Blindspot Season 2 Episode 12 Review: Devil Never Even Lived

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Jane and Roman go undercover with a biker gang selling illegal weapons on Blindspot Season 2 Episode 12

What could possibly go wrong?

Roman and the Biker Gang - Blindspot

I don’t know what’s worse, Roman having no memory of his past or him getting it back. 

Just like Jane, his memories come back to him in pieces that can leave him disoriented. 

Did he love Kat? Was he really considering running off with her to start a new life but simply couldn’t bring himself to leave his controlling sister and pseudo-mother?

Or was Dr. Sun right, and Roman suffers from extreme antisocial personality disorder? Is he incapable of love? 

Jane certainly doesn’t want to believe so. She loves her brother and she wants to believe that he loves her, but Sandstorm effectively broke down a little boy who loved his bunny and turned him into a stone cold killer. 

When Roman finds out that Jane is the person who erased his memory, will he kill her too?

Jane and Roman Share a Moment - Blindspot Season 2 Episode 12

As much as I’d love to see a happy ending for this brother and sister duo, I’m afraid that one of them will end up dead at the hands of the other. 

I'm not setting up a deal with that pile of crazy unless I know I've got what I promised her.

Abel Marx

How scary is it that the head of the bad ass biker gang is afraid of Shepherd? That’s how crazy this woman is.

So crazy in fact that Shepherd's been stalking Weller since he was in high school! I have no idea where that’s going but I can’t wait to find out. 

Speaking of Kurt, my heart broke for him. 

Jane Comforts Weller - Blindspot Season 2 Episode 12

He was really looking forward to being a father…

Weller: I built a nursery for my baby who's not going to be there. Sounds a little dumb but my whole apartment feels empty now.
Jane: That doesn't sound dumb.

Not dumb at all, and it’s not that he won’t still be a father, but with his child growing up a thousand miles away, it’s going to be difficult to be a full time dad. 

It’s really not fair. 

Then Nas decided to end their romantic relationship, but I can’t say I blame her. As much as I like both characters, I never thought that Nas and Weller had long term potential. Best to end things and let them both move on. 

Out of everyone, Reade was the one person I wanted to shake some sense into. 

Tasha and Reade - Blindspot Season 2 Episode 12

I understand that Freddy was his friend and that he’s worried about him, but Freddy was also a junkie who committed murder! 

Reade did what he could to help Freddy but sleeping with the man’s ex-girlfriend felt all kinds of wrong.

The poor woman was mourning her failed relationship and feeling guilty over arguing with Freddy before he took off. Reade is keeping huge secrets from this woman. Sex will only make that worse. 

Patterson was furious with herself, Nas, and probably the world in general. Not one of these brilliant federal agents had any clue that Borden was the mole. 

In their defense, Borden’s background as a psychiatrist probably gave him quite the edge. His job was to make everyone feel safe to share their feelings with him, yet allowed him to keep a professional distance from them all. 

The most disturbing Blindspot quote of the night came from Borden…

Borden: Why are you here, Parker?
Parker: To see this country burn.
Borden: Well, I suppose you won't be disappointed.

There was a time when I thought Borden was a sweet guy deep down who had gone down the wrong road after his wife was killed but could be brought back from the dark side. 

Now I’m fairly certain I was wrong. 

With Sandstorm on the hunt for more HMX, it’s anyone’s guess what their next move will be.

Check back next week for our review of Blindspot Season 2 Episode 13.

If you can’t wait for more, you can watch Blindspot online here at TV Fanatic.

Devil Never Even Lived Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Blindspot Season 2 Episode 12 Quotes

I'm not setting up a deal with that pile of crazy unless I know I've got what I promised her.

Abel Marx

I'm sorry, are we actually considering helping a blood thirsty biker gang steal lethal explosives in order to sell them to a terrorist group?
