Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 3 Review: The Book of Occupation: Chapter Three

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The Markovians' latest plan of attack is downright viral.

On Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 3, their move to release a dangerous disease had potentially epidemic ramifications if Black Lighting and Lynn hadn't stopped it. The virus could've been the end of metahumans as we know it.

With everyone else going on in this war, germ warfare seems right up the Markovians' alley.

Emotional Reunion - Tall - Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 3

What's better than seeing Jefferson and Jennifer suit up to stop a crime? It's seeing Agent Odell have to put his tail between his legs and beg them for their help.

As I discussed during last week's review, Agent Odell's metahuman army was dropping like flies because he wasn't taking care of his people. Now, the disease was doing the job for him.

He knew that he couldn't stop the virus without Jefferson's, Lynn's, and Jennifer's help. Agent Odell is a man of exerting the upper hand or committing sly attacks; he can't cure a virus or fight a military army by himself. He is a man of limits.

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Kudos to the Pierces for making deals that benefited them! Saving the day doesn't only have to be about doing good; they deserve to have their glory moment too.

A win is a win, and now they're free of Odell's control ... for now.

Markovian Moves - Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 3

Though, Agent Odell needs to start treating the Pierce family with some respect. The family members aren't people he can push around and demand things.

Lynn agreed to figure out the cure. Jefferson and Jennifer agreed to stop the Markovians outside of Freeland. They didn't have to help; it's all generosities for the greater good.

Agent Odell: If you help me solve this problem, I will do everything in my power to address your needs.
Jefferson: Uh huh, I don’t believe you. The only reason you’re here is because you can’t afford to lose any more Metas.
Agent Odell: Yes, that is correct. And although we disagree, we both want the same thing: to save these people. This disease is so prevalent that if we do not find a cure soon, every Meta in Freeland will die, including your daughters.

Agent Odell is a tricky character because he does terrible things with his cold demeanor. However, he says things that make you believe he has a heart and cares about the family. He's a complex and conflicted man.

I'm believing this is all a ploy to lower their guards and manipulate them into doing more work for the ASA. Word to the wise: never trust Odell!

Case in point: the Markovian mission outside of Freeland. Agent Odell planned all of that (from the lies to the planting of his guards) to make a counterstrike against his enemies.

Why didn't he just come clean to the Pierces at the beginning?

He could've convinced Jefferson to do the rescue mission or Jennifer to destroy the data center. He may consider it for the greater good, but he's playing people like puppets. His moves will come back to haunt him.

ASA Watch - Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 3

We forget sometimes that Deputy Chief Henderson gets the brunt of the bad side while living in Freeland.

Don't get me wrong, he's a hero through-and-through. However, he doesn't have a secret identity, he doesn't have powers, and he has to follow the letter of the law to ensure peace in Freeland. His hurdles are much more grounded and public.

Plus, they focus a lot more on his moral ethics.

Related: Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 2 Review: The Book of Occupation: Chapter Two

He definitely didn't want to hand over the dirty money to Detective King's husband, but he did it because he knew they needed the help. And he took the slap from the bystander because he understood her anger for the frustrations going on in town. He can't control the ASA control, but he can deal with how someone reacts to it.

Deputy Chief Henderson's contributions to Black Lightning are subtle compared to the super-powered cast. However, his actions make a difference.

Maybe his wife is right? Maybe he'll become the next mayor of Freeland?

Agent Odell should know better than to do business with Tobias unless the offer is pretty sweet. He may have the former crime lord as a prisoner, but Tobias has all the power since he has exactly what Odell needs.

Torture tactics, manipulation, and captivity won't work against Tobias. He's already at his lowest and dying from the lack of serum.

Tobias: If you want to do business with me, you have to come up with a number. With a whole lot of zeros and commas behind it. On top of that, I want my freedom, territory, and I host of other considerations I’ve yet to think of.
Agent Odell: If I were you, I’d reflect on my current condition before I started turning down offers.
Tobias: I’ll take that under advisement.

Plus, he knows that Odell would kill him once he got the information. (Look at what happened to Issa!)

If Odell gets desperate enough to find the briefcase, the cost is going to be more than he bargained for.

