9-1-1 Season 1 Episode 3 Review: Next of Kin

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Holy mother of drama, Batman!

We got not one, but TWO significant near-deaths on 9-1-1 Season 1 Episode 3

Is it too much too soon?

Car Crash - 9-1-1 Season 1 Episode 3

Here's the thing, we barely know these characters. We're just starting to delve into their lives, learn their backstories, and become invested in them, but we're not there yet. 

I'm not saying we don't care about them at all, but three episodes in these people are just marginally ahead on the totem pole than the random victims-of-the-week they're trying to save. 

It's totally possible to become invested in random characters when the writing is strong. Anyone who's seen Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 6 can tell you it's one of the saddest moments of the entire series, but that's the exception, not the rule. 

We need to get to know these characters over time so that when their lives are hanging in the balance, or when they die, it completely tears us apart. If Chimney dies, it'll be sad sure, but it's not going to be a George O'Malley or Derek Shepard death. 

Chlidren's Party - 9-1-1

We just don't know enough about him, and one scene of him proposing to a girlfriend we didn't even know he had is just not enough to make me ugly cry if we lose him. 

He's credited for all 13 episodes, so we probably don't have to worry about him dying anyway, but unless there's a significant time jump we may be watching his recovery. That actually could be interesting, especially since we haven't really seen him in the field much. 

We can see how much this injury is affecting the rest of the firehouse and the family that they've created. It's just too soon for us to feel like we're a part of it. However, watching them rally around him and support him through his rehab could help in that regard. 

One person who won't be by his side is his girlfriend. All right, so Chimney was obviously way more invested in this relationship than she was. He's supposedly in love with her, but again, we just met her, so good riddance girl whose name I don't need to be bothered to remember. 

It's the relationships between the first responders we care about anyway. 

Hen Attempts a Save - 9-1-1 Season 1 Episode 3

Athena's family situation has gone from bad, to really bad, to how much worse can this possibly get? 

To summarize, her husband is gay, he's already in a relationship with someone else, her daughter overdosed and was very nearly successful at killing herself, and now child services is involved.

Normally I'd say it probably won't lead to anything. They'll conduct their investigation and most likely determine that back home is the best place for her. That is unless Athena does something incredibly stupid. 

When she was sitting in the car with her daughter's yearbook and picking out the bullies felt ominous. Maybe she's just going to march into that school and give the principal a stern talking to, but let's face it, we know that's not what she has in mind. 

I have no idea what she does have in mind, but it's probably something along the lines of scaring the living crap out of those girls with threats of prison if they go near May again. 

My family is everything to me. And there ain't no trouble from the inside, or evil from the outside that's going to tear it apart. Now we may be buried in it up to our necks right now, and I may want to slap you with my left hand, but my right hand is holding you and the kids tight.


Hopefully, things start looking up for her soon because she can't take another shock. Her son better stay out of trouble and lay low for awhile because he's the only one not causing her pain at the moment. 

I am enjoying the phone friendship between Buck and Abby. It's unconventional, but it's working for them. It seems to be what each of them needs right now. They have someone to confide in without all the added pressure and awkwardness that a relationship brings. 

Buck also knew what Abby wanted to hear. If she wanted to put her mom in a home and needed someone to assuage her guilt, he could have done that for her. There would be no shame in it if she felt that was the best option for her mother and for herself, but Buck could tell that wasn't what Abby wanted. 

Plus, then Carla would be out of a job, and that would be sad in and of itself. 

There's a lot that's working. The acting is great, the character development is improving, the writing and dialogue may never get there, but we may be able to get past that. Plus, we got to see a piece of rebar protruding from a man's skull, not to mention a rogue bouncy house. 

They're still packing in way too much. It's good that the stakes are high and the action is intense, but maybe they can spread it out a little more so we're not wondering if one character's daughter and another main character will survive in one episode. 

The series has been renewed for a second season already, so there's no reason why they can't slow it down a little bit and give us something to look forward to next year (I say this knowing that the season is probably done filming). 

Do you guys agree? Are you worried about Chimney? 

Don't forget, you can watch 9-1-1 online anytime if you need to catch up!

Next of Kin Review

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Stacy Glanzman was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in March, 2019.

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9-1-1 Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

My family is everything to me. And there ain't no trouble from the inside, or evil from the outside that's going to tear it apart. Now we may be buried in it up to our necks right now, and I may want to slap you with my left hand, but my right hand is holding you and the kids tight.


Hen: Oh, oh, so you're fleeing the scene? You do realize that you lose points for murdering people on the way to a fire.
Buck: It's fine, its a flesh wound. Obamacare.