Bull Season 2 Episode 15 Review: Witness for the Prosecution

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There was no mirror jury, no biometric readings, and no voir dire, yet Bull Season 2 Episode 15 still turned out to be one of my favorite installments of the entire series thus far. 

That was partly due to the incredibly entertaining push and pull between Dr. Jason Bull and crime boss Hazel Diaz played by the talented Roma Maffia.

Roma Maffia Guest Stars on Bull Season 2 Episode 15

Jason Bull is at his best when he is using his psychiatric talents to size up the competition, and in this case, that meant figuring out if Hazel Diaz was truly mentally ill or had been faking it for decades. 

It turned out that Hazel put on a damn good show. 

But as good as Bull was at seeing through Hazel's act, it was ADA Gabrielle Ramsden who was smart enough to not only call Hazel's bluff but bring in the right person to prove it. 

ADA Gabrielle Ramsden: Will you testify to all of that at the competency hearing?
Bull: Will I get to buy you eggs?
ADA Gabrielle Ramsden: Not this morning, no.
Bull: Well then I guess I'll have to testify so that I can see you again.
ADA Gabrielle Ramsden: I guess you will.
Bull: Are we sharing a police car home?
ADA Gabrielle Ramsden: There's one out there for you. I'm uptown. I'm taking the subway.
Bull: Hmm. You're tough.
ADA Gabrielle Ramsden: You're persistent.
Bull: Oh, I haven't even taken my persistence out of the box yet.

Not only was Gabrielle smart, good at her job, and willing to take a chance by pulling a preeminent psychiatrist out of bed at two o'clock in the morning, she also shared some really fun chemistry with Jason Bull.

Of course, that had me wondering if Bull's long-distance relationship with Diana Lindsay is a thing of the past. 

Related: Bull Season 2 Episode 14 Review: Keep Your Friends Close

We haven't seen Diana since the start of Bull Season 2, and Jason certainly didn't hesitate when it came to hitting on Gabrielle which made me think that either his romance with Diana is over or it isn't exclusive. 

Either way, I do wish the show would clear that up because I find it to be a distraction. 

As for Gabrielle, played by the captivating Afton Williamson, I'd love to see her return either to work with, spar with, or date Jason Bull any time. 

Convicting Hazel - Bull

Back to Hazel...

Although Bull could see through her mishmash of psychiatric symptoms, he was right to worry that the jury would simply see her as crazy, and her family history of mental health issues would only add to the appearance of legitimacy. 

But as was pointed out in this Bull quote, that still didn't mean she wasn't faking all of it:

It's true, it's 13 times more likely if a parent is schizophrenic that you could be too, but it's 100 times more likely if you are a criminal and someone makes you aware of those statistics that you will find a way to use them to your advantage.


Officer Sampson's partner's reluctance to out him as a cop on the take was also well played. Not only could the partner be implicating himself if he came forward, but Sampson's family could lose some of his death benefits. 

As much as I hated that the partner didn't immediately come forward to put Hazel in prison, I could understand his hesitance. 

However, there were a couple of small details that bugged me, the most annoying of which was Three Blind Mice.

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When Hazel kept talking about it, singing it, or otherwise referencing it, I was sure it meant something, but it turned out to be nothing more than a random nursery rhyme she picked to enhance her crazy performance. 

The lack of a mirror jury was frustrating and intriguing at the same time. I've grown so used to having Marissa tell us what the jury is thinking and feeling as a trial goes on that I was irrationally annoyed at not having that information.

And yet, I oddly enjoyed not knowing all of those details allowing for a little more suspense as the trial wound down. 

Hazel Diaz - Bull Season 2 Episode 15

Even though the jury knew that Hazel had a clear motive to kill Officer Sampson, I worried her final performance in court might sway them to let her go to a mental health facility. I was relieved when that didn't happen. 

The drama back at TAC had nothing to do with Hazel Diaz and her trial, and everything to do with Bull firing Cable. 

As badly as I feel for Cable, I'm with Bull and Benny on this one. Cable was naive and reckless, and she crossed a line.

What Cable did wasn't just poor judgment, it was illegal! She's lucky she only ended up losing her job because any other employer would have let her take the fall and go to prison. 

I get that Danny felt bad for her friend, but I didn't blame Bull for taking a hard line on this one.

By all means, feel free to talk among yourselves when you're off the clock, or at your new place of employment.


That said, I have little doubt that Cable will eventually find some way to make her way back to the Trial Analysis Corporation. I just don't know how or when that will occur. 

So TV Fanatics, did you love "Witness For the Prosecution" as much as I did? 

Did you miss voir dire and the mirror jury? 

Should ADA Gabrielle Ramsden return?

Check back in for my review of Bull Season 2 Episode 16, and until then, you can watch Bull online here at TV Fanatic. 

Witness for the Prosecution Review

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Rating: 4.6 / 5.0 (55 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Bull Season 2 Episode 15 Quotes

I’m hoping if I get you two in a room together, that you'll be able to testify that she's competent to stand trial. That's why I had to pull you out of bed. That's why he has the lights and siren on, and that's why we're going 70 miles an hour through midtown.


I've been trying to get someone to take you out for a month now. Something about taking out a cop brings out the old lady in all the tough guys.

Hazel Diaz