Daredevil Review: The Russians Went Boom

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Matt saved Vladimir's life, and was rewarded with Owlsley's name. Elsewhere, our other heroes continued to gather information on Wilson Fisk.

However, it was Fisk that came out ahead in Daredevil Season 1 Episode 5 and Daredevil Season 1 Episode 6 as his plans to take control of Hell's Kitchen began to take shape. He's got the police, judges and others in his pocket.

The Russians have been eliminated, so it's only a matter of time before Gao, Nobu and Leland go as well.

Daredevil In Action

"World On Fire" picked up right after Claire's kidnapping. I thought it was great the way Matt described how he "sees" as an "impressionistic painting."  Using all his remaining senses combined to create a sort of "world on fire" image. It was nice that the showrunners gave us a glimpse of what that looks like as well.

Though Matt asked her to stay because the baddies were on to her, I got the sense their relationship wasn't meant to be. She's Luke Cage's girl, so it seems she and Matt are just meant to be friends. I wonder if we'll see Rosario Dawson in the other Marvel/Netflix series? It's all connected after all.

Either way, she tipped him off about the Russians and off he went.

Claire: Lawyer by day, vigilante by night. The hell does that work?
Matt: Yeah, I'll let you know when I figure it out.

Speaking of the Russians, Fisk and Wesley framed the man in the mask for Anatoly's demise. Can you believe they brought the headless body into Vladimir's office? Of course, it was clear Fisk was simply maneuvering himself into a stronger position of power. Though his business partners weren't happy, Fisk promised the four shares would be divided equally among them. Leland had the best line, "What, I'm going against the three of you? I like my head where's it's at."

The scene inside the cab, with the camera rotating 380 degrees around the action was brilliant. Like the crazy hallway fight scene, this was another impressive shot. The show is definitely trying new things and wowing us in the process.

Elena Cardenas was introduced, and our heroes took on her case. Both Deborah Ann Woll and Charlie Cox did a great job with their Spanish lines. I like the fact the series doesn't shy away from other languages and immediately revert to English. This gives Daredevil a much more realistic edge, New York's a melting pot.

Foggy and Karen partnered up, while Matt went down to the police station for more information. When those dirty cops whacked the Russian, we got a real sense of Fisk's reach.  

Blake: Well, what else you know about this guy?
Russian: Not much. No one even supposed to say his name. But I will tell you everything I know... for deal.
Blake: "For Deal." Whose turn is it?
Hoffman: Yours.
Blake: I thought I took it for that thing in the bodega?
Hoffman: Oh, shit, yeah. All right, wait, wait. Okay, go on. Watch out! Jeez, he's going for my gun. He's got my gun.
Blake: You really shouldn't have said his name.

Meeting Foggy's ex, Marci, was a blast. I loved the way he put her in her place. "You would've killed it here, Foggy Bear. You never should have left" was Marci's reply. She's an interesting character, here's hoping we see her again soon.

Fisk had another date, and surprisingly he and Vanessa reached an understanding. He opened up to her completely, and even before I realized she is his wife in the comic, I knew this relationship was important to him. Sadly, Claire backed down and my suspicion proved true.  

In the end, Fisk set off a series of bombs taking out the Russians (and Mrs. Cardenas apartment). Fisk and Vanessa watched the city burn, giving the title "World On Fire" a second meaning.

Matt was caught in the explosion, but managed to track down Valdimir and pound on him a bit. Until more dirty cops showed up, that is, leaving us with the first major cliffhanger of the season. I knew Matt would escape, which is where the next installment kicked off.

"Condemned" was very much a part two installment, and neatly wrapped up the Russian storyline. The brothers are now long gone and Wilson Fisk has taken over distribution. How did Matt escape? Fighting is way out of it, of course, despite the fact he had already been handcuffed.

While this installment didn't really do much as far as moving the story along, it did feature another WTF moment; the flare cauterizing bit. Matt spent most of the episode attempting to convince Vladimir he didn't work for Fisk.

Matt: Don't move. You've been shot.
Vladimir: [Speaking Russian]
Matt: That sounds pretty bad, but I don't speak asshole.
Vladimir: I'm going to kill you for taking my brother's head.
Matt: You got the wrong guy. I don't kill people. Not even scumbags like you who deserve it.
Vladimir: You dropped Semyon off roof. Put him in coma.
Matt: Yeah... but he was still breathing, wasn't he?

Elsewhere, a hurt Foggy and Karen brought Mrs. Cardenas to the hospital. Claire took it from there, and even talked Matt through saving the Russian.

Ben Urich continued to investigate and since Blake got sloppy he was taken out. At first I thought Ben was the target. Hey perhaps they were trying to kill two birds with one stone.

The real highlight of this particular episode was probably Fisk and Daredevil speaking over the radio.

Fisk: Are you there? Can you hear me?
Daredevil: Who is this?
Fisk: I think you know. You've been asking about me. I thought it was time we spoke.
Daredevil: Say your name.
Fisk: You first. That's what I thought. You and I have a lot in common.
Daredevil: We're nothing alike.
Fisk: That's what you'll tell yourself.
Daredevil: You're feeding off this city like a cancer.
Fisk: I want to save this city, like you... only on a scale that matters.

After that conversation, Vladimir came around and the two partnered up. It was awful the dirty cops killed the poor rookie. Talk about wrong place, wrong time. Matt and Vladimir escaped through the tunnels and the Russian finally shared everything he knew about Fisk.

Vladimir warned Matt the only way to stop Fisk was to kill him. That's not a line our hero is ready to cross though. Obviously, Kingpin is a major player in this world so he's not going to be killed off. Will he be locked away? How will Season 1 end?

What Fisk did to me, he'll do to you. And he will do it... to everyone you care about. Will you feel the same way then? Or will you be a man and do what you know you must do.


These installments basically served to completely remove the Russians from the equation. Fisk's power and influence increased, while Matt and his friends gathered more intel on our big bad. I found myself wondering if Fisk would also take out his other partners ultimately becoming Kingpin. Well, he's certainly on his way that's for sure.

What did you think of “World On Fire” and "Condemned"? Do you think the Russians got what they deserved? Or did you feel sorry for the brothers? Will Fisk take down all his partners to become Kingpin? Are Karen, Foggy and Ben doing too much digging around? You're up Daredevil fans, Please hit the comments below and share your thoughts on these installments.

Reviews of Daredevil Season 1 Episode 7 and Daredevil Season 1 Episode 8 are coming tomorrow.

World On Fire Review

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Daredevil Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Claire: Lawyer by day, vigilante by night. The hell does that work?
Matt: Yeah, I'll let you know when I figure it out.

Blake: Well, what else you know about this guy?
Russian: Not much. No one even supposed to say his name. But I will tell you everything I know... for deal.
Blake: "For Deal." Whose turn is it?
Hoffman: Yours.
Blake: I thought I took it for that thing in the bodega?
Hoffman: Oh, shit, yeah. All right, wait, wait. Okay, go on. Watch out! Jeez, he's going for my gun. He's got my gun.
Blake: You really shouldn't have said his name.