Prison Break Season 5 Episode 2 Review: Kaniel Outis

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Maybe the Prison Break reboot is not going to be as pointless as I first thought it would be.

Prison Break Season 5 Episode 2 was the show at its best. It had twists, turns, exciting characters and a crazy cliffhanger that left my jaw on the floor as I wondered what could come next. 

Trying to Escape - Prison Break

Let's start by talking about Sara. She got her confirmation about Michael's fate in a big way, but I bet she never thought she'd be within a 100-mile radius of Paul Kellerman in her lifetime. 

Paul was the dude who manipulated her on Prison Break Season 2. Understandably, she felt betrayed by him after learning about his involvement with the company. 

Was it just me, or did he come across as a condescending ass when he was blabbering on about the water bottle? I think I'd like my chances more with a water bottle than any glass he could ever give. 

There's just no telling whether he's fighting on the side of good or evil. The lines have always been blurred when he's around, and that's part of why this episode was so appealing. 

I liked how Sara called BS on his claims that Michael killed the director of the CIA. Sara knew it could all be a ruse, and that's why she noted that it's similar to the way Lincoln was set up all those years ago on Prison Break Season 1.

Any way you look at it, it's difficult for Sara to believe a word that comes out of that man's mouth, so I was Team Sara for the war of words. That said, I'm still not sold on Jacob. 

Sure, he was there for Sara to open up to about the whole Michael situation, but if the new villains wanted him dead, he would have been dead. If they were so eager to kill Lincoln, then why not kill Jacob to piss off Sara?

Michael Has a Plan - Prison Break Season 5 Episode 2

Now, let's talk about that twist about Michael working with the terrorist. There's obviously more to this story that will paint Michael in a more savory light than we got to see in this hour. 

Michael has always been the brains behind the operations on the series, so it was unsurprising that he had intricate relationships with all of the men with whom he was escaping. 

It makes me think he researched all of this before landing behind bars, much like he did when he had the tattoos all over his body with the map of Fox River. 

He's always been analytical, so you kind of know what to expect with him. Michael has always had a knack for sending coded messages, so it was very nostalgic to see him doing so. 

Lincoln Is Ready for a Fight - Prison Break

My favorite scenes have got to be the daring mission Lincoln and C-Note looped Sheba in on. Seriously, my heart must have skipped, like, twenty beats. 

I kept thinking they were all going to be caught and that one of them would not make it out alive. Sheba was very against the mission because she did not want to help someone she thought was a terrorist. 

Lincoln offering up money when she knew the city was falling was kind of cruel, but it was enough incentive to go along for the ride... even if that meant her life was on the line every step of the way. 

The man from her past is definitely going to appear again in some capacity, but I think he's going to want to either make her his or kill her. He was not a fan of her way of life, and that's probably what ruined whatever relationship they had back then. 

"Kaniel Outis" was a thrilling episode of this Fox drama. It improved considerably from Prison Break Season 5 Episode 1, but it's now clearer than ever that Prison Break is back and just as exciting as ever. 

Remember you can watch Prison Break online right here on TV Fanatic. Get caught up right now!

Over to you, Prison Break Fanatics! What did you think of all the developments? Is this a worthy reboot? Hit the comments below!

Note: Prison Break Season 5 Episode 3 airs April 18 on Fox.

Kaniel Outis Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Prison Break Season 5 Episode 2 Quotes

You've lived so many lives I don't even know who you are.


Your ISIL friends are destroying our city and you come in here asking for help?
