Turn: Washington's Spies Season 4 Episode 6 Review: Our Man in New York

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The Culper Ring is expanding on Turn: Washington's Spies Season 4 Episode 6.

Maj. Ben Tallmadge sent a new spy, Sgt. Champe, into New York to meet up with Culper in the American Legion.

A Plan Is Hatched - Turn: Washington's Spies

In fact, the episode could have been called “Our Men in New York,” as the rebels now have Sgt. Champe, Culper, Culper Jr. and rookie spy Cicero all gathering intel in one form or another for Gen. Washington.

While Gen. Washington is busy planting spies behind enemy lines, he is probably unaware that there is a Tory just outside his own camp.

Now that Mary has discovered the traitor, she finally has her chance to officially join the Ring, and prove that she can be just as useful as her old rival, Anna. 

You, an adultress, don't trust me?

Mary [to Anna]

Back in New York, Simcoe orders two of his Rangers to kidnap Maj. Hewlett so that he can murder him.

I made a vow to deal with Hewlett face-to-face.


Why do any of his men go along with his schemes? Didn’t a bunch of them end up dead at the mill?

Well, another one met the same fate while trying to apprehend Hewlett. Abe happened to be rifling through Hewlett’s home at the same time as the break-in, and he and Hewlett teamed up to kill the intruder.

They both immediately knew that Simcoe had sent him, so Hewlett threw the body into the waiting carriage, knowing it would be driven back to Col. Simcoe.

Courtesy of Major Edmund Hewlett.

Maj. Hewlett [after throwing a dead body into the carriage]

I love having Maj. Hewlett back, but he is much more cynical about the war and life in general now. Which is sad, because he was refreshingly earnest and optimistic in the past.

Alas, war changes people, and by the time the Queen’s Ranger lies dead on the floor, Abe has decided that he and Maj. Hewlett should again work together to kill Simcoe.

We made a pact once to finish him. And now we're both paying the price for not seeing it through.

Abe [to Hewlett]

Abe is even willing to give up Whitehall in order to get Maj. Hewlett on board. I just hope Edmund survives long enough to make his retirement dreams in America come true.

When Simcoe realizes his plot has been foiled, he doesn’t believe Maj. Hewlett acted alone.

Maybe it was for the best, as Simcoe was ready to murder his favorite prostitute Lola as part of his ingenious Hewlett plot, but he’s probably reconsidering that option since she released to his inner Christian Grey.

At the home of Gen. Benedict Arnold, Peggy tries to tell her husband that Pvt. Woodhull may be trying to betray him. But as usual, Arnold is oblivious and reactionary.

Your opinions...no longer concern me.

Benedict Arnold [to his wife]

Ouch, General, that was harsh.

Peggy thought so too, and now she is ready to get revenge on her clueless husband.

She confronted Cicero about his conversation with Abe at Kennedy House, and he tells her that Woodhull is planning to kidnap her husband.

Cicero is one lucky little spy, as Peggy's eyes widen with interest instead of anger.

A plot?...Count me in.

Peggy [to Cicero]

What did you think of this week’s episode? Will Maj. Hewlett and Abe’s plan to kill Simcoe work this time?

If you need to catch up, remember you can always watch Turn: Washington's Spies online.

Our Man in New York Review

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Megan King is a staff writer for TV Fanatic.

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Turn: Washington's Spies Season 4 Episode 6 Quotes

There's not much we don't know about each other.


Deception, betrayal, chaos. These are the enemies we face. The enemies of truth.

Maj. Hewlett