Iron Fist Season 2 Episode 9 Review: War Without End

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On Iron Fist Season 2 Episode 9, On Iron Fist Season 2 Episode 9, the Iron Fist changes hands again and loyalties are tested in Walker, Ward, Joy, and Misty.

First of all, Colleen Wing is finally the Iron Fist! Say it louder for the people in the back!

You know, I never thought this day would come. It's so out of Marvel's comic book range that it seemed impossible -- but it happened!

Of all nine so far, this episode boasts the largest number of engaging fight scenes (including a surprisingly intense one with Chen and Misty) as well as moments that allow our beloved Jessica Henwick to shine -- and in multiple ways.

BB Gone - Iron Fist Season 2 Episode 9

From the crazy fight scene to crying over BB and from talking candidly with Misty to her struggle in gaining the fist, Henwick brilliantly showed that Colleen has come a long way.

She's still the level-headed member of the team, but she also has a range of emotions and strength unlike anyone else.

Colleen: I don't even know you, and I think this is the closest thing I have to a healthy relationship.
Misty: Same here.

BB's presence finally paid off in the form of being a convincing factor towards Colleen choosing to take on the Iron Fist. Colleen's fear of the power of the fist is something so raw and real -- you can see it so intensely in her eyes when her fist glows for the first time.

Also, what about that great arm tattoo?

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Something about the fight scenes this episode were also particularly engaging. The pacing was quite a bit faster and although some of the movements were messy, the quick motions and speed gave the sequences a more agitated, desperate feel.

Colleen's shriek for BB as well as her subsequent fight with the teenagers completely betrayed her hurt and anger, having found someone she could relate to with BB.

Bayard Fight - Iron Fist Season 2 Episode 9

Maybe it's something about loss, about a desire for a purpose on a family -- things that Danny also has but never seemed to grasp because of his obsession with the fist.

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And that's what I'm hoping will set Colleen apart. She has a healthy fear and respect of the fist to begin with. She knows she's not entitled to it, knows that she's not an all-powerful being. No one granted her the fist because she won a fight. She took on the fist out of necessity for New York.

This prospect is still so exciting to me, although I'm not sure where Danny stands now though -- is he jealous? Where will his relationship with Colleen go? How will Misty and Colleen's relationship evolve?

Shoulders down, keep your knees bent, think about sunsets. It'll do wonders.


I was half expecting Joy to have died in the fall, although the turn of events with Walker knocking out Misty give me hope that Ward and Joy will team up again. Walker continues to be such a mystery character potentially squandered in other people's plotlines.

Just because she's a sort of-hero or assassin or muscle for hire doesn't mean that she has to totally listen to other people. Now, I'm just waiting for her third identity to come out. She's on a mission to completely destroy Davos, and I hope she gets that chance.

Ironed Out - Iron Fist Season 2 Episode 9

From the clue about her mother to Colleen taking on the fist, Iron Fist feels like it's being set up to turn into Colleen's story.

I'm not entirely sure how Marvel plans to handle this, although shows have done plenty more adventurous things -- such as kill off main characters only to replace them by lesser, more popular ones.

Danny: Let's finish this. Put your thumb to his third eye. Then wrap your fingers around like this.
Colleen: Okay.
Danny: Then you draw the heart of the dragon into you.
Colleen: Will it hurt?
Danny: Yes. But then it will be a part of you.

I'm still secretly hoping that the show will turn into a Daughters of the Dragon stint. This episode turned 10 times more entertaining when the plot developed, characters made decisions, and those with resolve took action (I'm looking at you, Misty, in finding Joy as well as Colleen taking on the fist).

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With only one more episode left, Davos is theoretically defeated, albeit he's still alive. Walker made it her duty to kill him, although she has mysteriously taken Misty instead.

Fooled No More - Iron Fist Season 2 Episode 9

Davos may have been a formidable foe for Danny and New York City, but unfortunately, his development (or lack thereof) was not particularly engaging. I'm excited to see him leave because he's become unnecessarily ruthless in a way that's no longer fun -- it's just a little crude.

Danny seems like he'll become jealous of Colleen in some way. At this point, the fist has essentially become an extra weapon as Colleen mentioned. However, Colleen is a superior fighter, so the fist just gives her extra strength.

I think the technical term is "patricide." Although, I'm not sure it applies to the repeatedly undead. "Necrocide" is more like it.


So what exactly does the fist give the beholder, now that it's being passed around from owner to owner?

At this point in the series, it has sort of become a glorified gauntlet or added superpowered toy for Danny and Davos to toss around. It'll be interesting to see what Colleen actually does with it.

There's only one episode left, so make sure to watch Iron Fist online!

What do you think Walker wants with Misty? Do you think Colleen will battle Davos? How do you think Colleen will react to the fist? Let us know in the comments below!

War Without End Review

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Olivia Popp was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She left the site in September 2018.

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Iron Fist Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

I think the technical term is "patricide." Although, I'm not sure it applies to the repeatedly undead. "Necrocide" is more like it.


Danny: Let's finish this. Put your thumb to his third eye. Then wrap your fingers around like this.
Colleen: Okay.
Danny: Then you draw the heart of the dragon into you.
Colleen: Will it hurt?
Danny: Yes. But then it will be a part of you.