The Bachelorette Season 13 Episode 8 Review: Meet The Parents

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It's time for Rachel to meet her future in-laws.

The Bachelorette Season 13 Episode 8 focused on the final four - Eric, Peter, Bryan, and Dean – and Rachel meeting their families.

Finding Romance - The Bachelorette

The first hometown date brings Rachel to Baltimore, Maryland to meet Eric's family. She runs into his arms in classic Bachelor-fashion, and I can only assume she will be exhausted from all of the traveling and jumping into various men's arms by the end of the episode.

Eric shows her around the city and brings her to play basketball at the local park.

If I was Rachel, I would send Eric home just because he forced me to play basketball in heels.

He opens up to Rachel about his friends and family getting involved in the streets of Baltimore, and how that shaped him as a person and a man. 

Eric is super likable and fun to watch on the show, and even though I'm fairly confident he doesn't belong with Rachel, I think he's a decent guy and would make a great boyfriend. Or contestant on Bachelor in Paradise. 

It's also revealed that Eric has never brought a girlfriend home, but you wouldn't know that by how sweet his family is to her.

I'm getting judged by black people, and I'm getting judged by everybody else.


Rachel opens up to Eric's aunt about the pressures of being the first black Bachelorette, and their conversation just reminded me (and America) how Rachel was the perfect choice to be The Bachelorette.

I've been running from love my whole life, and I've grown and I've evolved, and I understand it. And I'm not running no more.


Regardless of what happens with Rachel and Eric, it's been a pleasure to watch Eric reconnect with his family over this process. 

At the end of their hometown date, Eric tells Rachel he loves her and cares about her. Rachel clearly cares about Eric too, but I'm not sure if it's love or if she just wants to be his best friend.

Next, Rachel goes to Miami, Florida to meet Bryan's family. She jumps into his arms (of course), calls him 'baby' and swoons when he speaks Spanish. It's pretty clear that Rachel is infatuated with Bryan. 

However, if I was her, I would dump him right away because that red/gray ombré polo is the fugliest shirt I've ever seen. I hope he knows he does NOT have a career as a fashion blogger waiting for him after this show ends.

They explore Miami, and Bryan gets her ready to meet his parents.

He revealed in the last episode that his last relationship ended because of his mother, so I'm super excited to meet her...

... And she didn't disappoint because she chugged her drink in less than 10 seconds.

Remember I'm her only child, so this is big for her.


Bryan tries to explain to his mom that he thinks Rachel is the one for him, but she isn't buying it. She points out that Bryan has had the opportunity to date a lot of different women, and everything she said confirmed to me that it's weird that he's 37-years-old and still single.

If he's happy, I'm happy. If he's not, I'll kill you.

Bryan's mom

After talking to Rachel, Bryan's mom seems to come around to the idea of Bryan marrying Rachel, but also "threatens" to kill her if she hurts Bryan.

I know she was "kidding," but I kind of believe her.

If anyone knows Bryan's ex-girlfriend who fought with his mom, let me know (that she's alive and well). 

I am letting myself feel... all the feels.


Rachel leaves for Madison, Wisconsin to meet Peter's family. She greets him with a leap into his arms (third time's the charm?) and seems excited to see him.

They go to the farmer's market and one of Peter's favorite restaurants to meet his friends.

Welcome home.


Rachel and Peter recap their relationship (including his accidental butt grab... TMI) to his family. They seem like big Bachelor fans and are loving hearing about the process.

Sidenote: shout out to whoever decided to have Peter's niece at his hometown date because SWOON.

Rachel tries to get information from Peter's mom about whether or not he is ready to get married. 

She doesn't totally convince Rachel that Peter is ready for a commitment, but she doesn't throw Peter under the bus like past contestant's families have either. 

Overall, Peter's family seems super normal and I still want to marry him.

It's time for another jump into a suitor's arms, and the last stop on Rachel's hometown tour is Aspen, Colorado to meet Dean's family.

Dean casually mentions he hasn't seen his dad in two years, so naturally, it makes sense to reunite on an episode of a dating show.

His name is Paramroop.


He looks super uncomfortable, but Rachel seems down for anything. 

It's super heartwarming to see Dean's sister talk about how strong he is, but super heartbreaking to see Dean's conversation with his father.

Dean probably should have signed his family up for family therapy instead of The Bachelorette. (I guess there's always Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars Family Edition once the show wraps). 

Rachel tries to talk to Dean's dad after his fight with Dean, but he quickly shuts down. He didn't say it was because of the cameras, but you can tell he is not interested in filming anymore.

However, the situation seems to bring Rachel and Dean closer together.

Rachel – in a stunning, sparkly ensemble – talks to Chris Harrison about the four men. I always love to see Chris, but you can tell this conversation is just filler to make the episode two hours long. 

I almost would have preferred a super misleading promo for the rest of the season that lasted five minutes instead. 

At the rose ceremony, Rachel sends Dean home.

Dean points out that Rachel told him she was falling in love with him, and I have to admit, that was kind of messed up. I guess Rachel was just caught up in the moment, but I wish she didn't say it back to Dean. (It's also weird that she didn't say it to anyone else... unless I'm mistaken or they didn't show it).

If Dean needs a hug, he should call me. But full disclosure, I would totally ditch him for Peter. 

Don't forget you can watch The Bachelorette online via TV Fanatic. 

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Sarah Hearon is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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The Bachelorette Season 13 Episode 8 Quotes

I've been running from love my whole life, and I've grown and I've evolved, and I understand it. And I'm not running no more.


I'm getting judged by black people, and I'm getting judged by everybody else.
