Bull Season 1 Episode 12 Review: Stockholm Syndrome

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Crisis reveals character, or at least that was the theory of Bull Season 1 Episode 12.  

What would you do with a gun to your head? What would you remember, and would your memories be reliable?

The case threw Danny into a tailspin and had her questioning her place on the team and whether Jason Bull truly believed in her.

Danny Is Called As a Witness - Bull Season 1 Episode 12

At the same time, it had regular people swearing they heard two explosions when there was obviously only one. 

It did appear that Bull was throwing Danny under the bus, so to speak, but in his defense, he was doing exactly what any good defense attorney would have done to Danny on the stand. 

The District Attorney at the time knew that, and that’s why he offered Gordon a deal. Danny’s behavior undercover put the case in jeopardy.

I understood why Danny took drugs while undercover. While trying to immerse yourself in that life, it’s unfortunate but probably necessary, and there are protocols to deal with it. 

But Danny didn’t completely follow protocol. She didn’t check in with her handler and she apparently didn’t report the drug use. My disappointment was that we never found out why.

As the good doctor said in this Bull quote

We're talking about whether a man goes away for murder; I may have a few more questions.


How much further could Bull have pushed her and not pushed her right out the door? 

This episode made it sound as though Danny has a habit of running from her problems, and that’s why Bull wanted her to face this one head on. 

Danny's Past - Bull Season 1 Episode 12

Maybe I should've set off a bomb to get your attention, then maybe you'd trust me.


Speaking of the bomb…

Laurel Guthrie was desperate. She thought her husband was innocent. She thought he was going to be killed in prison. 

But did she really think that she could get Jason Bull to make a phone call and stop her husband from being transferred? 

He’s a jury consultant. He’s not a district attorney or a defense attorney. He doesn’t work for the prison system. He’s not a judge. 

I get that she was angry that Bull wouldn’t take her phone calls, but in his defense, can you imagine how many people are in search of his help. I’m sure it’s overwhelming. 

Best narrative wins the case, but only the truth will set us free.


Proving His Innocence - Bull

The truth was, that even drugged and looking through an inch wide gap in the door, Danny was still a reliable witness. 

And poor Laurel was blinded by love, to the point of being willing to go to prison for setting off a bomb and holding people hostage at gunpoint…

All for her lying, drug dealer husband. 

Laurel had my sympathy for being played and having her trust broken, but she still deserves to pay for her own crime; I’d be curious to know the sentence she receives. 

Unfortunately, the most important question of the night was never answered…

Is a hot dog a sandwich?

Check back next week for our review of Bull Season 1 Episode 13 and if you can’t wait for more, you can watch Bull online here at TV Fanatic.

Stockholm Syndrome Review

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Rating: 4.6 / 5.0 (60 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Bull Season 1 Episode 12 Quotes

You're going to pull a gun in my courtroom, you're going to point it on me and no one else.


One of these high dollar cases pays for a dozen where the client is in need and deserves our help.
