Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 13 Review: Wait & Hope

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Prodigal Son is pure madness, and you know what? It's what makes it so damn charming and fun.

No installment fully captured how batshit bananas and unapologetically absurd and ridiculously fun this series is like Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 13.

It dared you not to laugh at Malcolm's antics, and if you didn't chuckle at least once during the hour, then maybe the show isn't for you at all.

Malcolm's Speech - Tall - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 13

The hour was Prodigal Son at its most outlandishly fun and zany. If you treat it as a standalone hour meant to have fun with the characters and play with the dynamics, then it works beautifully on its own. It's how I'm choosing to process the hour.

The white suit was priceless (though, I doubt it), and "Under Pressure" playing in the background during the best parts of the crime scene saga was genius. The witty repartee throughout the entire hour from everyone was top-notch.

The Colonel - Tall  - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 13

It was over the top madness. It was pure, unalderated cheese and fun, and what's not to love about that?

Did the series fix the continuity issues from the previous two installments? Nope.

Did they continue to gloss over some critical moments and character interactions? Absolutely.

Well, that was a heck of a show. What should we watch next? 


Should Malcolm have died four times within the hour? Probably. Did it demand you to suspend belief a thousand times? Without a doubt.

Are we any closer to finding out what happened with the girl in the box? Ha! No way.

A Different Type of Crime Scene  - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 13

Did they brush past the crippling trauma of Malcolm finding out his father supposedly tried to kill him in favor of bordering on endearing father/son moments? You bet your ass they did.

Were their contrivances for plot convenience? Hell yes; there were so many of them.

Did any of it seem to matter? Hell no.

Of all the installments, this was the one where if you thought about pointing out how ludicrous something was, the series responded with, "Yeah, what about it?"

Bearing Gifts - Tall  - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 13

And do you know what? I respect that. How can you not? For this hour, at least; in a warped way, it worked. It was like a fanfiction had come to life.

It was outlandishly wacky; the nitpicks didn't apply. From the beginning, the intent was clear. It would be a fun hour, filled with the best tropes, and a sprinkle of all those fuzzy family feels in that way only the Whitlys know how to pull off.

Can we talk about the white suit? Also, can we give Malcolm Bright kudos for keeping that sucker pristine even after he jumped over a desk to hold down a bomb, and then dove out of a window and landed on Gil's car?

Cutting Short His Vacation - Tall  - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 13

Not a speck appeared on it. Jessica would be proud, had she known her child jumped out of a multi-storied window AGAIN. And the jokes the team came up with for Malcolm as he donned a stark white suit to a crime scene in New York during the winter was hysterical.

He did look like someone out of Miami Vice. And Malcolm took it all in stride because of how much he has come to enjoy being part of a team.

Jessica: You look wonderful!
Malcolm: Do I?

It was a great hour for the team camaraderie, and it utilized the entire cast in one way or another. It's something the show hasn't done in a bit.

Some time must have passed, but the timeline was wonky. It was one more "just go with it" issue to add to the pile with the others.

Crime Scene Bros - Tall  - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 13

Malcolm tried to behave. He attempted to take time off, and his sequence of deftly popping his meds into his mouth like candy and doing yoga was endearing.

We saw proof of him sustaining himself of handfuls of licorice and mineral water.

Jessica was happy to send Malcolm on a beach vacation, and she almost succeeded. She made a mistake sending Gil to take Malcolm to the airport.

Come on, Jessica! The writing was on the wall. It was a given that Gil would get a call, and Malcolm would tag along.

Prepping Malcolm  - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 13

He can't help himself. His eyes practically lit up.

And the case was right up his alley with literary references, old weapons, and the wealthy elite.

Dani: I think it's time we get the profile turned on you for once. Why can't you just tune it all out? Walk away from it? What are you so afraid of?
Malcolm: I'm afraid of me. The more relaxed things are out there, the more time I have to think in here, and when that happens, it's terrifying. Imagine a theater that only plays horror films starring you.
Dani: That is the worst idea for a movie I ever heard. I don't think anyone would go.
Malcolm: Right. The problem is I'm trapped inside.

