Preacher Season 3 Episode 9 Review: Schwanzkopf

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Allfather is finally gone; no thanks to Starr, the big chicken.

On Preacher Season 3 Episode 9, Jesse continues to impress by getting out of an impossible situation. Just when you think things are hopeless, Jesse (and Tulip, for that matter) find a way to save themselves.

They never cease to amaze.

Jesse Keeps Genesis - Preacher Season 3 Episode 9

Cassidy isn't quite as good at getting out of situations like the one he's in now.

Why is it that people in TV shows inform the bad guy they're going to tell? When Cassidy was talking to Eccarius, he didn't need to announce that he was going to tell the whole group about his killing ways.

It drives me crazy.

She saved your ass back there.


You don't stand there and tell the killer you're going to call the cops. You don't stand there and tell an incredibly strong vampire you're going to out him to his followers. If you do that, you're asking to die.

For the love of Pete, if someone confesses to killing a mountain of vampires, please just nod your head and get the hell out of there.

Then you can get to a safe place, and tell whoever you want. 

Eccarius Lectures Cassidy - Preacher Season 3 Episode 9

Cassidy already knows Eccarius is stronger than him. He had to know Eccarius was going to retaliate. Now Cassidy's stuck to a pool table, waiting for the sun to obliterate him. And it doesn't seem like the old lady is going to fall for any of his fast-talk.

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It would've been nice if Hoover stuck around to save the day, but he's back at the Grail Headquarters with Starr and Featherstone.

Featherstone, that no good snake. Tulip could've let her go straight to hell, and I even felt sorry for her for a tiny second, but that didn't last. Of course, Tulip has a heart and felt sorry for her too. I don't think she'll make that mistake twice. 

I am NEVER going to be your Messiah.


Tulip is a decent person, but did she forget Featherstone killed her? She should've let the angel of death drag her by that whip straight to Hell. No good deed, as they say.

But like I said before, Jesse and Tulip can get out of any situation at any time.

Even though it was the Nazis who ultimately set her free, Tulip was getting off that bus anyway. She didn't need them.

Tulip Tries to Find Featherstone - Preacher Season 3 Episode 9

As the air animations showed, Tulip never runs out of ideas. The girl has guts; you have to give her that. She was mouthing off to both the angel of death and the saint without blinking an eye. Just as God counts on her to screw up, he probably relies on those brains and that sass.

Once she tells Jesse what went down, he's going to have to take a moment and think.

Related: Preacher Season 3 Episode 8 Review: The Tom/Brady

If he does anything drastic to Grandma, it'll affect Tulip.

It's still unclear what Jesse will do once he confronts Grandma with the power of Genesis. He can't kill her, which is what she's waiting for Jesse to do.

I'd rather be sad.


No doubt he has a plan in mind, the way he was strolling down the tree-lined dirt road to Grandma's house, toking on his cigarette. That road's so pretty. Too bad it leads to such a dark place.

Grandma looks like she's looking forward to his arrival, which makes me nervous. She's working with the devil himself, and that's a creature with nearly unlimited power. If she has powers strong enough to steal Genesis, Jesse's walking right into a trap.

So, let's play this out. Jody gets home and feeds Grandma a million souls, and she's more powerful than ever. Jesse brings Genesis into the house with the intention to use it on Grandma, but she's waiting for him. She steals Genesis and gives it to the devil in exchange for eternal youth.

That cannot be God's plan.

Certain Death - Preacher

Jesse has to do the right thing with Genesis. What is the right thing? To use it only for good, and give it back to God? I don't know, but he's on the right path. 

Jesse had perfect faith that he was meant to have Genesis. He believes it to be God's will. He could've shot Humperdoo right through the head, but he didn't because he has a moral compass.

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The big test is going to be how he uses the power around Grandma and the rest of the loons in Angelville.

If he passes that test, maybe God will appear. He'll ride up in his dog suit, on his Harley, with his biker babe, and tell Jesse he's won. Like Publisher's Clearing House!

Sort of.

What about Satan's bitch?


Maybe God's plan is for Jesse to be the Messiah, and he's been resisting it all along.

Maybe God needs to know that the second coming and the power that comes with it is in good hands.

That could be the test. Pass/Fail.

No matter the test, I think Jesse will pass.

What do you think Preacher fans? Will Jesse pass God's test? How will Cassidy save himself? Were you happy to see Allfather exploded into a million disgusting bits?

Tell me what you think in the comments!

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Schwanzkopf Review

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Kim Russell was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in January 2019.

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Preacher Season 3 Episode 9 Quotes

What about Satan's bitch?


I'd rather be sad.
