Jane the Virgin Season 2 Episode 6 Review: Chapter Twenty-eight

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Like Ferris Bueller once said, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in while, you could miss it."

Jane the Virgin Season 2 Episode 6, covered five months in which Jane worked hard in grad school, took steps in co-parenting with Rafael, and even began to get over Michael.

This episode was definitely a "fasterpiece" that moved the story along without losing character development and skipped over plot lines that would have otherwise been a drag.

Jane got some startling news that Mateo is set to inherit around 40 million dollars from Rafael. Here I am getting excited if I find a five dollar bill in my pocket!

Her fear that Mateo will become spoiled comes from a place of Jane not being comfortable around wealth. She didn't grow up with money. Jane had to work hard and earn everything she has.

Jane's fears about her son's future were put at ease when Rafael said his family is what screwed him up, not the money. While I thought his view of the situation was a little unrealistic, his heart was in the right place. 

Thankfully, he and Jane were able to come to an agreement about their son's inheritance.

While I would be thrilled to see Mateo being a charitable leader, my favorite version of Mateo was Baller Mateo! That little dude had some serious swagger! 

The recurring theme this season has been Jane's struggle to have it all, but with everything on her plate, she's bound to slide in areas she once excelled at. Jane wants to be writer, and seems to be a good one.

However, she isn't the star pupil in her grad school writing class. Jane's determination to succeed in her writing course may not work out like she planned considering she's getting criticized by her professor in a way she's not used to. 

Speaking of which, I can't be the only one who thinks Jane's professor will become another love interest. You don't just bring a man like Adam Rodriguez on for nothing. 

Speaking of romance, Jane spent the five months getting over Michael, and eventually ended up accepting a date from Rafael. Despite being rebuffed by Jane numerous times, Rafael still couldn't let go of the possibility of them being a family.

Rafael: As cranky and stinky and mean as you were...
Jane: I hope this story has a point.
Rafael: I realized that I would still rather be with you at your worst.

I would never want the writers to rush Jane into falling in love with someone else, but the way the time jumps were written made Jane's acceptance of Michael being out of her life easy to adjust to.

The time jump also allowed us to forgo parts of the story that would have slowed the pace down. We had Magda who had been released from prison and back with her daughter. There was Wesley, Jane's classmate acting as her friend, but who's really been gathering information to write a book about the Solanos.

We also had Jane pregnant during all of Season 1. It makes sense the writers wouldn't want to drag us through an entire season of Petra being pregnant too.

These are plot points that I don't have a problem speeding through. That's not to say it's not wonderful to see Petra's pregnancy and how it's changing her. Her growing bond with Jane is something I had been hoping the show would explore.

Petra: I don't feel prepared.
Jane: Yeah, well you never really are. You know, it's a hard balance. It's kind of like you learn on the job, and just when you think you've figured it out, something changes, and then you have to do everything different. You'll be okay.

Petra may have gotten herself pregnant as a way to get back together with Rafael, but it seems she's genuinely concerned about how good of mother she is capable of being. I'd be worried to if I was raised by a woman like Magda. 

Speaking of which, Magda has killed Ivan. I have no clue what this crazy lady is still hiding from Petra that she would use her new hook hand to murder him. 

Elsewhere in the episode, Rogelio worked on a new show, but got into trouble for stealing his ideas from Mad Men. While there were some good one liners, I found this plot line rather boring.

We only got a couple scenes with Michael, but he's alive and well, and apparently working with Nadine to take down Sin Rostro for good. I'm excited to see what Michael has been up to over the last five months he's been gone.

So over to you guys! Is 40 million too much money to promise to a child? Will Jane get back together with Rafael, or get together with her professor? Do you think Petra will be a good mom? What are your predictions for Jane the Virgin Season 2 Episode 7?

Sound off below, and don't forget you can catch up on any missed episodes when you watch Jane the Virgin online via TV Fanatic!

Chapter Twenty-eight Review

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Amanda Steinmetz was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She went into retirement in June of 2027. Follow her on Twitter.

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Jane the Virgin Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

So I'm failing at being a writer and a mom.


Rafael: Twins?
Narrator: For those of you keeping track at home, that's now three children for Rafael, and zero sex.