Chicago Med Season 1 Episode 14 Review: Hearts

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Dr. Charles is a busy, busy man.

Was there anybody more in demand on Chicago Med Season 1 Episode 14? Lucky for him that Sarah was able to diagnose herself. I don't think he had any extra time in his schedule to help her out. 

It's a good thing that he's been rubbing off on the ED docs. Connor might need a session, but even he dealt with his ish in a fairly healthy manner. And Ethan was able to apply his therapy skills to a patient! Score one for Dr. Charles. 

Drastic Measures - Chicago Med

The intersection of Choi's ongoing battle with PTSD and his patient was one of the better attempts of having a patient's case correlate with a doctor's life. Although it did make me wonder if there's an intake question about military service that default gets you assigned to Choi.

The scene at his apartment (and the one later by the car) was a nice addition of non-sex relationship storytelling. Vicki's turning out to be a great character. It's almost too bad her position at the VA precludes her joining the team at Med. 

On the bright side, unless something completely crazy happens (always a possibility in TV land), it seems like her relationship with Choi is solid and that we'll be seeing her around for a awhile. It's nice to see a couple that supports each other and is pretty to look at.

Well, I didn't leave a toothbrush and eyeliner in your medicine cabinet so I could sleep in your bed without you.

Vicki [to Choi]

Kudos to the casting department on finding such a creepy creepy child to play Griffin. He may have been too good. It was pretty obvious something was off about him from the get go – what ten year old has a politician's haircut and complacently wears a shawl collar cardigan? 

So the mystery didn't really feel like much of a mystery, but at least Dr. Charles came to the right conclusion pretty quickly. I would have liked to go a bit more in depth on prepubescent psychopathy, but Med is proving that's not really their thing. At least they dole out enough info to set me on the right Google search.

Having Nat question her "radar" was an interesting (and realistic) move, and it wasn't overplayed. She really should have gone after the father and not the mother at the end, though. Or at least pointed out that they could seek treatment for Griffin without sending him away.

Griffin: I want to be a doctor.
Charles: Really? Why's that?
Griffin: The knives.

Oh, Sarah. Poor girl. Doesn't your medical school have some kind of advisor that should have helped you avoid this problem in the first place? I mean, we all saw this coming.  At least her vertigo was psychological and not because she was pregnant with Joey's baby or something.

I'm feeling fairly confident that it will all work out for her, but it may not happen right away. Probably faster than switching would take in real life, though. Who wants to watch her languish in the basement for a whole year? 

The only upside to that would be to produce tension with Joey, who I still find a little creepy, even if he is the best gift giver since Leslie Knope. Working with your boyfriend, especially when you outrank him, can be so awkward.

Sarah: Look -- Joey gave me the bubonic plague!
Will: Wow. He must really like you.

At least things are looking up for April. Since her brother apparently isn't going to stick around – Jeff Hephner from Chicago Fire has been cast as a med student for Chicago Med Season 2 but no word on Roland Buck III returning – to make her interesting at work, she needs a good romance.

I'm intrigued by Maggie's nay-saying about Jenkin's interest in April. So far, other than an idiotic but understandable parenting mishap, he seem's like a decent guy. 

So is there something in Maggie's past that's making her doubt his suitability for our Brazilian nurse? Who did she date that left her so disappointed? I'd love to get some more back story on our favorite charge nurse!

Don't get me wrong, I love athletes. But in my experience, they're little kids in men's bodies.


Chicago Med Season 1 Episode 15 (airing April 26th) will have Jay stopping by the ED when Will treats a former classmate. Hopefully we'll get a little more insight into Will as well. Will and Jay have both dropped clues about their upbringing, but a new character will give us so much more than a few lines of exposition.

It looks like Nat will have her hands full between trying to convince a woman to have her baby and convincing a girl that a medication won't turn her into an addict like her father. I'm bewildered about the first story – short of refusing treatment for complications, labor's not really something you get a choice about.

If you missed any of "Heart" and need to catch up, you can watch Chicago Med online. We'd love to hear your thoughts on this episode, so join the conversation in the comments section!

Hearts Review

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Elizabeth Harlow was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She left the organization in October 2018.

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Chicago Med Season 1 Episode 14 Quotes

Coleman: Just because I'm a vet does not mean that I am a mental case.
Charles: You did walk in here and stab yourself in the head.

Well, I didn't leave a toothbrush and eyeliner in your medicine cabinet so I could sleep in your bed without you.

Vicki [to Choi]