Marvel's Agent Carter Season 1 Episode 4 Review: The Blitzkrieg Button

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Wow, things are getting intense! 

Howard Stark is back in town and it's not just so he can hook up with all of Peggy's neighbors (though I can see where Tony gets it from, like father like son, right?). 

We're now half way through the season and Marvel's Agent Carter Season 1 Episode 4 left us with a whole slew of questions to keep us on our toes as we move into the final four episodes. 

A Mysterious Return - Marvel's Agent Carter

Let's start with the most glaring one – Who is Dottie? I had a feeling either she or Angie would be revealed to be someone more than who they were letting on to be, but that doesn't leave me any less intrigued to find out the details. Did someone (Stark? Jarvis?) hire her to watch Peggy's back? If so, I'd say she's earning her paycheck.

I have to say, Dottie quickly disposing of the crazy typewriter guy felt a little anticlimactic. I thought he'd be around longer, not to mention I assumed we'd actually get to see him and Peggy come face-to-face. Peggy doesn't even know the threat existed. 

It was pretty clear to Peggy that Stark was lying to her about the blitzkrieg button, especially after questioning Jarvis about it, but it still seemed a little reckless for her to open it having no idea what she would find in there, right? The last thing she expected to find was a vial of Captain America's blood. I'm guessing that wasn't the last we'll see of it, so what do you guys think it will be used for? 

Agent Sousa is closing in on Peggy. His witness didn't give him much – a dark haired woman and a well dressed man – but he wasn't thrown off the scent by a change in hair color. Did he ever actually collect the prints from the phone? It seemed like he abandoned that idea to question the homeless guys. Will he figure out Peggy's secret this season?

What we lacked in action this week was made up for with intense drama. The scene when Peggy confronts Stark about the vial was especially powerful. Haley Atwell is fantastic at expressing the raw emotion Peggy is feeling. I'm worried all the guilt that's building up inside of her is going to eat her alive. 

I know they say opposites attract, but I really hope Agent Thompson isn't Peggy's future husband. I'm not saying he can't change or that there's no hope for him, but hearing him tell her that no man will ever see her as an equal does not have me rooting for him. I'm actually hoping whoever it is, we haven't met him yet. 

As much as I enjoyed the Peggy and Stark scenes, I'm ready for him to take off again so we can see more of Peggy and Jarvis. They didn't have enough screen time together and I missed that. 

Some final thoughts:

  • Jarvis rubs his ear when he lies-something to look out for in the future? 
  • Stan Lee made his obligatory cameo. 
  • What is the deal with the typewriter?
  • Next week the Howling Commandos return!

There was a lot to take in, but if you missed any of it you can go back and watch Marvel's Agent Carter online

The Blitzkrieg Button Review

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Rating: 4.6 / 5.0 (30 Votes)

Stacy Glanzman was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in March, 2019.

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Marvel's Agent Carter Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Stark: I hate small spaces. What if the chain snaps and I fall to my death?
Peggy: Don't worry, I'll never reveal that Howard Stark's dead body is lying rotting at the bottom of a dumbwaiter shaft.

Sousa: The unanimous call that led to the Stark weapons? I'm going to see if i can pull a print off the phone that rang it in.
Peggy: It was a public phone. The only thing you'll pull is a bacterial infection.