Supergirl Season 5 Episode 3 Review: Blurred Lines

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Bribery is not a good look on Kara.

In an attempt to make up for her betrayal to Lena, Kara goes to quite the extremes on Supergirl Season 5 Episode 3. Let's just say, she travels the world to do so.

How far will Kara go until her moral code gets in the way?

Kara Danvers2 - Supergirl Season 5 Episode 3

Kara begins innocently by bribing Lena with food from Paris, Milan, and Dublin. However, things get complicated when Lena uses Kara's guilt to her advantage.

By manipulating Kara into stealing from Fort Summit, a heavily guarded facility, Lena crosses a line. Kara is desperate to regain Lena's trust and is willing to do just about anything for her, even going against her morals.

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Lena is using her to further her project of correcting human's minds. But taking advantage of someone who considers you their best friend is never okay.

You are really starting to bug me.


Both Kara and Lena (unknowingly to Kara) have hurt one another, and fighting fire with fire never ends well. It makes me wonder if their friendship will ever be the same after Supergirl Season 5.

Lena - Supergirl Season 5 Episode 3

Lena's dive into darkness was furthered by not only using Kara, but also through her intent to use Lex's journals to solve her problem with humanity.

Supergirl is literally showing us a parallel between Lena and Lex. And it's an obvious one.

Through wanting to defeat Superman, Lex resulted to trying to perfect mind control. Through wanting to correct human's behavior (AKA mind control), Lena is hurting Supergirl.

Of course, Lena can still be redeemed. Even though her story is leading her down the villain path, I still have hope that it will not go that far. And, if anyone can stop that, it would be Kara.

James, Alex, and Brainy - Supergirl Season 5 Episode 3

The big shocker of Supergirl Season 5 Episode 3 (besides that special guest star) was revealed in J'onn's memories.

Who would have thought that it was J'onn who erased his and his father's memories of Ma'alefa'ak? I did not see that coming.

Am I the only one that did not know J'onn's brother's name was Ma'alefa'ak? Did I miss it, or did they just randomly start calling him that?

Also, is having your memory wiped the easy way out? You know, to explain for why there has never been any mention of this part of J'onn's past. It seems like a cop out.

Kara and Nia - Supergirl Season 5 Episode 3

After seeing J'onn wipe his and his father's memories, J'onn made Nia swear not to tell anyone.

Doesn't everyone on this show know by now that keeping secrets furthers the problem instead of solving it?

This is sure to come back to bite J'onn on the butt, but for now, his secret is safe. 

Related: Supergirl Season 5 Episode 2 Review: Stranger Beside Me

The Martians still confuse me, even though the new development in the Martian story for Supergirl Season 5 does make it a bit more intriguing.

Hopefully, it will just continue getting better (and more understandable).

Alex - Supergirl Season 5 Episode 3

Now, let's talk about Sean Astin.

How did they manage to keep his appearance a secret for so long?

I don't know about the rest of you, but I screamed when he first appeared.

Everyone's inner nerd was sure to come out when they figured out he was guest starring.

It is always nice to keep things fresh by having a famous person come on for an episode. And it brings viewers in, too, which I'm sure is great for everyone involved.

Guardian - Supergirl Season 5 Episode 3

His character also offered better understanding of Kelly as a character. She has always seemed kind, but Kelly has just been known as James' sister or Alex's girlfriend.

Now we know that her desire to help people could rival Supergirl's.

Hopefully, we get to see even more sides of her, even though she was last seen going into hiding with James. That probably will not last for long. My bets are on them returning by the end of Supergirl Season 5 Episode 4.

Kara: I'm sorry, we?
James: Yeah, I mean I want to get out of my head about the job offers and we may have a murder to solve. Unless, you don't want a superfriend?
Kara: No, of course I do!
James: Okay then, I'll keep you updated.

Boy, was Kara and James' friendship missed. Even though it was short, them teaming up made my heart feel whole again.


Nia - Supergirl Season 5 Episode 3

Elsewhere, the end of Brainy and Nia broke my heart. At least, it seemed like the end.

Their break up could have been seen from a mile away. It was over something as silly as poetry, but deep down, the reason Brainy left is valid.

Nia: You said I had to be honest, even if it hurt your feelings, so here's the truth. It's just too much. Okay, from now on, no more food, no more poems, no more anything. I know that you mean well, I know where you are coming from and it's sweet, it's all so sweet. I just, it's too much.
Brainy: You asked me to be myself, to be completely myself with you. But, now you tell me you don't want that. I can only operate at one hundred percent. It's just how I'm built. Which is entirely my problem and not yours.

They are so lovable as a couple, yet they never hit their stride.

Nia could not handle Brainy's extreme tendencies, and Brainy could not help but be himself. No one should have to change for their partner.

They are sure to try to mend things soon, and hopefully, when that time comes, they are both willing to accept the other as they are one hundred percent.

Andrea - Supergirl Season 5 Episode 3

Over at CatCo, William continues to be shady and Andrea continues to be cold-hearted as she tries to turn CatCo into Buzzfeed.

If the person is boring, then cause of death is boring. Wow me. Show me some sparkly death.


Now that Kara has proof that William has been up to no good -- the video of him at the night club with the doctor before he died -- the truth will come out sooner or later.

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He probably has a good explanation as to why he is receiving money from a mysterious man, but his character is still not intringuing enough to want to know more.

I am just waiting for them to dig deeper into Andrea's story, seeing as she is supposed to be the main villain this season.

Kara Danvers - Supergirl Season 5 Episode 3

I'll turn it over to you Supergirl Fanatics!

What did you think of Lena using Kara? Was she crossing a line?

Also, how triggering was it to hear Sean Astin's character say "I'm in crisis now" ahead of this year's crossover?

Let me know in the comments and do not forget that you can watch Supergirl online right here on TV Fanatic.

Supergirl airs on Sundays at 9/8c on The CW.


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Blurred Lines Review

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Sarah Little was a staff writer for TV Fanatic.She retired in September 2021.

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Supergirl Season 5 Episode 3 Quotes

You are really starting to bug me.


Nia: You said I had to be honest, even if it hurt your feelings, so here's the truth. It's just too much. Okay, from now on, no more food, no more poems, no more anything. I know that you mean well, I know where you are coming from and it's sweet, it's all so sweet. I just, it's too much.
Brainy: You asked me to be myself, to be completely myself with you. But, now you tell me you don't want that. I can only operate at one hundred percent. It's just how I'm built. Which is entirely my problem and not yours.