Younger Season 4 Episode 10 Review: A Novel Marriage

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While the progression of storylines on Younger Season 4 Episode 10 is very natural, it's hard not to be disappointed in one in particular nonetheless.

There are some TV rules I try very hard to live by, and admittedly, Younger has gotten the better of me. 

By the end of "A Novel Marriage," the very short romance between Liza and Charles was over, and I felt like a fool for ever befriending a liar like Liza, fictional character though she may be.

Marriage Vacation - Younger

The writing was on the wall as soon as Diana noted Liza was no longer boy crazy.

Diana isn't the most perceptive person by any means, but the observation was thrown out there for some reason. It must have been to get our engines racing.

Has Diana revealed whether she's ever told Richard she loves him yet? I won't say she's a pushover because Richard must have some serious oral talents. Standing up against an uncomfortable bookcase in the living room is a hard sell, but Richard sold it.

The memory of five teenagers in the living room was washed away in an instant. I once had a Richard. When they're good, they're very, very good. 

Liza not getting weak in the knees when Charles around doesn't bode well for him. I think Peter Hermann has an incredible voice. If I were interested in him and working nearby, every time I heard his voice, I'd melt. 

The Nest - Younger Season 4 Episode 10

Are Kelsey and her forever friend Lauren finally going to wind up as roommates as they are meant to be?

Lauren's actions reminded me of the flowers left on the roadside at the scene of a horrific car accident. She remained, garish and on display, at one of the most horrible moments of her life. Why not fly away from The Nest?

Kelsey was spot on when she detailed the place. Why would any woman want to call that place their hangout? It looked like all of the worst episodes of HGTV wrapped into one. I'd rather cover myself with doilies and rosewater than be stuck in that fiasco for four days.

But Lauren is nothing if not resourceful. She always wants to try things on her own. When you have a best friend, though, you're never alone. 

Kelsey will take her to Josh's, but for how long? Josh has plans.

Josh is going to ask Clare to marry him, right? Frankly, they're adorable together, and I wouldn't mind one bit if he took the plunge. It's early and they barely know each other, but is it any riskier than marrying a woman 15 years older? Probably not.

While snuggling on the couch playing her video game, they made a good match, and she was already tidying up the place, desiring to fit in with his friends, Liza included. 

Then again, she could be lying and just a girl on the hunt for a green card. Without any family in the area, it's impossible to tell is she merely works in a bar and is desperate or if she really works for a software company and her visa's running out. Still desperate, but a different story.

And Clare knows Josh's history with Liza, understanding his vulnerabilities and what risks he is willing to take for a woman he loves.

Yet I've also been harsh on Jay, who must be a good guy now that Liza is...into him? Am I too Jerry McGuire to for the world? 

With the book going very well, Liza has grown ever closer to Pauline. It was inevitable, if not only due to their working together because they hit it off quite well upon their first meeting.

As much as Liza loves Maggie, there's something she doesn't get from her friendship with Maggie. Perhaps it's because Maggie is urban and artsy and Liza fell on the side of a suburban book reader. As close as they are, they are not in the same category as Lauren and Kelsey.

For a New York minute during the book fair, Liza imagined that friendship with Pauline. They had similar tastes, they were both divorced with children. They fit.

When it was revealed she was Charles' ex-wife, the sting of losing a potential friend hurt. The sting of losing a great book idea did, too. Did the two of those weigh more heavily in Liza's mind than Charles? It seems so.

As soon as Pauline mentioned moving back into the townhouse with the kids, I knew it was either in a different room or, and this was my first thought, Charles would move out allowing her to move back in with the girls.

Liza: In order for me to do my job, I've had to create a relationship with Pauline, and the truth is, I like her. And I love your girls, and I am not going to be the one to stand in the way of this family getting back together.
Charles: You are confusing the book with reality.

But Liza heard something much different. And I think it was what she wanted to hear because it gave her an excuse to extricate herself from Charles and focus on herself, her job and her new friendship.

Liza can continue the lie she began a year ago. She can remain forever young, resist the desire to tell the truth, and even have a boyfriend in Jay who knows the truth and doesn't need her to share it.

It's a win/win/win all around. 

Except Liza will be miserable. She might have a new friend in Pauline, but it won't be the friend she imagined unless she can be truthful with her. Without sharing stories about her marriage and motherhood, what's the point of having a friend with similar experiences?

Hey Jay! - Younger Season 4 Episode 10

Jay may enjoy showing off his younger girlfriends to his friends while having deep conversations with his IRL older girlfriend, but at some point, both of them will realize they're living a lie, and Liza, especially, will crave the chemistry she once had with Josh and Charles.

And as much as she may try to fool herself into thinking whatever she felt for Charles wasn't real, what she and Charles had far outweighed any short-term success on one book or potential friendship with Pauline.

Pauline: God, I am so glad Charles didn't take you off the book.
Liza: What do you mean?
Pauline: Oh, it was nothing. I'm sure it's because we're getting along too well, and he feels outnumbered.
Liza: Yeah, that must be it.

Charles wasn't out to sabotage Liza's career by suggesting she be taken off Pauline's book. He wanted to preserve what he feels about them. He's been through a bad marriage, and what he feels for Liza is worth more to him right now than a best selling book that could save Empirical.

That Liza doesn't see the enormity of that weighs heavily on my heart. A kiss is not just a kiss in this case. Her betrayal of Charles cut me. My friend Liza cut me. She cut us, #TeamCharles.

Charles owns the company. It was at his hand she was given the promotion to Associate Editor and because of his belief in her talent, she now spans two roles across two organizations. 

Together, Charles and Liza could be a power couple. Apart, Charles could lose interest in the company he once loved. It could become too painful to be there. He could sell it. Who knows what the future could hold without hope?

Where do you stand after "A Novel Marriage"? 

Make sure you come back and comment after you watch Younger online. I'm desolate. Share your feels below!!

A Novel Marriage Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Younger Season 4 Episode 10 Quotes

Since I've met you, you've been kind of boy crazy. It's good to see you focusing on your work for a change.


Good! Just beware of gorgeous, sunny, without a cloud in sight because that's how I ended up taking my clothes off on the roof.
