Notorious Season 1 Episode 3 Review: Friends and Other Strangers

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Sexting scandals? Sexual assault? Beheading? Notorious Season 1 Episode 3 went full throttle and already threw into question Julia's character, as well as Oscar's best friend and business partner's. 

What do you do when your news anchor, for the first time in eight years, asks you not to run a story and is very adamant about it?

I just did my job! - Notorious

If you're Julia George, you throw it in unexpected, consequences be damned. The unfortunate side of her character. She's a badass, a tough boss, and someone to aspire to be, but her character is... questionable.

Why the booze, why the drugs, why the endless parade of men? If you weren't so busy looking down on me, you'd understand. Life is short, and I don't believe in luck anymore.


Louise is the hardcore party girl, but for good reason. Replaying the man you love being beheaded, or rather imagining the many ways it could've happen, has to be traumatizing. It's amazing how well she holds it together otherwise.

This really has to make us question Julia as a person, rather than a producer. Is every story worth coming first, even in a case like this? Is it excusable because Julia didn't know about this?

Or does the fact that Julia didn't know, despite being friends and coworkers with Louise for eight years on the show, make her actions unacceptable?

You self-centered little bitch! Don't you ever do that to me again!


She holds herself on this pedestal that makes her think she's one of the most important people in every room she walks in, and while it's badass in the cases of her standing up to her boss, she has to learn a balance and become an actual person again.

Where is the Julia that is dealing with her ex-boyfriend cheating on her by sleeping with escorts on his trips out of town? Why was this story dropped so suddenly after the pilot episode and he's not mentioned?

Personally, I love Julia, but that girl has to learn a few common courtesies. Perhaps this shocking revelation from Louise will help to begin Julia's descent back to the land of the living, where people with actual feelings live.

Trinity's always been one of the good guys. Is he really this cocky, son of a bitch who thinks he can get away with sexual assault?


Despite this, the way Julia acted when confronted with this important story, especially after the backlash she received from her own boss almost resulting in her firing, is the epitome of her character.

She stood up for what was right, she found the story and went with it despite the consequences, and she helped destroy a rapist's life. This is why she does her job; the story always has to come first in cases like these.

Meanwhile, the Sarah Keaton murderer hunt is already beginning to take its toll. It's both interesting and boring at the same time. How is that possible?

Alan, Sarah's brother suspects Oscar, but everyone else believes Oscar is innocent. Except maybe Levi, but he probably had something to do with the murder, seeing as he catfished his best friend and entered an online relationship using an actress's photos and was sexting him.

Who sexts their best friend? That's messed up, bro.

Hopefully Sarah's murder is wrapped up by season's end, and assuming and hoping the series gets a second, it would be best not to drag on this murder mystery and instead focus on the intense, important stories, like this one with Trinity.

Make a difference in the world, use your power for good, blah blah blah...

You can watch Notorious online right here at TV Fanatic, and be sure to spread the word about this amazing series!

Friends and Other Strangers Review

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Rating: 2.9 / 5.0 (29 Votes)

Jay Ruymann was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. He retired in January 2018.

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Notorious Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Trinity raped that woman.


Louise: Do you think Oscar Keaton is guilty?
Alan: Yes. I do.