Zoo Season 2 Episode 10 Review: The Yellow Brick Road

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How sedate!

Jackson took off, and instead of throwing things into utter turmoil, Zoo Season 2 Episode 10 dialed down the crazy to about a five. That's downright normal.

And almost all of the secrets are out right now. How rare. How...boring.

Finding Jackson - Zoo

Mitch and Abe had ample time to bond while out scouting for Jackson. They even had a run-in with another herd of animals in a dark alley.

I gotta cry foul at that one, though. If a whole bunch of deer come charging at the truck, running up and over to the point they leave huge hoof prints in the hood, why wasn't the windshield cracked?

Jackson's plan escaped me, but it was amusing that the animals were scared to death of him. 

Mitch: Do you want to take downstairs?
Abe: Do you think it's wise to split up?
Mitch: Not at all. But if Jackson is here, I don't want to be close by when he sees you.

The thing is, even when Jackson wrote the very sweet note to Abe suggesting Abe would know Jackson's plan, I still didn't know Jackson's plan.

Then when Abe and Mitch got back on the plane, Tweety Bird's owner was on it awaiting Mitch as the next possible incubator. 

Did I miss the part where Jackson delivered her to the plane? I felt like I missed a lot of the episode.

Did Robert kill the people in the hospital or did Jackson?

Since Robert was missing from the safe house, General Davies automatically assumed Jackson had him, but Jackson was alone. Robert didn't catch up to him until the last minute, when the worst military sniper assured he would lose his job.

So, yes. I was very confused for a good portion of Jackson's story.

The Russian guy who was inquiring about Mitch's cure sure made our American military look like a joke, didn't he? Not only did he have the best gadgets and powers (whatever that tent was, I want it), he had common sense where Davies has none.

Of course, it's not cool to make anyone but Americans the bad guys these days, so I can dig it. 

What I still find unbelievable is that the general public is going along with the Noah Objective no questions asked. Have there really been that many animal attacks? Have people's pets turned on them? 

Abe: Who keeps a pet in the middle of an animal apocalypse?
Mitch: A 70-year-old broad with no life.

Maybe I'm the only one who remembers that Mitch's own daughter, Clementine, kept her pet. Mitch calling her a 70-year-old broad wasn't the nicest thing to do.

Oh how he forgets! 

It's just ludicrous to imagine a world without animals. I love my pets so much. And, frankly, I love meat. I'd put up with attacks a lot longer while they looked for a cure to keep both of those things from disappearing from this earth for the foreseeable future.

Another scene I wasn't sure about was the one in which Allison handed to Dariela her file, and they talked about pregnancy. How did Allison get that file and why did she have it? 

I guess Dariela must have agreed to have herself analyzed so they could find out why she was being targeted by the animals, but she already knew that from her checkup. 

In any event, it lead to another odd scene. The way the camera followed Allison as she made the long walk to talk to Jamie about Mitch made me uncomfortable about what she said. Instead of feeling off as a result of Allison's confession of love for Mitch, it was that long walk and the camera following her every move.

While I don't doubt she probably thinks she has feelings for him again, Allison didn't seem sincere when she was talking about everything for a reason. It was weird.

Honestly, I'm struggling for something exciting. This was the calm before the storm, I think. We have only three more hours left, and two weeks to play together before it's all over for the season. How WILL we cope until Zoo Season 3?

Let's bring on some more crazy. Dial it back up to a nine or ten. Are you ready? 

Tell me what you thought of "The Yellow Brick Road" and watch Zoo online if you've fallen behind!

The Yellow Brick Road Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Zoo Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Mitch: Reason. You know what his reason would have been?
Abe: What?
Mitch: That he's no longer capable of reasoning.

Mitch: WHAT is more important than Jackson?
Allison: Mass genocide.