Dare Me Season 1 Episode 3 Review: Surrender at Discretion

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How close is too close for a coach and her students?

That's a central question throughout Dare Me Season 1 Episode 3, as Colette gets closer and closer to Addy and also endears herself to the rest of the squad after a rager at her home. 

Well, she endeared herself to everyone but Beth, who still isn't buying what Colette is selling. 

Colette At Practice - Dare Me Season 1 Episode 3

Addy is a teenager, and thus she's impressionable, and to her, Colette is unlike anyone else she has in her life. 

To her, it feels like Colette sees her and appreciates her. She's more than just Beth's sidekick when she's hanging at Colette's house. And it feels her with a sense of importance. 

You could argue that part of the reason Colette is so eager to be Addy's buddy is that she needs her to keep quiet about Will, but she also seems to like Addy. 

But their relationship is starting to getting blurry. 

At Practice - Dare Me Season 1 Episode 3

Colette, Will, and Addy's woodsy rendevous felt strange, in that it felt like an awkward date between two lovesick kids who couldn't keep their hands off each other, and a third wheel who didn't know where she belonged. 

Addy is Team Sarge Will all the way, and it makes sense because she knows Will a lot better than she knows Matt and she's been witness to the chemistry between Colette and Will. 

But her eagerness to get them together also feels odd. 

After some internal struggles during Dare Me Season 1 Episode 2, Colette was all in with Will during this hour. But at some point, these two are going to have to decide what they're doing. 

Colette Preaches - Dare Me Season 1 Episode 3

Addy can't be their permanent babysitter, and Matt isn't dumb enough to stay clueless forever. 

Colette doesn't seem to be in a rush to make that decision. And from what little we've seen of Will away from Colette, he seems like a lonely man who's willing to just wait for Colette, however long that may be. 

While some people were in a state of flux, Beth was doing her usual thing. Which means she was drinking, self-sabotaging and making Tacy's life a living hell. 

There's a lot of storylines being juggled every week, and some don't get nearly enough attention when they should. The Beth-Bert-Tacy triangle deserves further exploration because it should provide greater insight into Beth's motives. 

Angry Beth - Dare Me Season 1 Episode 3

Beth is the stereotypical mean girl who terrorizes the halls and only cares about herself, making it easy for her to fill the role of "villain". And she plays into that role well when she's dealing with Tacy. 

Colette: What about you, Addy, you ever jealous? You ever want things you can't have?
Will: I know what you want. You want to be on top of that pyramid just like every other girl.
Addy: No, not me.

But it's obvious the hatred towards Tacy is much greater than just Tacy herself, and it would be good to shade in the story of the Cassidy's amongst all the Colette and Addy bonding sessions. 

The ice bath was meant to be a way to weed out the weak in Beth's words, but it was just a way for Beth to humiliate Tacy and assert herself as the true queen of the squad. 

Tacy could have died in that ice water or been seriously injured, and the cavalier attitude of the girls was worrisome but pretty much on-brand with what we've seen from the squad. 

Beth rules all and everyone else is meant to just fall in line.

Even Addy, who will have her moments of independence, but always comes around to being Beth's number one fan. 

After shrugging off poor Tacy who just wanted to return Beth's hoodie and lament about her evil half-sister, Addy had a visceral reaction to seeing Colette and Matt together. 

And it led her right out the door and straight to Beth's. 

It feels like at some point these two were more than just friends, and Beth is holding onto a lot of feelings that Addy is either oblivious to or just trying to ignore. 

Frank Conversation - Dare Me Season 1 Episode 3

There's so much more to Beth than meets the eye and getting to see more of what makes Beth's the way she is would go a long way in helping us understand her beyond the one-dimensional character we currently see. 

Odds and Ends 

  • There weren't any scenes from the bloody scene in the future, so there are no clues about who potentially dies fairly soon. 
  • As we get to know Colette and Matt more, they don't make a lot of sense as a couple. Colette is like a caged animal waiting to break out, and Matt is perfectly content with his less than exciting life. They're more caught up in the feelings from the past than with the here and now.
  • Tacy has no business being top girl. I can see where Colette is coming from in wanting to get the team to see that they are greater than Beth, but Tacy isn't ready. 
Top Girl - Dare Me Season 1 Episode 3
  • Corporal Kurtz seems like a real slimeball and real trouble. 
  • Poor Jordy Jones is now videotaping the squad and can't even get Addy to give him the time of day. 
  • Bert said he wanted to digitally alter the girls routine and he was deadly serious. Bert has never seen a problem he can't finagle his way out of, except his personal life. 

Alright, guys now it's your turn to let me know what you guys thought about the episode. 

Are you rooting for Colette and Matt?

Are Colette and Addy getting too close?

Will the girls make regionals?

Drop all your comments down below and watch Dare Me online right now via TV Fanatic so you can join the fun! 

Surrender at Discretion Review

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Whitney Evans is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. She is a lover of all things TV. Follow her on X.

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Dare Me Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

It's a nasty virus, weakness. One of you shows it, next thing you're all infected. Laziness lurks in all of you and it is ugly. So when you see someone who's weak, do you complain? Phone it in? No! You step up. Adapt. Adjust. If we can't help each other, if we don't support each other, don't teach other...then we can't get there from here. We have to be strong for those who are less strong. That's how we win.


There's sheep. Which is fine. Squads need sheep. But I don't spend my time on sheep, there's no payoff.

Colette [to Addy]