooked meal and all. Who knows if it would follow through, but it is the thought that counts. 

I am still in denial about the show virtually ending soon but, while there are still episodes to air, I look forward to Andrew and Zelda continuing as a couple and Stu, as always, saying hilarious and ridiculous things. 

Stu: I just wanted to bring you guys some macaroons as a housewarming gift.
Zelda: Thank you very much. Where are the macaroons?
Stu: I ate them in the car while sobbing at a stoplight.

Should Zelda and Andrew have moved in together? What do you think of the budding relationship between Lora and Lydia? 

If you want to watch the show from the beginning, make sure you watch A to Z online via TV Fanatic.

K is for Keep Out Review

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Rating: 3.0 / 5.0 (5 Votes)

Mary Kate Venedam is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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A to Z Season 1 Episode 11 Quotes

Also, there's going to be a thunderstorm tonight. So I suggest we just skip a step and I just go to bed with you guys.


Andrew: Oh no!
Stu: I know that thunder is just the sound of God bowling, but can I spend the night with you guys?