Suit Up - Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 3

Though, he does have a handy leveraging tool in Painkiller.

Whatever the ASA scientists did to Khalil, it's clearly worked ... and it worked great. Painkiller's roster of martial arts and killing skills have increased tremendously since his time with Tobias.

As he went through each and every skill, I took notice of his personality: Painkiller is much more brazen and hotheaded. Khalil was the same way when he was "alive," but Painkiller here was deep into his own hype. He thought he could do it all.

Agent Odell: Are you waiting for something?
Jefferson: I’m waiting to see what else you pull. See, I don’t trust you.
Agent Odell: In spite of what you think of me, I am a man of my word. I said I would do my best to meet your needs. You need to be with your family, so go see your family. Safe travels.

Similar to what we discussed during last week's review, this new Painkiller is much more dangerous. He has the skills to back it up (just look at how he took down that entire house!) and he doesn't have a conscious to stop him.

Painkiller could become the next best weapon toward stopping the Markovians if they don't turn him first.

Grace and Anissa are back together! (Celebrations all around.)

After the many months of Anissa's searching amounting to nothing, the couple had their long-awaited reunion. They finally did the adult thing and actually talked to one another about their issues. And, you know, decided to work on their issues together.

It's such a strange concept to imagine that they're giving up their games and flight mentality.

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Now that Grace is sticking around, she and Anissa can overcome the secrets they kept from each other all this time. Anissa can help her girlfriend control the shapeshifting ability while Grace will get to experience Anissa's life as Blackbird/Thunder.

It's a new start for the couple. They better not mess it up!

The Deal - Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 3

Last Thoughts Lightning Round:

  • I miss Thunder! Blackbird is great and all, but Anissa's more heroic personality is sorely missed.
  • Anissa and Jennifer have a great sisterly bond whenever they spend time together. I loved that Jennifer had to parent her sister to start acting like an adult! (Someone had to say it!)
  • For a second, the new kid seemed like a potential love interest for Jennifer. But, if he can't handle all the drama that happened at his new school, there's no way he'll measure up to Jenn and her life.

Jennifer: Uh huh, you ain’t gonna creep up in here like you haven’t been out all night!
Anissa: You’re awake?
Jennifer: Of course, I’m awake. You’re gallivanting all over Freeland having fun and not checking in. You don’t even have your phone on, Anissa. How was I supposed to make sure you’re okay?
[Anissa smiles]
Jennifer: Why are you smiling?
Anissa: No, it’s just…
Jennifer: Is this funny to you?!
Anissa: No, no, it’s just … you sound just like Dad.

  • Jamila, keep doing what you're doing and own that newscast. You're a boss and you don't need Anissa in your life.
  • If Tobias were to start taking the serum again, would it return his youthful health/appearance or has he progressed too far for it to be reversed?
  • Black Lightning's new suit is a major tech upgrade. Though, his main suit still holds the top spot as favorite!
Uninvited Guest - Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 3

Now, over to you, Black Lightning fans!

What did you think of "The Book of Occupation: Chapter Three"?

What other plots do the Markovians have up their sleeves? Will things get better between Anissa and Grace? How will Tobias escape his confinement?

If you missed the latest episode of Black Lightning, you can watch Black Lightning online via TV Fanatic. Come back here and share your thoughts in the comments below.


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The Book of Occupation: Chapter Three Review

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Justin Carreiro was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow him on X.

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Black Lightning Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

Tobias: If you want to do business with me, you have to come up with a number. With a whole lot of zeros and commas behind it. On top of that, I want my freedom, territory, and I host of other considerations I’ve yet to think of.
Agent Odell: If I were you, I’d reflect on my current condition before I started turning down offers.
Tobias: I’ll take that under advisement.

Jennifer: Uh huh, you ain’t gonna creep up in here like you haven’t been out all night!
Anissa: You’re awake?
Jennifer: Of course, I’m awake. You’re gallivanting all over Freeland having fun and not checking in. You don’t even have your phone on, Anissa. How was I supposed to make sure you’re okay?
[Anissa smiles]
Jennifer: Why are you smiling?
Anissa: No, it’s just…
Jennifer: Is this funny to you?!
Anissa: No, no, it’s just … you sound just like Dad.