15 Reasons Why You Should Be Watching iZombie

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If you're into a strong female protagonist who happens to be a zombie, there is a show you definitely should be watching. No, we're not talking about the critically acclaimed Santa Clarita Diet, although you should definitely check that out as well. 

No, we're talking about iZombie, the first female-driven zombie show that seems to fly under the radar. It has all the dark humor and appeal of Veronica Mars and a female star who has the range of Orphan Black's Tatiana Maslany.

If you're into crime procedurals, it has a healthy dose of that, too. Basically, there are many reasons to love iZombie, but in order to love it, you have to actually watch it. 

So, check out our list of reasons why you should be watching iZombie. Then, you can watch iZombie online right here via TV Fanatic! 

1. Liv Moore As The Badass Female Zombie Protagonist We've Always Had But Take For Granted

ICYMI, for THREE seasons there has been an awesome zombie female protagonist right under your noses. Olivia Moore also happens to be one of the greatest female protagonist on television at the moment, period. She's sweet, smart, sassy, and savvy. The best part is, brain eater aside, Liv Moore is also relatable. She's a woman like any other woman, trying to figure out who she is and her place in the world, while balancing love, friends, family, life, and solving murders. She just so happens to be undead, too. She's fun, relatable, and someone you genuinely root for.

She's also played by Rose McIver who just so happens to be one of the most underrated actresses on television. She's the Tatiana Maslany of the supernatural genre, just as talented but not praised nearly as much. Each week she is tasked with channeling a whole new character while also maintaining the essence of her main one, all in an understated, charming way. We don't know how she does it, but she's damn good at it. If you don't watch iZombie for any other reason, you should watch it for her performance alone.

2. (Brain) Food Porn

Another highlight of the show is watching Liv prepare her meals. The cinematography of Liv's food prep will appeal to any Foodie. It's so appealing it has been mistaken for normal food more than once by unsuspecting humans. You can still find the traditional messy brain eater every now and then, but Liv eats brain with class. Each week she finds shockingly appealing and fun ways to consume human brain. Nachos, pizza, spaghetti, sushi...it's all up for grabs. The food prep/consumption sequence has become a favorite staple of the show.

3. Brain Personality Twist

Unlike the usual zombie folklore, iZombie zombies don't have to consume an entire brain to sustain themselves. The best and most interesting part, however, is the zombies take on some personality traits of the brain that they consume. They also have visions from the dead person's life. That means someone like Liv, can use this zombie quirk to help solve murders.

This also means, much to viewers' delight, iZombie zombies take on all kinds of fun personalities. Some of the best so far have been Liv on superhero vigilante brain, frat boy brain, magician brain, jealous girlfriend, grumpy old racist brain, horny romance novelist brain, real housewife of Seattle's brain, and mercenary brain. The highlight of season three so far has been the teen girl and loving dad brain duo. Each week there is something new. It's a weekly treat watching how Liv will behave based on who she consumes.

4. Clive Babineaux

Every insanely funny show needs its "straight-man." For iZombie, Clive Babineaux is it. Don't mistake that for him being anything other than hilarious though because, with his dry humor and facial expressions, he's one of the funniest characters on a show filled with funny people. Detective Babineaux is the perfect partner in crime-fighting for Liv. Not only is he a damn good detective, but he's also a really good friend. He's most relatable when he's exasperated with his friends' shenanigans, which is pretty much all of the time. It's even better now that he's in on more of the zombie action. We dare you not to fall in love with this guy after one viewing.

5. The Ravi and Major Bromance

The friendships on iZombie are pretty special, but the bromance between Ravi and Major required a slot of its own. Liv is responsible for bringing these two together, and we should all be thankful for that. They're roommates, BFFs, and the epitome of #FriendshipGoals. Honestly, they may even be in love with each other. No doubt about it, the Rajor bromance will give you major feels, most of them warm and fuzzy. The friendship between these bros is the best.

6. It's An Emotional Rollercoaster Ride With Fantastic Writing

The concept for iZombie may seem absurd on paper, but the writing for the show is incredible. The show will have you laughing and crying within the same episode. There are a diverse, multi-dimensional characters who are well written and the lion's share of plots that makes it more than just a supernatural show or a procedural show. For every storyline that makes you laugh, there is another that will break your heart, or tug at the heartstrings, or make you so upset you can't see straight. No matter the feelings being invoked, iZombie will keep you invested.

