Watch Law & Order: SVU Online: Season 19 Episode 7

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Did Benson opening up about her past prove to be a therapeutic process?

That was the big question on Law & Order: SVU Season 19 Episode 7 when a young rape victim struggled to come to terms with what happened to her on one awful night. 

Benson knew she needed to help the woman know that she could cope, but she would need to be open about her feelings. 

Did it help close the case?

Use the video above to watch Law & Order: SVU online right here via TV Fanatic. Get caught up on the latest drama now. 

Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Law & Order: SVU Season 19 Episode 7 Quotes

Laurel: You know what I remember? That stupid National Geographic special, the antelope going after the cheetah, sinking his teeth into his flesh... I was thinking about the animals that got away. You'd think they'd learn, but there they are the next day, going across the plains...
Benson: Laurel, I want you to know that this is a very common first reaction, to blame yourself. But it's wrong.
Laurel: Not to the cheetah, it's not.

Benson: Hello, Laurel. Is it okay if I join you over there? [after no response] Can I call you Laurel? I understand that you might have been raped. That's okay. We have plenty of time, when you're ready we can talk -
Laurel: What's the point? You'll never catch him.
Benson: What makes you say that?
Laurel: Because I can't remember a damn thing.