Outsiders Season 2 Episode 7 Review: Home for Supper

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Losing a loved one is never easy. 

That's why Foster was eager to save Li'l Foster on Outsiders Season 2 Episode 7. This was exactly the plot I needed to rule Foster a changed man. 

Minds Will Be Blown - Outsiders Season 2 Episode 7

Throughout Outsiders Season 1, he vied for power wherever he could get it. He went to dangerous lengths to get what he wanted. Don't get me wrong, it made for good TV. 

Watching a character progress naturally is always good on TV. As much as Big Foster was annoying last season, he's more than making up for it this season. 

Wade going up the mountain with Hasil was a daring attempt to extend an olive branch, and it worked. I've longed for there to be some meeting between Wade and the Farrells. 

The one that took place at the close of Outsiders Season 1 does not really count. It's not like there was much said between them. Foster was worried at the prospect of Li'l Foster getting sent down for the crime, but he never really stopped to think about whether he should turn himself in. 

The scenes that focused on the great escape were very well put together. It felt like I was watching a big budget movie. I did think, somehow, the chase was going to wind up at the big town event. 

That would have been catastrophic, so I'm glad it didn't. 

Wade handing over the map is going to come back and bite him, but will it pave the way for him to lose his job? Matt is just trying to find a way to get rid of him at this stage. 

Wade will become even more of a pariah around town if his part in the escape comes to light. His persistence for finding out information about the attack will probably be another red flag for investigators. 

That's if Matt even agrees to allow an investigation into it to go ahead. The budget is getting tighter in Blackburg, and that's making things worse. 

Wade was at breaking point when he noticed the dead cat, and that's partly why he took matters into his own hands. All Wade wants is for the drama to stop. He knew very well that Li'l Foster was innocent and did not like the chain of events that took place after he arrested him.

Wade felt bad for what he did, but he was between a rock and a hard place to find out the truth about what happened to Breece. 

Having an unsolved murder in a small town is not something that would just disappear. It's something that has the potential to tear a community apart. 

With Hasil's fighting days probably over with, will G'Win make an exception and allow Sally Ann back up the mountain? I sure hope so. 

It's awful watching G'Win struggling to make decisions while recovering. There was a very real possibility that she was going to die. How would leadership go if she was to die?

No one would want Foster to return to power. He already fooled everyone last season, so they would not stand for it. 

I'm still waiting for more clarity on what's going on with the ghosts on the mountain. There have been so many teases, but no solid facts. 

It's time we got more insight into the mythology of the show. 

Sadly, I don't think Ledda has much time left. She's trying her best to raise awareness for her cause to everyone, but she's not looking out for herself. 

Throwing herself into this new fling is good to take her mind off of her prognosis, but coughing up blood probably means her time is slowly diminishing. 

Wade is barely holding on by a thread, so it will be difficult to watch him try to keep the family going with her gone. That's going to be tougher if it comes out that he helped Li'l Foster escape. 

"Home for Supper" was a solid episode of this WGN America drama. There's a lot at stake for the characters as we head into the back half of the season. 

Remember you can watch Outsiders online right here on TV Fanatic. Get caught up now!

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Home for Supper Review

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Rating: 4.7 / 5.0 (14 Votes)

Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Outsiders Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

We should kill him. How do we know he is not tricking us?


G'Win: I wish this was all a dream.
Foster: What?
G'Win: The Kinnah.