He was in his element. It gave credence to what he told Dani later on about how work distracts him.

It's so much deeper than a distraction; it's a coping mechanism. For someone like Malcolm, who has been through so much, the scariest thing is to be alone with his thoughts.

Some Downtime - Tall - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 13

It's something terrifying about the silence. It's the reason he couldn't meditate properly.

But he finds joy and glee from work, and while it's always been prominent since the beginning of the series, it was the most pronounced during this hour.

William: Can we talk about this later? 
Malcolm: Hopefully.

It was the first time that some of the others saw what the job means to him.

Typically, he comes across so manic and energetic that it translates to obsession, recklessness, and impulsivity.

Protecting Edrisa - Tall  - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 13

However, even though he was impulsive, it came across as heroic. You could sense the shift in his usual approach to cases with the team as well.

Despite them wondering or urging him to catch a flight for his vacation, they deferred to him without question for most of the case.

Might as well go out with a bang. I only have a second. 


They trusted him implicitly without a doubt even when what he was suggesting was outrageous or scary.

And Malcolm's suggestions were both. If Prodigal Season 1 Episode 11 came across like an '80s slasher flix, then this installment was like a cheesy spy movie.

M.E. Goddess - Tall  - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 13

I mean it in the best possible way. At the top of the hour, Malcolm was shooting and hurling himself out of a window before an explosion. He was sliding and maneuvering his slender body through ropes and stopping swords with his bare hands by the end.

What can't Malcolm do?

Gil: We have to call someone. 
Malcolm: Who are we going to call? The department of fallen sword death? That's us!  Besides, I'm a two-time silver medal ax thrower. 
Gil: silver medal.

It was enough to have one shrieking, but it was entertaining. You can't say it wasn't.

Malcolm was the man of many skills from his familiarity with the murders connected to The Count of Monte Cristo, to his knowledge of centuries-old weaponry, to which JT is also familiar.

Age-Old Weaponry - Tall  - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 13

He casually threw out his silver medals in ax throwing and showed off some of his other skillsets. Ax-throwing?! Contorting himself beneath a series of ropes that look like lasers? Sliding across the floor like a pro?

You have to love it!

Malcolm Bright is a man of many talents. He also has a bionic body that we don't know about.

He should probably soak in Epson salt by the end of the week. He put his poor body through the wringer.

How did he land on Gil's car from that high up and not bruise or break something? And when did his hand heal?

It doesn't matter, people!

Papa Gil - Tall  - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 13

Can we also have a moment of silence for Gil's car? Obviously, Gil was probably relieved that Malcolm survived.

They kind of brushed off that he nearly exploded at a crime scene after saving Edrisa and jumped out of a window. You know, these are just Prodigal Son things.

Gil: If you're going to talk to your dad, we're going to do it together, as a team.
Malcolm: Are you sure this is a good idea?
Gil: Nope.

But it's something amusing about Malcolm totaling his pseudo- dad's car like an unruly teenager.

Yes, the hour gave us a bit of everything. If you love those Malcolm and Edrisa scenes, she was there poking fun of him like everyone else.

And he saved her life again. It's easy to understand why she's so enraptured with Malcolm when he keeps being her knight in a white suit, like an actual Prince Charming except infinitely more useful.

Edrisa is such a delight. The glimpses of her are a treat. It'll be a happy day when they give Edrisa more screentime and incorporate her into the plot more.

From the sounds of it, that day is coming.

And JT is a character who is full of surprises. He's more than the guy with the wisecracks.

Age-Old Weaponry - Tall  - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 13

He was well-versed in the old weaponry. Malcolm should probably throw a party at his apartment. JT and Edrisa will lose their minds if they see his collection.

JT was also there to stop the final sword from skewering the Taylors' attorney.

Malcolm: OK, turn of events, this mine is definitely not stable, which means I have to speak quickly, JT, auction houses will have records of the gun's sale, and Gil, the killer identifies as the count, which means the victim deemed him inferior or unworthy in some way. And Dani ...
Dani: Yeah?
Malcolm: Uh, nevermind. I have a plan. Go.

