The Good Fight Season 1 Episode 8 Review: Reddick v. Boseman

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Turns out Julius is still around and he made his presence known one last time.

Or at least he tried to.

On The Good Fight Season 1 Episode 8, named partner Carl Reddick returns and an immediate power battle ensues between him and Adrian.

Adrian Power Struggle - The Good Fight Season 1 Episode 8

Right away it's obvious that Adrian does not like Carl. Or at the very least, they aren't exactly fond of one another.

His return feels a lot like Jonas Stern's in The Good Wife.

They both founded their firms, build up the clientele but eventually end up spending more time hardly working, rather than working hard.

That's for the other partners, the lesser partners.

Carl immediately criticizes how Adrian and Barbara have been running the firm. He doesn't like Diane's status as partner or the representation of Chumhum, despite the fact that it brought in $86 million.

This was his firm and it used to stand for more than making money.

We once stood for something important. The only thing we stand for now is making money. As far as I'm concerned that means we stand for nothing.

Carl Reddick

Adrian respects the founding partner but Carl was the past; Adrian, Barbara and Diane are the future. Not surprisingly, Carl isn't ready to step aside and he doesn't appreciate anyone telling him to do so.

Is he back for good? I can't tell.

It seemed like he was only here to do a favor for the Pastor but then why was he so determined to become managing partner?

In the midst of the power struggle, we have the case of the week.

An old friend of Carl's, and it turns out Diane's, runs a halfway house and needs help evicting a tenant.

What was supposed to be a simple eviction blows up when the tenant claims he was being raped by their client, a prominent Pastor in the community. 

Attorney: I represent Paul Johnson and he has been f*cked over by your client.
Diane: Is that a legal term?

Marisa steps up yet again (and Jay finally acknowledges it!) when they're trying to figure out what exactly went down in the apartment.

Was it rape as the tenant claims or administration of a drug test, as the Pastor claims?

Marisa notices the tenant is wearing a fit bit because she wears one too. Since the fit bit is provided and monitored by the halfway house they have access to the data. They can see where the tenant went, at what time, what his heart rate was, etc.

With this information, they were able to look at the heart rates of both individuals which indicated it was more likely a drug test than rape.

Of course, that was all circumstantial and speculation until Marisa and Jay discovered the attorney's ties to an Alt Right group. It somehow always comes back to politics, doesn't it?

If you thought the rape allegations would be the hardest thing to listen to in this episode just wait until you get to Collin's birthday party.

Meeting the Parents - The Good Fight

So much cringing. So much cringing.

Lucca and Collin run into his mom at an art gallery. Imagine their surprise considering they were basically there to perform various sex acts in the bathroom. Oblivious to this, his mom quickly invites Lucca to her son's 32nd birthday party.

At the party, his parents attempt to relate to Lucca were transparent and embarrassing. I would feel bad saying that if they seemed sincere at all but they absolutely did not.

At best his mom was ignorant and his dad, indifferent. 

Collin's father [to Lucca]: The Root is a great magazine. I have it on Google alert.
Collin: Please don't judge me by this evening.
Lucca: Too late.

If that wasn't bad enough, another guest chimed in.

Do you know Jay Z?

Party Guest [to Lucca]

Then there was this.

Do you think it's alright that rap lyrics are homophobic because its cultural?


Lucca is a beautiful, intelligent, successful attorney. Can someone please talk to her about something other than her race?

In light of said intelligence, I was surprised she was so quick to accept Clarence's words as fact. She didn't want to hire him to work at her firm but all of a sudden she's taking relationship advice from him?

How does he know if Collin is being groomed for office? Is he super-secret bff's with Collin's parents?

And even if that's what Collin's parent's want, it doesn't mean it's what Collin wants. From everything we've seen, it pretty clear Collin rarely agrees with his parents, if ever.

My family is insane. Why do you think I didn't introduce you to them earlier?


That being said, Lucca definitely has some trust issues. I'm sure they stem from her past and I'm still waiting to hear more about that.

She's just so quick to clam up and walk away.

I don't think this is the last of her and Collin, but it's hard to keep watching her push him away.

How many times can she expect him to come back? Eventually, he's going to get tired of it and move on which is sad because they really do seem good together.

Maia and Amy Worry - The Good Fight Season 1 Episode 8

Meanwhile, Maia continues to doubt her father. He spent most of the episode reaching out to her and then Amy before resorting to drastic measures.

I'm still not sure if Henry would have gone through with it, but playing "I'll fly away" as he prepared the noose and walked up to the second floor of the barn was pretty convincing.

His goodbye letter looked like it was multiple pages long. My guess is it's a lot longer than the part Maia read to her mother.

I hope we get to hear the rest of it. Something tells me it admits his role in the ponzi scheme.

At least Lenore finally broke things off with Jax. Or that's what it looked like anyway. 

What did you guys think of the episode?

If you missed it, don't forget you can always watch The Good Fight online via TV Fanatic.

Reddick v. Boseman Review

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Tiffany Staton is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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The Good Fight Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

We once stood for something important. The only thing we stand for now is making money. As far as I'm concerned that means we stand for nothing.

Carl Reddick

Attorney: How's that? Does that satisfy your Harvard education?
Diane: I didn't go to Harvard.
Marisa: Neither did I.