Lucifer Season 2 Episode 6 Review: Monster

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Heartwrenching and scary!

It was Halloween on Lucifer Season 2 Episode 6, and both Lucifer and Maze took off their masks to show their true form, but the results were anything but the same.

The Heart Explodes - Lucifer Season 2 Episode 6

Will Dr. Linda ever recover from seeing Lucifer's true form? Lucifer felt pretty awful after revealing himself to her. The look on his face as he walked out of her office was absolutely heartbreaking.

He didn't really want to reveal himself to her, but that was really the only way she was going to believe. She wanted him to talk to her, be open and honest with her and when he was, she basically turned to mush.

Watching her sitting there beyond shocked didn't do much for Lucifer's psyche. He had already been feeling pretty crummy about himself, and what was happening with Dr. Linda just made it all worse.

Lucifer has finally convinced himself he is nothing but evil.

We all know that's far from the truth. He's feeling this way because of the circumstances. While killing his brother is a horrible thing, he did do it to protect both Chloe and his mum. Had he not done it, both of them may have been dead themselves.

Still, how can he not feel something for killing Uriel. Of course he's going to feel something. But, Lucifer being Lucifer, he doesn't want to deal with what he's feeling. Instead, he's burying his pain in drink and sex and bad behavior.

Talking to someone was the right thing to do.

I liked that Dr. Martin came to the Lux when Lucifer blew off his appointment. She knows him well enough to know something was wrong, and she handled it pretty well when he was mean to her.

He felt bad even then. He didn't really want to say what he did, but as Charlotte said, he's acting out. And, sometimes when people act out, they hurt the ones they love.

Lucifer has never been one to face his emotions. Instead of looking in, he acts out.


Lucifer wants to believe he's a monster, but everyone around him doesn't believe it. Dr. Linda didn't believe it. And, even though she saw his true form, will she really think he's a monster? She's in shock now.

Everything he's been telling her since the beginning is true. Of course she's going to be in shock. But, when she does recover, I don't believe "monster" is going to be the first thing that comes out of her mouth.

Chloe certainly doesn't believe he's a monster. She believes in Lucifer. She believes Lucifer is a good person despite all of his inappropriate behavior this hour. She doesn't see his behavior as something bad, she just sees it for what it is: inappropriate. 

I think he was looking forward to being benched from the case. He was looking for some sort of punishment. He wanted to be punished for something. Even standing there in the crosshairs of the shooter, he felt being shot was a good form of punishment for what he did to his brother.

But, the shooter had no intention of punishing someone who didn't deserve it. In that respect he and Lucifer were the same.

Does Lucifer want God to punish him?

I'm done trying to please someone that isn't even here.


Amenadiel seems to think that God has abandoned them all. He wants to blame God for everything that happened, yet is that really the answer? For some reason, I get the feeling that Charlotte isn't as innocent as she is coming across.

I think I said it before, but it's just too easy. I'm having a hard time buying that she escaped Hell just to be with her sons. She's definitely taking every opportunity to bash God when she can. She has an agenda, and she's taking Lucifer and Amenadiel along with her.

While Lucifer's reveal was shocking, Maze's reveal was a lot of fun. At least in Trixie's eyes.

Honestly, my heart just exploded seeing Maze and Trixie together. I really didn't think Chloe was going to let Maze take Trixie trick-or-treating, because she's such a fuddy duddy at times.

Sure, the sex swing was inappropriate, but it was funny that Maze thought she could count that as a piece of furniture.

Poor Trixie being stuck with a costume she wanted last year. Didn't Chloe go shopping with Trixie to pick out her costume? Still, she looked adorable in her pink princess dress.

But, I absolutely loved that Maze was willing to work with Trixie to let her be what she really wanted to be for Halloween: President of Mars. How adorable is that?!

They did a good job putting that costume together! I loved the martini glasses!

And, Maze was pretty protective of Chloe's offspring. It was hilarious watching her intimidate the pirate dad with the candy. Even better was when she "dressed up" for Trixie. Maze was a little hesitant about showing her true form, but Trixie had no problems seeing the monster behind Maze. Perhaps that's because while Maze may be a "monster" she's not a monster at all.

Much like Lucifer. 

Other Thoughts:

  • Lucifer punching Dan in the face. Poor Chloe having to be in the middle of that mess.
  • Did anyone else think it was amazing how quickly the cops arrived at the food truck shooting? People were barely getting up off the ground and the cops arrive?
  • Where was Ella?
  • Lucifer was back at the piano this hour, but it wasn't a very pleasant experience.

What did you think of "Monster"? Hit the comments and share your thoughts! If you missed anything, you can watch Lucifer online right here via TV Fanatic!

Monster Review

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Lucifer Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

Peggy. Edgar. Your single life is dead.

Priest at wedding

Dr. Martin: If you change your mind, my door is always open.
Lucifer: Well, feel free to shut it.