Marvel's Agent Carter Season 1 Episode 5 Review: The Iron Ceiling

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Dum-Dum Dugan and the Howling Commandos come to Peggy's aide in Marvel's Agent Carter Season 1 Episode 5!

Thanks to her connections, Peggy maneuvers her way into Agent Thompson's mission to Russia, much to his chagrin. However, by the end I think it's safe to say he was happy to have her along. 

It was refreshing to see a more human side to Agent Thompson. I assumed there was more to him than met the eye, but I wasn't sure if he was redeemable. I'm not hopping on the Thompson bandwagon as a potential suitor for Peggy just yet, but the groundwork for him to start seeing her as an equal has been laid. 

At the very least Thompson trusts Peggy now, in the field and with his secret. Peggy being the first one he's ever told about killing those soldiers who were surrendering is significant, especially if he does turn out to be her future husband. 

On the other hand, Agent Sousa is looking much less likely to be the one to fill that position. Each week he's gotten closer and closer to discovering Peggy's secret and now he's connected her to the photo. Peggy choosing to change in the men's locker room to facilitate this plot point felt a little weak, but the previews for next week's episode have me anxious for the inevitable confrontation. 

Peggy and Jarvis are still at odds over his lying to her about the blitzkrieg button and Cap's vial of blood, not that I can blame her for being mad. 

Jarvis: And what does the SSR have in you?
Peggy: I am a federal agent, Mr. Jarvis.
Jarvis: Yes, finely trained and skilled in the art of fetching coffee. These men you call your colleagues, they don't respect you. They don't even see you. Do you honestly expect they'll change their minds?
Peggy: I expect I will make them.

I think it's safe to say Peggy proved her point by earning Thompson's respect on the mission (and it didn't hurt that she saved his life in the process). Being that this is a limited series, I suspect Peggy and Jarvis will make up by next week. Their partnership is one of the best aspects of the series and it would be unfortunate if they were apart too long. 

Agent Thompson is not the only one who's past we received a glimpse of as a flashback to Russia in 1937 shed a little light on Dottie. As a Nikita fan, I have to admit I'm a little disappointed it's not Angie who was trained as a Russian assassin. Lyndsy Fonseca's already got the accent and the combat skills down.

How creepy was it when Dottie was sitting down at Peggy's mirror, handling her lipstick? I was worried she was about to turn "single white female" on her. Did anyone else think she was going to find the vial when she was searching Peggy's apartment or was that just me? 

I admit I had to read up a little on the Black Widow program. I haven't read any of the comics so I didn't know that there were Black Widows before Natasha Romanoff. I guess there's a whole boot camp dedicated to training them. Of course, now I'm wondering if Natasha sleeps handcuffed to her bed too. 

Dottie's mission is still unclear, though it looks like Peggy is going to discover the truth about her next week. 

What do you make of the scene between Jarvis and Dooley? The writers are dropping hints for us, but I have no clue what they mean. From what I've read any guesses we come up with are almost certainly wrong, but I'd love to read your theories in the comments anyway.

Agent Li and Junior Juniper lost their lives on the mission. How many more casualties will there be before the season ends? I wouldn't be surprised if the finale turns into a blood bath the way things have been going so far. 

There are only three episodes left but still plenty of time to watch Marvel's Agent Carter online and catch up on any you've missed!

The Iron Ceiling Review

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Stacy Glanzman was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in March, 2019.

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Marvel's Agent Carter Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Jarvis: And what does the SSR have in you?
Peggy: I am a federal agent, Mr. Jarvis.
Jarvis: Yes, finely trained and skilled in the art of fetching coffee. These men you call your colleagues, they don't respect you. They don't even see you. Do you honestly expect they'll change their minds?
Peggy: I expect I will make them.

Thompson: All the more reason not to saddle me and my guys with a babysitter.
Peggy: Would you prefer to have a nanny wipe your noses?
Thompson: I might.

  • Permalink: I might.
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