JT kicked butt. It was especially nice to see more concern from him and the others in general when Malcolm was risking his life with the landmine.

We hoped to see that type of emotion after Malcolm's kidnapping. No one wanted to leave Malcolm behind, but protocol demanded it.

Confiding in Dani - tall  - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 13

And from his end, choosing to answer the phone and speak to his father highlighted the complexities of their father/son relationship despite who and what Martin is.

It was supposed to be theatrical based on how the hour played out.

Martin: Oh, there's a lady cop? Oh, how wonderful.
Dani: Your dad seems ... nice.
Malcolm: He's not.

It worked having Malcolm shout out orders to JT and Gil "just in case" he didn't make it. And then came the moment between Dani and Malcolm where she tearfully awaited hers, and he had something to say to her, but then he didn't.

All of this is what we were looking for after his abduction, and when he returned to the precinct.

Getting Orders  - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 13

It was a solid hour for those of us who are fans of the partnership between Malcolm and Dani. Outside of Gil, she's been his closest person at the precinct.

They've formed a real bond, and they both have different reasons why they don't take to others easily, so it's a lovely sentiment that they consider each other a friend. They trust each other and talk to one another.

Dani: I think it's time we get the profile turned on you for once. Why can't you just tune it all out? Walk away from it? What are you so afraid of?
Malcolm: I'm afraid of me. The more relaxed things are out there, the more time I have to think in here, and when that happens, it's terrifying. Imagine a theater that only plays horror films starring you.
Dani: That is the worst idea for a movie I ever heard. I don't think anyone would go.
Malcolm: Right. The problem is I'm trapped inside.

It makes sense that Dani is the person he took with him to meet his father. He lets her inside of his head and entrusts her with some of the most vulnerable parts of himself.

What do you think he planned to tell her before he changed his mind?

Dani on the Scene - Tall - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 9

Of course, it can be interpreted in many different ways depending on your stance on their partnership. And it was many moments and scenes that served as ship bait for those inclined to root for the pair romantically.

Or if you're only digging their friendship, their scenes are equally as endearing.

Malcolm: Wow. You look amazing.
Dani: That is the first smart thing you said all day. 

They went as far as pulling out the classic guy being speechless over how well his friend cleans up trope. Since the hour already had the fun spy vibes, Malcolm and Dani going undercover fit in nicely.

And while Dani's street clothes fit her personality, she looked stunning in her dress and with her hair swept up. It was a Jessica approved look, too.

Undercover Work - Tall  - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 13

The two of them crashing the Taylor wedding had an irresistible caper vibe, and if they pull off more undercover missions in the future, there won't be any complaints.

Everything led them to the Taylor home, and while Cal was a decent suspect given how much he loathed his father pushing him into things he didn't like and ruining his love life, it was a much better twist to have the murderer be Isabella.

Jessica: Malcolm, I knew you wouldn't join a conga line!  What the hell are you doing here? [to Dani] Also, you look fabulous.
Dani: Oh, you too. The green and your eyes.

Although, were we supposed to be OK with the age difference between Cal and Isabella? What was the difference? One of the reasons they figured he had something to do with her death and the coverup was because of her being younger than him.

But it turned out the two of them were in love, but his father would never allow his son to be with the daughter of his cook. It seemed the usual class, race, and nationality issues were at play.

Bearing Gifts - Tall  - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 13

It was Isabella's revenge going after everyone who covered up her "death" and dragged her reputation down with it. They made it seem like she was the cause of the boat accident, and she was a stain on their lives.

Isabella had more than enough reason to be angry and vengeful. And her motivations made her one of the most compelling killers they've had on the series thus far.

He's not worth it, Isabella. None of them are.


It would've been cool if we spent more time with her.

But Malcolm and Dani finding a way to stop Mr. Taylor's toast until Dani could track down Isabella in the crowd was a great scene.

Malcolm's Speech - Tall - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 13

Malcolm had to pull a speech out of his arse for a distraction, and he spoke about fathers and sons. Some of it seemed as though he was referring to himself and Martin.

