Switched at Birth Season 4 Episode 7 Review: Fog and Storm and Rain

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On Switched at Birth Season 4 Episode 7, we got the displeasure of having to see Nacho again and also Daphne almost screwing things up for her family.

With a storm hitting Kansas City it forces everyone to stay in and we all know when people are forced to stay in one place – secrets have a way of coming out. From a couple breaking up in the rain to a heartbreaking illness being revealed – we had a little bit of everything tonight.

Let's not waste anymore time and talk about tonight's episode.

Daphne's reaction to Regina investing $50,000 into Eric's coffee shop is essentially the same reaction I had. I definitely agree with Daphne about it being a lot of money and Regina isn't really financially stable, so I'm a little surprised she would invest such a large sum of money into a business without consulting it with someone first.

How awkward was the meeting between Daphne and Eric? If I was Regina I would have been a little embarrassed about being caught making out with my new boyfriend but, at the same time, the man is gorgeous so we can't blame the woman for getting a little action. Granted, the most awkward moment goes to Nacho showing up at the coffee shop to install WiFi. 

I wanted to smack the smug look off of Nacho's face. Even though I blame Daphne for many of the events that transpired last season, Nacho was also a huge influence on her changing behavior and he manipulated her. When Daphne went to talk to him and she told him about Bay taking the fall for her I wanted to scream. I can't believe Daphne would still be so stupid as to trust Nacho with information which could get them all in trouble. Than to be surprised he was blackmailing them – Daphne you really need to work on your character assessments. 

Emmett not wanting to talk about what happened to Bay didn't come as surprise. He is completely frustrated and has a lot of anger he was bottling up, but he need to let Bay talk to him and let him know exactly what happened. There are a million different versions of what Bay went through and it would be best for him to hear it straight from her because it's a complicated story. 

John may have made me angry with his nonchalant attitude in Switched at Birth Season 4 Episode 1, but he has been on fire with dolling out advice. I understand Bay doesn't want to bother going through the whole ordeal of telling Emmett about what happened to her, but John is exactly right – she needs to tell him everything because he deserves to know and he deserves to make up his own mind.

John: I know you've been through a lot and I can imagine that telling your boyfriend and going through all of this can't be easy.
Bay: I just don't know what the point is. I'm dealing with it. I'm ok, but what should I burden him?
John: Because he loves you.

Bay needed to force Emmett to listen to her before he made the huge mistake of leaving his school; though I wish he wouldn't have been so angry with Bay. You have to give credit to Bay for trying to tell people there is no bad guy in this situation and while she agrees Tank should have walked away, she also shouldn't have gotten so drunk. Not shocking Emmett would walk away and leave Bay standing in the rain – you have to wonder how many times they will break up Emmett and Bay.

The most shocking moment came when Kathryn's mom, Bonnie, announced she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. I know a lot of people were banking on the big story being Lucille and Bonnie being a couple, but than the writers through us the curve ball. It was heartbreaking watching Kathryn come to the realization her mom was going to slowly lose her memories and the anger was warranted. Kathryn and Bonnie haven't had the best of relationships and this has to be a huge blow for Kathryn to know her mom is going to forget so many things. Thankfully, she does have Lucille in her life.

Tonight was tied up rather nicely with Kathryn accepting her mother's decision to move to France and experience life before her mind takes over. We also found out Eric used to be a gang member and I can only guess he was a high ranking one just by the way his son was talking about not wanting to move again.

What did you think of "Fog and Storm and Rain"? How many times do you think they will break up Emmett and Bay?

You still have time to play catch up. Go watch Switched at Birth online now via TV Fanatic. 

Fog and Storm and Rain Review

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Samantha McAllister was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in November 2018.

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