Preacher Season 2 Episode 8 Review: Holes

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The search for God stalls when Jesse's only lead doesn't pan out.

Meanwhile, Cassidy is torn about Denis, Tulip meets the new neighbor, and Eugene learns what happens in Hell when you try to be nice.

While Preacher Season 2 Episode 8 was a quiet episode with hardly any movement, we were treated to some sly comedy and a musical number.

Cassidy Looks Forlorn - Preacher Season 2 Episode 8

If I had to guess, I would imagine Seth Rogen took great delight in giving us a taste of Hell when Eugene and Tracy broke out into song.

It was one of the most bizarre things Preacher has done to date, and the tongue-in-cheek-ness of it was absolutely brilliant.

That bit of comedy was quite a relief considering the serious tone of the rest of the hour. Well, that and Dork Docs. How can you not laugh at Dork Docs?

Jesse in Contemplation - Preacher Season 2 Episode 8

Hitler figured out pretty quick who didn't belong in Hell, and for a guy who is supposed to be pure evil, he shows an inordinate amount of kindness. He takes no offense at Eugene's continuing bullying of him because he understands Eugene is in survival mode.

Eugene can't help but be nice, so it's very difficult for him to suppress that side of him. When he got thrown into the hole, he didn't expect to have his personal hell be an alternate version of what really happened. 

He had a beautiful moment with Tracy then Jesse showed up, and it all went to, well, hell. There's nothing Eugene can do to get out his situation. That's what Hitler was trying to get across to him.

In Hell - Preacher Season 2 Episode 8

Which version of hell would you rather experience? The happy ending that isn't so happy after all, or the way it really went down? Neither is a great choice, but Eugene is going to have to make a decision. Keep his mouth shut or spill the beans?

The only person who might be able to help in this situation is Jesse, but Jesse is so wrapped up in himself that he probably doesn't even remember what he did to Eugene.

For Jesse not to even consider trying to use Genesis to help Denis was one of the most selfish things Jesse has done so far. It doesn't matter that it probably wouldn't have helped, he could have at least tried.

But Jesse is all about Jesse, and that's how it's always been. Tulip knows it and doesn't care, but Cassidy hasn't seen it in full bloom yet.

For Jesse to have even considered that Cassidy wanted him to pray showed that Jesse doesn't know his vampire friend at all. Cassidy is at a crossroads and is looking for some sort of guidance or an alternative.

He doesn't want to make the decision he is being forced to make. Does he watch Denis die or give him eternal life? There is no easy choice.

As Cassidy told Tulip, living forever isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Daddy Cassidy - Preacher Season 2 Episode 8

Tulip is still being haunted by the Saint of Killers and thought she could erase the scar of him by erasing the bullet holes in the apartment. What she doesn't realize is that someone even worse is on his way, and she just met one of his minions.

It appears she's looking to Lara Featherstone as some sort of neighborly friend since Jesse isn't providing her with what she needs right now and Cassidy is too involved with Denis. 

Tulip is used to action, not just sitting around doing nothing, but her spirit has pretty much flown out the window.

And that's the problem with Preacher right now. It's one dark mess, and it's about time we move along. Granted there were a few bright spots this hour, but watching our trio flail in darkness for the past several episodes is getting boring.

Jesse needs to figure out what to do next, and he needs to figure it out fast. Either find out where God is or give up the search altogether and get rid of Genesis.

What did you think of "Holes"? Will Cassidy cave to Denis' request? What will Jesse do now with no leads? Will Tulip and Lara Featherstone become friends?

Hit the comments and share your thoughts!

If you need to catch up, you can watch Preacher online right here via TV Fanatic!

Holes Review

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Preacher Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

Grail Guy: So this is worth all of this, huh?
Grail Lady: The best way to know your handbook is through concealed intimacy. It's in the handbook.

Hitler: It's you isn't it? You don't belong here.
Eugene: I'm probably the most evilest person in here. Other than you.