Charmed (2018) Season 2 Episode 14 Review: Sudden Death

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The Charmed Ones have their powers back, but the Power of Three is nowhere to be found!

On Charmed (2018) Season 2 Episode 14, the sisters struggle to regain their magic connection.

Macy never should have gotten rid of her demon powers. While her witch powers are back, she won't be able to tap into her full power until she can tap into all of who she is.

The Team Bands Together - Charmed (2018) Season 2 Episode 14

The sisters were previously told they must figure out who they are apart from one another to bring back the Power of Three.

Both Macy and Maggie need to figure out where their heart lies. 

Maggie used Jordan to break into Abigael's demon lair where she knew Parker was being held captive without telling Jordan that Parker was still alive.

Similarly, Macy accepted Julian's help to find a way to save Harry without telling Julian that she had feelings for Harry.

Jordan is not Amused - Charmed (2018) Season 2 Episode 14

Maggie was wise to tell Jordan that she needs space to figure out how she feels. 

I loved the way Jordan responded, and told her to take all the time she needed. I also loved the fact that Jordan believed Maggie about Parker.

Parker: Hey Jordan, take care of her.
Jordan: She can take care of herself.

Unlike Parker, Jordan is mature and loves Maggie enough to let her go.

Jordan deserves to be with someone who loves him as much as he loves them.

Jordan is also concerned about Maggie's well being, which makes him a better choice for Maggie. 

Jordan and Maggie Work Together - Charmed (2018) Season 2 Episode 14

Once Maggie takes time to herself, I hope she does not backslide and take Parker back.

Parker is a great guy, but he's not ready to carry the responsibility of being with a Charmed One.

Macy should follow her little sister's example and tell Julian that she needs space to decide what she wants.

Look at you two trying to protect one another, so cute. Don't they make the sweetest couple, Parker? 


It's not fair for Macy to lead Julian on if she's not interested in him. 

Julian has been intentional with Macy and even stood by his side when his Aunt gave her a hard time.

However, now knowing Julian's aunt is out to destroy all magic, it makes me wonder whether Julian knows anything about Macy's powers. 

Jordan in the Doorway - Charmed (2018) Season 2 Episode 14

He's been curiously nice to her despite how distant she's been, and asked Macy if she was hiding anything.

He also showed up randomly and just happened to want to dig a hole in the same location as the Charmed One's magical lair. Coincidence? 

Maggie: And you? Where do you stand? With him and Julian.
Macy: I stand right here.

Part of me hopes that Julian turns out to be a bad guy so that I don't have to feel bad for him. 

If Macy takes up Julian's job offer and agrees to consult for his foundation, she may inadvertently end up working for a company who seeks to destroy magic

Macy and Julian Talk - Charmed (2018) Season 2 Episode 14

It could also work to Macy's advantage, giving her an in to discover the enemies plans and learn their methods.

While the Power of Three is still in limbo, the sisters were wise to move full speed ahead in trying to save Harry.

It makes more sense for Harry and Jimmy to merge than to separate their connection.

If Harry chooses to merge with Jimmy, he will feel whole again. 

Julian Surprises Macy - Charmed (2018) Season 2 Episode 14

It didn't make the most sense that Macy just figured out how to merge Jimmy and Harry back together because the sisters had already planned to merge whitelighter Helen and Darklighter Helen.

While Abigael's character is not clearly good or bad, she has almost become a staple part of the Charmed team.

I hate that the Charmed Ones seem to turn to Abigael for help and guidance almost every episode now. 

For someone they despise and distrust, Abigael has become almost like a second whitelighter to the Charmed Ones

Maggie and Mel  - Charmed (2018) Season 2 Episode 14

Abigael helped Macy get rid of her demon powers, and she even helped save Harry's life. 

The only thing consistent about Abigael is her lustful desire to be intimate with every man that crosses her path.

The most entertaining part of the episode was the appearance of the new dark force, and the revelation that someone is trying to revive dead bodies and inject them with magic. 

Between the journey to reunite the Power of the Three, Harry, Jimmy, Abigael, Jordan, Parker, Julian, and now a new dark force, it's been tough to figure out the primary story arc this season.

Mel and Harry Together  - Charmed (2018) Season 2 Episode 14

Despite all the storylines and new revelations, this week's show dragged on without much excitement.

Other than getting the Power of Three back, the sisters have hardly had to work together as the Charmed Ones all season. 

The writers consistently rely too little on themes like sisterhood and strength, and too heavily on love triangles to push each episode forward. 

Harry: What can I do to get my friend back?
Macy: You just did.

Random Thoughts:

  • I have loved all of the looks this season! The hair and make-up has been on point, and girls slay every week. 
  • It's strange that the Charmed Ones did not face more consequences for faking their own deaths. In today's digital age, it's unlikely that they'd manage to get away with it so easily.
  • I can't believe we have to wait a month for the next episode of Charmed. Here's your chance to write an epic Charmed fanfiction about what should happen next!
Maggie in Animal Print - Charmed (2018)

As always, I want to hear what you thought about this week's episode?

Do you think Julian is a good guy, or is he taking advantage of poor unsuspecting Macy?

Will Harry to choose to become one with his darker half Jimmy?

If you missed this week's epsidoe, you can always watch Charmed (2018) online!

Charmed airs Friday's on the CW.

Sudden Death Review

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Kiara Imani is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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Charmed (2018) Season 2 Episode 14 Quotes

Maggie: And you? Where do you stand? With him and Julian.
Macy: I stand right here.

Look at you two trying to protect one another, so cute. Don't they make the sweetest couple, Parker? 
