SEAL Team Season 1 Episode 9 Review: Rolling Dark

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On SEAL Team Season 1 Episode 9 Bravo Team's latest mission involved locating a Russian scientist and his wife whose plane crashed in China as they were attempting to defect.

Meanwhile, Clay attempted to adjust to his role as the newest member of the team.

The Russian guy's wife was really pissed off at him when she found out he had been working for the CIA. She seemed like she would rather stay in Russia and would have continued to scream at him for the entire flight if the lightning hadn't hit the plane.

Rescue Mission

Stella did a good job trying to be supportive and calm Clay down as he prepared for his first day with Bravo Team.

Happy first day of school.


Jason, still in Alana's doghouse, spent yet another night on Ray's couch. The odds of Jason and Alana getting back together at this point don't seem that good to me. Her big problem with him is that he's not around enough, and that isn't going to change, it's the nature of his job.

These guys are probably always going to have relationship issues because their job demands that they have to leave on a moment's notice. They must go when called upon, at any time, and stay as long as it takes to complete a mission. Maintaining a "normal" family life is likely close to impossible. 

Bravo Team runs for the border - SEAL Team Season 1 Episode 9

It almost seems inevitable that Jason is going to get involved with Mandy at some point. They have good chemistry, and given his current marital situation, Jason spends way more time with Mandy than he does with Alana.

Jason obvious still had issues with Clay before the mission, and Ray's wife could sense it.

Jason: I don't not like him, I just like giving him a hard time. He doesn't remind me of Nate.
Naima: Except when he does.

I think it's a combination of Clay reminding Jason not only of Nate but possibly of himself. So he's not only worried about losing another teammate but also annoyed with the concept of competing with a younger version of himself.

By the end of the episode though, I got the feeling that any hard feelings Jason had against Clay were resolved, at least for now. Clay seemed to fit in with the team nicely and was a positive influence rather than a burden.

This mission was made much harder than it had to be the scientist's dumb/arrogant decision to leave that goodbye note to his boss. It was so foolish of him to do that. They wouldn't have had to worry about the Russian special forces tracking them down if the guy had just left quietly.

One way to prevent yourself getting cold feet defecting is to fix it so you will be executed if you return.


Then later he delayed their escape for almost an entire day when he ran off and they had to go and look for him. He definitely made the SEAL's job harder than it needed to be, but to be fair, he was in a life or death situation, and it's easy to see how that could affect his judgment.

They narrowly escaped at the end when they used the flash grenades to temporarily blind the Russians, but the mission was so close to ending in disaster. Of course, it's that way every week on this show.

Clay embarks on his first mission - SEAL Team Season 1 Episode 9

It's all rather predictable, but hopefully, depth will continue to be added to the characters and as well as variety to the weekly missions.

How 'bout that doctor, huh? He can run off, make himself feel like a hero, leave the rest of us here holdin' this bag. He just had to stay put, let himself be rescued, and we'd be across this damn border by now.


I thought Clay handled himself well on this mission. He kept his cool under pressure and was effective dealing with the doctor and his wife, and came up with the idea that got the SEALs out of the confrontation with the Russians. He isn't intimidated by the job and doesn't hold the team back.

I wonder how the story of Sonny's friend Danny is going to play out. My guess is "not well." It's a bad sign that Sonny gets the guy's machine every time he calls him. They are probably going to find out that either he has killed himself or he has become involved with some shady characters.

The Danny situation continues to weigh on Sonny's conscience since he feels he should have reached out to him sooner.

Clay and Lisa seem to have pretty good chemistry. I wonder if they could eventually become an item if Clay's relationship with Stella doesn't work out long term. That certainly has the potential to create some unexpected drama for Bravo team.

What did you guys think of this episode? How do you think Clay did in his first mission as an official member of the team? Will Jason get back together with Alana? Let us know in the comments section.

Don't forget, you can always watch SEAL Team online via TV Fanatic!

Rolling Dark Review

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