UnREAL Season 2 Episode 5 Review: Infiltration

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Jeremy went too far. 

On UnREAL Season 2 Episode 5 Jeremy finally cracked and lashed out at Rachel. 

It was always a matter of time before something like that happened, but his time on the show really needs to be over, so I hope this sticks. I've struggled to agree with Rachel on just about any of her decisions on UnREAL Season 2, but she didn't go out her way to make Jeremy's life hell. 

An Overnight Date - UnREAL

Sure, she done a whole lot of questionable things on UnREAL Season 1, but she didn't constantly try and make his life hell. Jeremy has been doing everything and anything to piss Rachel off, so he really needs to go now. 

There's no going back from this. Coleman is going to ensure that Rachel gets revenge, but Rachel will probably want to draw a line under the whole ordeal. Say what you want about Rachel, but she proved this week that there's a line that she shouldn't cross. 

Quinn went too far with the cameras on Darius and Ruby's date. She was breaching a contract, but she didn't seem to care. Quinn's power hungry at this stage and she won't rest until the whole world knows who she is. 

The introduction of Ioan Gruffudd's John Booth was great. He seems like a much less annoying version of Chet. Quinn's introduction to John was fantastic. She did it to annoy Rachel and she succeeded. 

John was a super fan and he knew that Quinn was the brains behind the success of Everlasting, so it was pretty obvious he would want to spend more time with Quinn. They make a great couple and all, but Quinn just isn't as great as she was last year. 

She still has her witty one liners, but that's about all that's there right now. Her wickedness has cast a dark cloud over her character and I'm unsure whether there's the possibility of redemption for her. 

I'd like Quinn to come back from this, but she's just shown how unethical she is to the new network boss. What if their relationship hits a snag? He'll have dirt on her. 

We don't make it up. We make it happen.


Quinn's obviously continuing to struggle with the death of her father, but she's putting up this huge wall and not letting anyone in. We need to get some insight into why she hated him so much. 

Elsewhere, something isn't quite adding up with Yael. She seems to be all over anyone that could get her farther in the game and that's not a good look. 

Dominique went a little too far in her pursuit of Darius, so she deserved to go. She just want less women on set to make the chances of winning the show that little bit greater. 

I can't be the only one furious at the end of Darius and Ruby. All of their scenes tonight were so emotional, but if Ruby stayed in the equation, it would have been freaking obvious that she would be the winner.

Darius had reasons for ending her game. Her father showing up just further proved that Ruby is missing out on a lot by being on the show. There's every possibility that the two of them could rekindle their romance down the line. 

"Infiltration" was an improvement over last week's dull episode, but it was far from perfect. The show needs to course correct itself pretty quickly to maintain my interest. 

Remember you can watch UnREAL online to get up to speed with the latest drama. 

What did you think of the episode? Is Quinn trying too hard? Hit the comments!

Note UnREAL Season 2 Episode 6 airs Monday July 11 at 10/9C on Lifetime

Infiltration Review

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Rating: 4.9 / 5.0 (22 Votes)

Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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UnREAL Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Quinn: Where are the impact tickets?
Madison: I don't know.
Quinn: Well go get them.

What the hell is she wearing? She looks like a magician.
