Rosewood Season 1 Episode 13 Review: Ballistics & BFFs

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Did Villa just pull a fast one on us?

Villa definitely proved why she's one of the best detectives on Rosewood Season 1 Episode 13.

I'll be honest, I had my doubts about Villa being able to put her feelings aside to remain professional, but she proved me wrong.

I can't be the only one who thought Villa was being mean to Rosie because of her underlying feelings for him, right?

Hey stranger. It's been a while since the academy.


Hornstock assigned Villa a new partner, Russell Hame. Russ and Villa were in the academy together so it's easy to assume the duo had an impeccable trustworthy chemistry.

This new partnership caused Rosie to feel like he was left out, which is totally understandable. 

One moment Villa was praising Rosie and was ecstatic to for them to be working together. As soon as Russ came back in her life, it seemed like Villa was tossing Rosie to the side. But that wasn't the case. Russ was actually assigned to be Villa's partner so Hornstock could investigate Russ' partner's mysterious murder.

Rosewood: Who's that with Villa?
Hornstock: Don't worry about it.

In order to keep Rosewood out of the way, Hornstock decided to assign Rosewood to perform the autopsy of a drug kingpin dentist. Hornstock also ordered Rosie to stay away for the dentist's drug ring investigation. 

But we all know Rosie isn't just going to sit around and let Villa investigate a crime without his assistance. Rosie didn't care about Villa's new partner, he didn't even trust Russ.

It wasn't surprising to see Rosie get jealous of Villa's new partner and his anticipation to investigate him. I don't blame Rosie for wanting to know more about Russ.

Upon first impression, Russ gave me a creepy vibe. It was something about his sinister smirk and they way he claimed to know how Villa operates that just didn't sit well with me.

Rus is a cop. You're a pathologist. This isn't your thing.


No matter how hard Rosie tried to warn Villa about Russ, she just wouldn't listen. She continued to push Rosie away, for good reasoning though.

Villa had a plan of her own, it was to make Rosie believe she didn't want him around and for Russ to think she trusted him. Her plan had to work smoothly if she wanted to solve the murder of Russ' partner without interruptions.

Get him to confess to killing his partner and then you and Villa can kiss and make up when this is over.


With Hornstock's permission, Rosie was able to figure out what happened to Russ' former partner. Russ shot him and attempted to make it look like an ambush. Hornstock was determined to solve the case and Rosie just wanted Russ out of his way. 

While investigating the murder of the drug dealing dentist, I was shocked at how bold Russ was for cutting a deal with Nova. Russ was determined to get Villa out of his way. Villa was supposed to be someone he cared about yet Russ was only concerned with being a successful crooked cop.

Villa: You're investigating my partner?
Rosewood: Villa, you shouldn't trust him.

Little did Russ know, Villa is smarter than he thinks. Villa shockingly knew the entire time that Russ was crooked and was just waiting for the right time to blow his cover. It was hilarious to see that Nova was actually an undercover cop. The look on Russ' face when he was confronted was priceless.

I'm glad that Villa was just toying with Rosie and wanted to keep him out of harm's way. Villa just wanted to keep Rosie away from Russ. She knows how persistent Rosie is and that he wouldn't settle for someone else being her partner. Villa had to make Rosie feel unwanted in order to distance herself during the investigation.

This just proves that Villa is a smart detective that's capable of solving things on her own. That however, doesn't mean she doesn't need a partner. We all know Rosie and Villa are meant to solve crimes together. Let's hope they become official working partners soon.

What did you think of the episode? Did Rosie have a right to be jealous of Russ? Were you surprised Villa knew Russ was a crooked cop the entire time? Don't forget you can watch Rosewood online right here at TV Fanatic!

Ballistics & BFFs Review

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Rosewood Season 1 Episode 13 Quotes

Hey stranger. It's been a while since the academy.


Do we think Willy's business was a cover?
