Younger Season 2 Episode 4 Review: The Jade Crusade

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Hey, what's swinging?!

It turns out you CAN take a dick joke and run with it for about 20 minutes, and you don't even have to be a dude!! 

I felt like a giggling girl in high school while watching Younger Season 2 Episode 4 because things that I just don't talk about every day were getting me every time. I guess I felt very "Diana." And didn't she have some great lines?!

Happy Hour - Younger

I loved everything about "The Jade Crusade." There wasn't a single thing deep about this one, and that was perfectly OK.

There isn't a friendship matter to discuss or a relationship to dissect or even anything meaningful about getting older – unless you count the fact that you can still blush with embarrassment well into your 40s age related discussion.

There were a few questions I had along the way, such as how on earth Jade knew the tall, awkward girl was dating Josh, but I can let that slide for the fun of the story. 

The priceless moments were many. Charles walking into Diana's office moments after she and Liza had just taken a look at his photo was too much. He didn't even know how to broach the topic.

Charles: I don't know what to say. It was very humid and the fabric on those shorts was very thin.
Diana: No need to explain yourself. These things happen. I can assure you we will get it off.

In the midst of all this, though, we have to talk about what a great team Kelsey and Liza are when it comes to business. Even when the chips are down, they don't get flustered. 

Kelsey invites Diana to meetings to make sure she feels includes, and Liza makes sure her boyfriend apologizes for the incredibly odd relationship issue he had with their would-be author. But that business with the fire escape? Who didn't laugh at that?

Josh: She kept climbing up my fire escape.
Liza: that butt stuff?
Josh. No! I mean she was literally climbing up my fire escape! I couldn't get rid of her.

And with all the work that Liza did, pulling in Lauren who asked a bunch of favors from websites far and wide to get the Empiriconda removed from sites (and really, that would be click bait...I want it right here!) in record time, Jade accepted the offer and with it Tweeted her appreciation. 

With a photo of the Empiriconda.

Diana, of course, stuck her foot in her mouth (how could she not) presenting Charles with the Oprah award, but I'm actually glad we didn't have to see Charles accept it. I don't know if I could have watched him, as the character or the actor as the character, try to pull that one together!

Charles, I know I speak for everyone in this room when I say how grateful we are for your generous endowment.


Younger is my happy place. It's practically perfect television. Perfectly cast, perfectly written and perfectly performed. Thanks, TV Land!!!

If you missed any of this season so far, do not hesitate to watch Younger online and brighten up your day!

The Jade Crusade Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Younger Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Charles: I don't know what to say. It was very humid and the fabric on those shorts was very thin.
Diana: No need to explain yourself. These things happen. I can assure you we will get it off.

Jade: I'm sorry, but 'marketing strategies' sounds like something a sad dad would have on his LinkedIn page. Just, like, talk to me. Are you cool?
Diana: Yes. We're cool.