Rosewood Season 1 Episode 9 Review: Fashionistas and Fasciitiss

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Fashion can, indeed, be deadly! 

Watching Rosewood Season 1 Episode 9 proved the extreme measures people will go through just to seek revenge on another person. The case helped Rosewood reunite with a familiar face and may have also sparked a new love interest for Villa. Things got a bit interesting on "Fashionistas and Fasciitiss."

Rosewood received a mysterious note from a woman inviting him to a fashion show. Oddly, Rosewood asked Villa to come along as his 'date.' He totally went all out from the makeover to the over the top limo. Is this Rosewood's way of trying to impress Villa? Rosie, of all people, should know materialistic things doesn't work on Villa. 

Fashion is Murder - Rosewood

Villa: So I'm not here for pleasure, I'm here for protection?
Rosewood: Why can't it be both?

Anyway, I found it odd that Rosewood was insisting the fashion show was a date. He's never made it known he had an interest in Villa romantically, so this was a new side of Rosewood we were seeing. 

Rosie, I need your help. I think someone is trying to kill me.


As it turns out, Rosewood was invited to the fashion show by top-notch fashion designer, GiGi after she assumed someone was trying to kill her. Coincidentally, GiGi is one of Rosewood's former classmates. When Rosie realized GiGi had a life threatening bacteria on her back, he called up his good friend, Dr. Mike Boyce for assistance. The infectious disease doctor is portrayed by one of Morris Chestnut's longtime working partners, Taye Diggs. It's nice to see the duo work together on the small screen now. 

Now, back to GiGi. It's crazy how someone you once trusted would want you dead. Angela just couldn't handle the pressure of GiGi cutting ties with her, so she decided to take matters into her own hands. But Angela, if you're going to try to kill a person with poison, try not to poison yourself in the process.

GiGi: You and Detective Villa were having a moment there.
Rosewood: We get that a lot.
GiGi: I was talking to Dr. Mike.

Dr. Boyce definitely brings something new to the table. He's friendly competition for Rosewood. So when Boyce began to show some interest in Villa and vice versa, it was once again surprising to see Rosewood get jealous over their flirting. Rosewood may have a little crush on Villa that he may be denying to himself. Or maybe Rosewood isn't used to having to share attention from women with his pal, Boyce.

Hornstock: She's gifted in this department.
Mike: She's gifted in a lot of departments.
Rosewood: He's developing a thing for Villa.
Hornstock: Mikey, you're consulting on a case here, behave accordingly.

Boyce really took it upon himself to make the first move on Villa. The way Villa has treated Rosewood in the past, one would assumed she would've easily turned down Boyce's advances. Villa is trying to get out of her comfort zone, which she really needs to do. The surprising factor was when she took off her wedding ring upon meeting Boyce for their beach date.

Is Villa ready to let go of her husband? Hopefully. She's been grieving his death since returning to Miami. I'm interested in learning what exactly is it about Boyce that made her want to give him a chance. She hasn't even confessed her hidden feelings for Rosewood yet.

Pippy: Please tell me my eyes are not seeing this.
Donna: Didn't I teach you how to knock?

Donna is back on the dating scene and Pippy hates it, which is confusing since Pippy encouraged Donna to divorce her dad so she could find her happiness again. Pippy is finally realizing the divorce is real and her mother has moved on. When reality sets in, it can be a hard pill to swallow. Seeing Donna as a single woman enjoying life is fun. She has a lot of personality, so I'm happy we'll get to explore her new dating life.

I'd really love to hear from you but I accepted that it won't happen.


The situation with the Rosewood parents is causing a rift between Pippy and TMI. Pippy wants TMI to get rid of her apartment, so they can finally start their lives together as a family. Unfortunately, TMI's parents aren't so supportive of her relationship with Pippy.

This causes TMI to decide between her lover or making amends with her parents. TMI has to be around Rosewood and Pippy, watching them interact with their parents, regardless of the pending divorce, and she can't even get a simple phone call from hers. That has to hurt.

I'm glad TMI decided to reach out to her parents after not speaking for two years. If TMI can be the bigger person in the situation, her parents should take heed and return the favor. Two years is a long time not to speak to someone simply because you don't approve of the person they love.

So, what do you think of the budding relationship between Dr. Boyce and Villa? Should Rosewood be jealous? Do you think TMI's parents will reach out to her? Should Pippy be happy for Donna's new dating life? Don't forget you can watch Rosewood online right here at TV Fanatic!

Fashionistas and Fasciitiss Review

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Rosewood Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

Villa: So I'm not here for pleasure, I'm here for protection?
Rosewood: Why can't it be both?

Rosie, I need your help. I think someone is trying to kill me.
