The Good Fight Season 1 Episode 1 Review: Inauguration

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It's finally here.

It finally happened.

On The Good Fight Season 1 Episode 1, Diane Lockhart, in a fabulous multi-colored dress that only she can pull off, dropped her first televised f-bomb.

Starting Over - The Good Fight

To be fair, she had just found out she lost her entire life savings in a multi-billion dollar ponzi scheme and at the hands of close personal friends, no less, so it was justified. The subsequent ones felt pretty justified as well.

The f-bomb was far from where Diane started her journey, though.

When we first see her, she's positively glowing. She's so rich that she's buying a villa in Italy. She looks beautiful, can't stop smiling, and even has an understated gold band on her left ring finger suggesting she's still married to longtime love, Kurt McVeigh.

What could possibly go wrong?

In a word – everything.

Bad things happen to good people.


It turns out she invested millions with Henry Rindell, a wealthy businessman and close personal friend. That money is gone when the scam is discovered. Before she can walk back her decision to retire, the board kicks her to the curb, and she's suddenly out of a job.

With her head held high she begins looking for a new firm but all the partners who had lavished her with love and support at her goodbye dinner, are now closing the door in her face. She has no prospects. Sound familiar?

That's because the same thing happened to Alicia on The Good Wife.

Peter's scandal became public, life as Alicia knew it was over, and she had to start over from scratch.

She, too, had no prospects, just a friend, Will Gardner.

I love the parallels, the mentions of and references to Alicia, and that we've already seen two shots of Will.

Despite everything that happened – Alicia's betrayal of Will and Diane; Will's death; Diane slapping Alicia – they're still a part of Diane's present because they played such vital roles in her past.

I have no doubt I'll talk about Alicia and Will again, but for now, let's get back to our new characters.

David Lee couldn't be happier that Diane is leaving. He basically danced a jig.

Ironically, Diane was saved by the very firm she's opposing in a current case. A black man was beaten by three white police officers, and Diane's firm was representing Cook county.

Maia: Are we on the right side on this one?
Diane: We're on a necessary side. People I thought with all my heart were guilty turned out to be innocent and people I thought were saints, they weren't. That's why you don't go on instinct. You wait, you listen and watch. Eventually everyone reveals himself.

On the other side was a familiar face, the beautiful, badass Lucca Quinn.

Lucca and her man friend - The Good Fight Season 1 Episode 1

Along with Lucca, we have Adrian Boseman, who's too passionate to even sit down during the deposition.

I was prepared to hate Adrian because the previews made him look like he'd be out to get Diane but I already like him.

He's aggressive, but also doesn't take himself too seriously. He's opportunistic, but also seems like a smart attorney. It was his idea to bring Diane to their firm and the strategy behind it was brilliant.

True, Diane can't help them on the current case due to the obvious conflict of interest, but Adrian's firm appears to regularly handle these cases and will repeatedly go up against Cook county. So why not take away their top litigator?

Barbara: Every rumor I hear about Lockhart is that she doesn't know her place.She's not gonna be happy until she's in the inner circle.
Adrian: You're describing yourself, Barbara. You're describing me. We're ambitious people and we need people like that around to grow this company.

Amidst all the firm jumping, Kurt stopped by to see Diane. I'm sure everyone was as sad as I was to hear that Kurt, in fact, cheat on her, and the two are separated.

If you remember, this was hinted at on The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 22, but never definitively stated.

It's obvious they still love each other. Neither wants to divorce the other; although, it seems Kurt is hoping for reconciliation a little more than Diane.

Maybe she's still getting over his infidelity, or maybe she's just too distracted by the financial scam. Either way, it's clear they're not finished.

Diane looks radiant - The Good Fight Season 1 Episode 1

Neither is Diane. She's determined to get back on her feet and she's taking Maia with her.

I thought this was a great premiere. What did you guys think?

Was Henry the mastermind of the ponzi scheme or was he set up?

How will Diane and Lucca handle working together again?

Is Adrian really a good guy, or is he just playing one?

Side notes:

  • Maia and her girlfriend, Amy, may have already broken up. Is that what she meant when she said sorry?
  • Barbara is the other partner in Adrian's firm. She seems to be the one who calls the shots.
  • Howard Lyman hilariously thought Maia delivered flowers the entire episode. Typical Howard.
  • When will we see Marissa? I miss her already!

As always, you can watch The Good Fight online via TV Fanatic.

Inauguration Review

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Rating: 4.4 / 5.0 (29 Votes)

Tiffany Staton is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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The Good Fight Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Maia: Are we on the right side on this one?
Diane: We're on a necessary side. People I thought with all my heart were guilty turned out to be innocent and people I thought were saints, they weren't. That's why you don't go on instinct. You wait, you listen and watch. Eventually everyone reveals himself.

Bad things happen to good people.