And as if he didn't put himself in harm's way enough during the installment, he dove on Mr. Tayler to keep him from getting shot.

Dani's lack of reaction during that scene was odd since it looked as though Malcolm got hit for a second, but fair enough.

Instead, the moment impressed Jessica. She saw how the others responded to Malcolm after his heroic deed.

Jessica Frets Over Malcolm - Tall  - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 13

But she also saw how happy Malcolm was in his element. Jessica worries about Malcolm, and some of her concerns are valid, given the circumstances. But she also never understood how good her son was at his job and how much it means to him.

She's consistently gone on about how she wants him to be happy, but she's starting to realize the job does make it happen.

This may not mean anything to you, but I was exiled to social Siberia after your father's arrest. It's taken me 20 years to get back.


Maybe it was time for her to recognize it. After all, how long could they have her nag him about working with the police?

Jessica was proud of her son in a way we haven't seen before, and it was due to her comprehension of what it is he does. She also doesn't mind jumping in and aiding in investigations in any way she can provide, too.

The Whitly Women - tall - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 3

It's a Whitly affair.

But most notably is how Malcolm outed himself at an elite affair for Jessica's sake. He used his moment of heroism that had others fawning all over him to tell others that he was Jessica's son.

So if they didn't already know he was Martin's son, they did after that incident.

He and Ainsley both went out of their way to help their mother reintroduce herself to the social elite she was ostracized from after Martin got arrested.

Mom Troubles - Tall  - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 4

It was unexpected that Ainsley helped, but maybe she grew closer to her mother after what happened with John. It's again why those little moments we don't see matter to add context to the rest of the show.

Like, was that the first time Ainsley saw and spoke to her brother since he rescued her and Jessica? They always have a distance between them.

Jessica realized that she's OK not rubbing elbows with wealthy acquaintances. She'll never be able to ease in and out of two distinct worlds like Malcolm, but she's coming around to associating with the "little people" more.

Hell, Jessica and Martin share a similar glee over Malcolm associating with any woman. Martin was damn near purring over the phone when he heard Dani speak, and it's not lost that Malcolm hung up around the time Martin commented on a lady cop.

His father is a serial killer who seemingly murdered his fair share of women, so Martin's piqued interest upon hearing (and later seeing) Dani was enough to put Malcolm in a protective mode.

Malcolm: We have to crash a wedding. 
Dani: They're never going to let me in like this.
Martin: You can take her shopping, my boy. On me. Go on you kids, have fun! 

But in taking Dani to see Martin, he gave her better insight into the unusual working dynamic he has with his father. As effed up as it is, Martin and Malcolm somehow manage to meet in the middle when they solve cases together.

They share a similar appreciation for piecing together the puzzle, and Dani seemed intrigued as she watched them work together.

Whitly Research - Tall  - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 2

Somehow, Malcolm can zone out, and when they're focused entirely on a case, they're in simpatico. It's unorthodox and warped, but it works.

Up until this point, it's doubtful anyone else saw Martin and Malcolm in action and could understand why they have this connection that can't be severed.

Malcolm: I'm just confused, lost, scared. You have no idea what these visits do to me, what you did to me.
Martin: My boy, I made you.
Malcolm: You destroyed me.
Martin: Malcolm, what are you doing?
Malcolm: I came to tell you face to face--
Martin: Tell me what?
Malcolm: That you're a crazy, old man, a sick lunatic, living in a delusion. We never had a relationship because none of this is real. I never loved you, and you'll never see me again.

Martin's alluring quality was in full-force, and it was through him, Malcolm could come up with a better profile and solve the case.

Opening it up so that Martin is now a shared asset instead of sneaking around and keeping it quiet is much better. It also speaks to Malcolm's growth and the trust and comfort he has with everyone.

Martin Bested?  - Tall  - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 7

Martin isn't Malcolm's dirty little secret or his cross to bear alone. Everyone is there and in it with him now. It also revitalizes the situation, since it could've gotten stale after a while.

