Watch Teen Mom 2 Online: Season 10 Episode 23

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Did Kailyn make a mistake?

On Teen Mom 2 Season 10 Episode 23, the mother took her kids out of school to vacation in another state. 

Leah Chats With Her Children - Teen Mom 2

This did not sit well with Jo, who made his ex aware of his reservations. 

Meanwhile, Sean begged Jade to let him see their daughter. 

But Jade felt like he was going to continue to act like an ass. 

Kailyn Lays Down the Law - Teen Mom 2

Elsewhere, Briana vowed to take her relationship with Jon to the next level. 

How did her family feel about this new pairing?

Use the video above to watch Teen Mom 2 online right here via TV Fanatic. 

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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