The Mysteries of Laura Season 2 Episode 8 Review: The Mystery of the Ghost in the Machine

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Who else has a sudden craving for frozen hot chocolate?

On The Mysteries of Laura Season 2 Episode 8, Laura and her team were on high alert when an undercover cop was killed after his identity was revealed. It made for an interesting plot, but there were definitely questions to be had.

Let's not waste anymore time and discuss what happened in, "The Mystery of the Ghost in the Machine."

Changing Their Approach - The Mysteries of Laura

Was anyone else confused by how long it took for them to figure out the victim was an undercover cop? Isn't there someone out there who keeps track of what their undercover officers are doing?

At least the episode introduced us to more information on Billy – he was an undercover cop at one time. I've been waiting forever for them to flesh out Billy's character and was thrilled they introduced this tidbit. I'm really hoping they decide to add more layers to all the characters this season.

Another bright spot was Captain Santiani listening to what Jake had to say about the case and going along with his hunch. It seems Captain Santiani is slowly letting her guard down and isn't being so stubborn. 

It was pretty awesome having Captain Santiani take charge and force everyone off their computers. I really hope she earns her teams trust, and respect, because the woman is really trying. While I may not have been a huge fan of Captain Santiani in the beginning, Laura made me love her tonight.

Moving on to Jake and his never ending medical issues, why must they drag this on for so long? I am slowly growing impatient on finding out what exactly is going on with Jake and his brain. Eventually this is all going to come out and bite Jake in the ass.

Of course Jake should have also come clean about what the email really said when he was having his date with Laura. He wants to keep claiming he's an opened book, yet he continues to keep his web of lies going. The reason he lost Laura in the first place was because of all of his lies.

Touching back on the crime of the week, I enjoyed the twist of having the hacker turn out to be an internet troll. It's truly scary how far internet bullies will go to get revenge and the show portrayed the entire thing accurately. 

In the end, the hacker turned out to be a college kid who was upset and tried to use freedom of speech as the right to be cruel. I really loved how Jake ripped into the kid and basically told him he can't justify being cruel and being responsible for murder. The entire case was a harsh reminder of how words can hurt and how easy it is to let go of reality when you can sit behind the anonymity of the internet. 

What did you think of "The Mystery of the Ghost in the Machine"? Were you surprised by who the hacker turned out to be? Do you think Jake will has another medical emergency?

Don't feel bad if you missed out! You can watch The Mysteries of Laura online now via TV Fanatic and catch up on all the episodes you missed. 

The Mystery of the Ghost in the Machine Review

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Rating: 3.6 / 5.0 (5 Votes)

Samantha McAllister was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in November 2018.

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