Lucifer Season 2 Episode 11 Review: Stewardess Interruptus

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Did THAT really happen?

It seemed as if Lucifer finally got his moment with Chloe at the end of Lucifer Season 2 Episode 11, but was it really real?

Ms. Badass - Lucifer Season 2 Episode 11

It's going to be a complete bummer if it turns out that Chloe really didn't kiss Lucifer on the beach, but I get the feeling that Lucifer might have been dreaming the whole thing.

Because it was awfully dreamy, wasn't it?

There's no doubt they were about to kiss at the Lux before Jana so rudely interrupted, but at least that one would have felt a lot more natural than the one at the beach.

The kiss at the beach seemed...forced.

I know when you're in love sometimes the other person can do no wrong, but Chloe was a little taken aback by Lucifer sexual escapades from the past eight weeks.

And she's not a dive right in type of girl.

Would she really have just decided to kiss him like she did? I'm having a hard time believing it.

And a kiss on the beach? So cliche!

I loved Chloe's questioning of all of Lucifer's lovers. She really was jealous of it all, and was visibly relieved that all those women only saw their night with Lucifer as "meaningless."

Chloe: A list of everyone you've slept with in the past eight weeks.
Lucfier: Right. You'll need a much bigger notepad.

Still, it was a lot to take in, because Lucifer had A LOT of lovers over the past eight weeks. Not really surprising, but WOW, Lucifer is a slut. Just like Chloe said. 

And how about Sookie? Sheesh. They should have taken her in just for the creepiness factor. Commemorative dolls? Really? This girl needs some help.

You're like porn, stuffed crust pizza and a Hello Kitty blanket all rolled into one.


At least it made Lucifer feel good that someone cared about him, even if it was a stalker girl.

I liked that Lucifer saw his carefree lifestyle as a hindrance to a possible relationship with Chloe. He almost seemed embarrassed by it all, and if he could he'd probably wish it all away.

He's moved from wanting to just have sex with Chloe to wanting something deeper. And now we know that they're actually meant to be together. It's divine will.

How cute was Trixie when she asked Chloe about her "date" with Lucifer. When they finally get together, I can't wait for the interactions between Trixie and Lucifer.  Lucifer will have some major character changes when that happens, just like Maze has since she's moved in with them.

Cuteness Squared - Lucifer Season 2 Episode 11

Maze was absolutely awesome this hour! Maze has added so much to this show. Even though she got offended when Dr. Linda said she was "more human" than some of her human friends, what Dr. Linda said is true.

Sure, Maze will never be free of her demonic side, but her good intentions are all human.

She was so proud of herself for taking care of the guy who killed Chloe's dad, but was disappointed at not receiving praise for her good actions.  After visiting Dr. Linda, she understood she didn't need praise from anyone else to feel good about herself.

The self worth comes from within, bitches.


Maze becomes a better person every episode, and she's definitely a team player. The LAPD needs to put Maze on staff. She was one badass stewardess. 

Does anyone else think she wants to get it on with Dan, or is she just playing games with him?

Even though I like Maze and Amenadiel together, I think a Dan/Maze relationship might be juicier. She certainly would add some spice to Dan's life. 

How hilarious was it when she was in the room with fake Burt? She wouldn't have done her Maze thing if Chloe had told her no, but she got the okay and it was a nice treat to see her badassness on display.

Can I keep him?


What was the deal with the Hat Man at the end? Were those vials some sort of virus? It was all a little strange, and I'm curious as to how it's all going to fit in. 

Whatever it is, it's not going to be good for our gang.

So, what do you guys think? Was the kiss real or a dream? Who's the Hat Man? What's going to happen next? Hit the comments and share your thoughts!

If you missed anything, you can watch Lucifer online anytime right here via TV Fanatic.

Stewardess Interruptus Review

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Lucifer Season 2 Episode 11 Quotes

Oh, no. Jana. Always with the tragic timing.


Chloe: I'm glad she showed up.
Lucifer: You are?
Chloe: Yeah. She just kept me from making a big mistake.