7. Veronica Mars Callbacks

It's by Rob Thomas, the man behind Veronica Mars, the best teen sleuth show in existence. As a result, iZombie has a similar feel. The fun, zingy dialogue, sassy protagonist, and dark humor are just some of the many things the show shares with Veronica Mars. If the similarities aren't blatantly obvious to you, the show even brings in Veronica Mars alum to guest star and makes cracks on its own behalf acknowledging the show.

8. Ravi Chakrabarti

Liv is the star and the soul of iZombie, but Ravi is the heart. The hot, nerdy scientist is the very definition of a "scene-stealer," he'll steal your heart too, without even trying. What can he say? He's a tall doctor with great hair and a British accent. He doesn't even have to be that attractive. It's just the icing. Those are his words, not ours, but they're accurate. He's the smart, dedicated, loyal M.E. who immersed himself in zombie affairs and works tirelessly to help his zombie friends find cures. He's the best friend any guy or gal can ask for.

9. Witty Dialogue

In case you still haven't caught on by now that iZombie is full of humor, here's a reminder that the witty dialogue is top notch. Each episode is chalked full of zingers and sassy one-liners that will leave you snorting or flat out laughing by the second. They go a mile and minute and half the time you might have to rewind or rewatch just to catch them all. Everyone gets in on the action, too.

10. 'Ships and Friendships For Everyone

Whether you're a sucker for a good ship, or you live for great friendships, there are so many to choose from. Rajor, Pavi, Ravioli, Cliv, Blayton there are so many friendships to love and so many relationships to root for. The entire cast has great chemistry with one another. You can put any combination of characters together in a scene and it's bound to be entertaining. Peyton and Liv have a great female friendship. Liv and Clive have an amazing friendship too. Blaine and Peyton have bad boy/good girl chemistry, and Major and Liv are the zombie equivalent of the boy and girl next door.

11. So Many Puns It's Punny...er...Funny

There are so many puns you should want to roll your eyes, but you won't because they're so darn clever. Of course, the main zombie character's name is Liv Moore. Naturally, the most morally gray character works at a funeral home called "Shady Plots." There is an actual company called Fillmore Graves. We haven't even gotten to the title cards that pop up throughout each episode. Puns for days.

12. Multi-Dimensional Characters

There is no painting any of the characters into a corner on this show. Every character whether it's the members of Team Z, or the people the fight against are all multi-layered, fleshed out characters that are interesting to watch and no one is quite what the seem at first look. Major Lilywhite could have easily been a one-note character, but he's more than just a pretty face, the most complex of them all, and essentially the human equivalent of a lovable Labrador with a penchant for trouble. Blaine DeBeers is the not quite villain, but not quite good guy who you hate to love. Every character is endearing. They all are relatable and feel like real people you'd like to spend time with, or maybe they remind you of people you already do spend time with.

13. It's Versatile and Appeals to a Broad Audience

It's a show about zombies, but it's not your standard zombie show. It appeals to both zombie lore lovers and non-zombie fans alike. It's not gory, but it still has cool zombie special effects. It has hints of supernatural, sci-fi, drama, comedy, and is a bit of a police procedural too. It's action-packed, cheesy, funny, and heartbreaking. It has a bit of everything for everyone and therefore appeals to a broad audience. Regardless of what you're into, you'll find something to love about the show.

14. Pop Culture References

One of the best things about the show is how it drops so many pop culture references it'll leave your head spinning. One of them is ongoing regarding Rob Thomas and, well, the other Rob Thomas. IZombie is not afraid to toss in a dozen of them every episode and they're nothing short of entertaining. Plus, it's one more thing that makes the characters relatable and a show about crime fighting zombies feel realistic.

15. The Cast

It's not an exaggeration when we say that the iZombie cast is one of the best casts on television. In part because it's one big love-fest. No, really. If it weren't so adorable it would be sickening. They're as close to each other as their characters are, in some cases, even closer. The chemistry on screen is mostly due to the insane chemistry that cast members have offscreen.

They're like one big happy, dysfunctional, silly family and fans get to bear witness to it. If you follow any or all of them on social media, you'd know that they are absolutely hilarious. Not only are they a bunch of goofballs who have a fun love fest with one another, but they're just as goofy and fun while interacting with fans, whom they genuinely seem to appreciate. Whether onscreen or off, they're guaranteed to make you smile.

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iZombie Quotes

I have so many questions. First, why the hot sauce? Is that a zombie thing?


I don't have post-traumatic stress. I have post-traumatic ennui. Post-traumatic defeatism. Post-traumatic 'what's the point?'
