Shadowhunters Season 1 Episode 8 Review: Bad Blood

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Poor Simon.

On Shadowhunters Season 1 Episode 8, Simon's life is in Clary's hands. Kind of ironic considering it's basically her fault he's in this predicament to begin with.

Neither choice is particularly appealing, but she has to choose. Lucky for her she has Jace to lean on to help ease her guilt.

Who would have ever thought that Simon would die so early in the season? There was no doubt he was walking down a precarious road since his kidnapping by the vampires, but still.

Raphael had tried to warn him to stay away from the Hotel Dumort, but Simon was completely freaked out at how he was changing, and he needed answers, or at the very least some sort of assurance that he wasn't losing his mind.

But Clary had Jace on her mind, and Simon took a backseat, and now look what happened. 

Clary should feel guilty.

It was difficult not to feel sorry for Clary, though. Her shock and grief over what happened to Simon was real. I was even surprised that Jace actually said nice things about the nerdy "mundane."  But, in the end, everything that happened was still Clary's fault.

I was never a fan of Camille. She seemed very shallow, and I didn't particularly care for the actress portraying her, so I wasn't particularly sad at her demise during the vamp attack.

Raphael is definitely more appealing. There is a genuineness about him; he has depth, and he's sexy. I thought it was corny, but kind of cute, when he called himself a "good Catholic." Nothing like a vampire with a conscience.

I'm curious to know why he's so willing to help the shadowhunters, though, as this wasn't the first time he did so in the series so far. 

It wasn't surprising that Clary was going to choose to have Simon become a vampire rather than let him die via a stake in the heart. Did she make this decision because it was the right thing to do or because she was being selfish?

Clary's tormented expressions and the music that was playing as she shoveled dirt onto Simon in his grave was heartbreaking. But, her emotional turmoil throughout was inconsistent. Plus, some of the "tension" trying to be created while she was making her decision was a bit much. We get it. No need to shove it down our throats. 

What was the whole point of her going to Simon's house? To argue with Jace and provide a place for him to talk about a falcon he once loved? It wasn't clear what exactly she said to Simon's mom, but I thought it was ridiculous that she was whispering to the invisible Jace two feet from Simon's mom.

She also seemed more defiant than grief-stricken when she went to talk with Luke about what happened. Was that really the appropriate time to give us the backstory on Luke's original werewolf transformation?

And why was she allowing Jace to hold her back from Simon once he calmed down after drinking the blood? She should have run to him, hugged him, apologized to him. Instead, she stayed in Jace's arms. I hope Simon bites her in the neck at some point.

Back to that falcon story of Jace's. If the lesson to be learned was not to listen to his heart, then why is he so emotionally invested in Clary? And why the almost tears regarding the bird? Please, dear Shadowhunters writers, be consistent. You can't have it both ways.

I'm looking forward to how Simon's vampire story plays out. He and Raphael will make a good team, I think. But the big question is: will he and Clary be friends or foes?

Elsewhere in the shadow world, a couple of bombshells were dropped.

It never crossed my mind that Robert and Maryse Lightwood were Circle members, but when Lydia let that cat out of the bag, I was as shocked as Alec.  It was also a shock when the renowned pathologist turned out to be Izzy. Go Izzy!

And what a WOW moment when Alec proposed to Lydia. It makes sense, but Magnus certainly isn't going to be thrilled when he finds out about it. Alec is changing, becoming more bold, less cranky, and I like it.

Valentine is still a piss poor big bad. His zombie-like forsaken monsters were pathetic, and how many times are we going to see him standing by his green blob-encased former wife? There is nothing even remotely menacing about this guy. 

Seriously, Shadowhunters needs to work on this aspect of the story and fast. 

Other Thoughts:

  • Magnus was kinda lame this time around. He needed more oomph. I want to see a Magnus in command!
  • Alec saying, "Magnus is magical" was adorable.
  • The fight between Hodge and the forsaken monster was...there are no words to describe.
  • What is the purpose of Hodge anyway, by the way? The only time we see him is in that training room. 
  • I said it before, but is Robert Lightwood Valentine's twin?

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Remember, you can catch up on all your favorite Shadowhunters moments when you watch Shadowhunters online, right here at TV Fanatic!

Bad Blood Review

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