The Night Shift Season 4 Episode 8 Review: R3B0OT

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It was a dangerous night to be a patient at San Antonio Memorial Hospital. 

At first, it seemed as if Shannon's patient was jinxed, but it soon became clear something more sinister was occurring.

Considering Shannon felt her reputation as a doctor was on the line, she came through with flying colors, and she did it all unsupervised. 

Treating Patients in the Dark - The Night Shift Season 4 Episode 8

Shannon was a rock star on The Night Shift Season 4 Episode 8, never faltering despite the numerous hurdles that were tossed her way. She cleared them all calmly. 

If she felt she had something to prove, well, mission accomplished. 

It sucks that the hack meant her evaluation got out for all to see, but that's not really Jordan's fault. Could she have handled the situation better? Sure, she even admits that, but as she also said, it's her job to offer feedback. Sometimes that feedback is going to include criticism. 

Will things be awkward between the two of them going forward? Hopefully, they can get past this and learn from the experience. 

All right, look, we have to talk about the strange coincidence that The Night Shift's storylines this season have been eerily similar to ones done by other medical shows. 

I'm not talking about episodes that aired years ago either, but ones from this past season. 

I've already mentioned the storylines involving the Jehovah's witness and the crisis on the plane is very similar to Grey's Anatomy. 

Well, this one was basically a rehash of Chicago Med Season 2 Episode 19

It's weird, right? 

Power's Out - The Night Shift Season 4 Episode 8

Yes, they put their own spin on it, but the basic idea was the same. Someone hacked their technology and demanded a ransom. Of course, on Chicago Med, once the ransom was paid, everything went back to normal.

San Antonio Memorial's problems are just beginning. 

Every time it seems like they have a handle on things, such as bringing in vets, something like this happens, and they're back to square one. 

They keep having to come up with these huge ideas to keep the lights on (literally). 

Jordan's idea would be an interesting one, even if it was really just a ploy to keep TC stateside. 

What she doesn't know is that she has some competition for his services. 

What will TC choose?

Will he stay in San Antonio and help Jordan with her idea to train army doctors before they are deployed?

Or will he return to Syria to be with Amira?

TC and Rick - The Night Shift Season 4 Episode 8

Hopefully, he stays. Amira's a nice girl and all, but he is way more interesting when he's with the rest of the cast. We spent enough time with him separated; it's time to keep him home. 

Maybe he can get between Jordan and Cain and win her back. The chemistry is still there. 

Besides, the hospital needs him. Julian's money troubles could potentially lead to him being forced to sell the hospital (again), and we simply can't have that. Jordan's solution is their best chance. 

How about that bomb Drew dropped on Rick? 

Wow, that was definitely not the way to go about that. Drew should know better. He can't just tell Rick that he's been keeping this secret from him for over a month, and then tell him he's leaving without even opening it up for discussion. 

Rick's his husband, and they just adopted a kid. Decisions like these should be made together. 

Drew Treats a Kid - The Night Shift Season 4 Episode 8

It's hard to believe that Rick wouldn't have been on board if Drew had come to him sooner and given him a say in the decision. He's always been so supportive of him. He didn't deserve to find out like that. 

It'll be interesting to see what this does to their relationship. Brianna is not going to be too thrilled to have been left out of the loop either. 

So, the question is, will Drew go? And, if he does, will we have to watch him through his own storyline separated from the rest of the cast just like TC? 

We finally get TC back, and we lose Drew? Is that how this is going to work? 

It sounds like a great opportunity for him, but to be honest, I hope he doesn't go. 

Bella: She's right, but dad's not gonna like it.
Paul: Yeah there's a lot of things dad's not gonna like.

As for Kenny dating Paul's sister, well, that doesn't look like it will last. It was an interesting twist to learn that Kenny was the one Paul was worried about, rather than Bella though. She must break a lot of hearts. 

Hopefully, she doesn't come between the two BFFs. 

Your turn! Will TC and Drew stay or go? Hit the comments with your thoughts and don't forget to watch The Night Shift online!

R3B0OT Review

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Stacy Glanzman was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in March, 2019.

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The Night Shift Season 4 Episode 8 Quotes

Bella: She's right, but dad's not gonna like it.
Paul: Yeah there's a lot of things dad's not gonna like.

Pat: Well I figured out how they got into the system. One of your nurses downloaded a counterfeit copy of Candy Crush from a Romanian website. They used a screen scraper. Stole her passwords.
Cain: They can do that?