The entire Whitly family, Gil, and now Dani have met Martin at the facility, and the group call with the team was hilarious.

Stanley: Martin, how are you feeling about your solitary confinement?
Martin: Well, first of all, it's great to be back. Um, I have to tell you, Stanley, I was in a pretty bad place. I thought my son was dead. It got a little dark there for a minute. But I have come to learn my boy is just fine. I was even able to help him with something explosive at work today.
Stanley: Well, that's positive.
Martin: But I worry about him. He's not OK. And I'm not sure I have the emotional tools to help. I was thinking we can do some roleplaying to help me with my self-destructive behaviors.
Stanley: Alright, Martin. Let's see --
Martin: And Hector can play Malcolm.
Hector: I don't want to. I'm always Malcolm.
Martin: Because you're good at it. You really capture his essence.

Martin got a kick out of being of use, and while you can't always tell where his motivations are or how helpful he'll be during every situation, pulling him out now and then as an asset for the whole team is refreshing.

Malcolm put a pin in talking to his father in detail about what John said. And Martin, for all of his behavior when he thought Malcolm was dead, moved past all of that quickly.

Chess Master  - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 7

It's funny how when Martin thought John killed Malcolm he freaked out, but when he knew there was a chance Malcolm could get blown up at a crime scene, he was cracking jokes and so pleased Malcolm answered his call that he didn't think about telling his son he loved him.

The narcissism jumped out. For once, he had nightmares about Malcolm. Martin's greatest fear is Malcolm rejecting him for good.

I'd say that went well. Should I have said I love you? 


He's obsessed with his son, but it's only in how Malcolm is an extension of him.

First, the therapist running the group therapy sessions at the facility is terrible. Martin shouldn't be dominating the session.

Second, poor Hector. How often does Martin have them roleplay if Hector is sick of playing Malcolm?

Martin's willingness to work on the case was in large part due to his need to make sure Malcolm was back in his life in some capacity.

And what do you think about Martin reading The Count of Monte Christo to Malcolm as a boy? It's a tale of revenge and given their complicated relationship, and how he got sent away in the first place, it makes you wonder.

Like Father, Like Son - Tall  - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 1

For as much as Martin obsessed about Malcolm, he couldn't turn his back on his father either. He was right back to working with him the first chance he got, and even though he touched on what John said, not much came from it.

Martin denies ever wanting to kill Malcolm. He rightfully pointed out that he could've done it at any time. And we never got to see how Malcolm processed this conflicting information.

Dani: These old families, they all have skeletons in their closets.
Malcolm: Mine had 23.

Who does he believe? What does it mean? It's almost like he buried it after he brought it up.

It's hanging between them, but it hasn't hindered the unusual relationship they have, or at least it didn't while they were on the case.

Not Fine - Tall  - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 12

The gravitational pull between Martin and Malcolm is fascinating and one of the best aspects of the series. You can't make sense of it, but it's intriguing.

But I can't wait for the series to touch on that part of Martin wanting to kill Malcolm more.

Well, that was a heck of a show. What should we watch next? 


Martin is a notorious gaslighter, especially with Malcolm, and he's a pathological liar. But Watkins had the incentive to screw with Malcolm's head too.

What do you guys think? Do you believe Martin?

Did you have a moment of silence for Gil's car? Was this the most bonkers episode of them all?

Did you accept that they were throwing continuity and sense out of the window for the fun of it?

Cutting Short His Vacation - Tall  - Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 13

Do you think Jessica has accepted Malcolm's career now? What the heck is going on with Ainsley? What do you think Malcolm was going to say to Dani?

Hit the comments below.

You can watch Prodigal Son online here via TV Fanatic. 

You can catch us live-tweeting the episodes, too.


Wait & Hope Review

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Jasmine Blu is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. She is an insomniac who spends late nights and early mornings binge-watching way too many shows and binge-drinking way too much tea. Her eclectic taste makes her an unpredictable viewer with an appreciation for complex characters, diverse representation, dynamic duos, compelling stories, and guilty pleasures. You'll definitely find her obsessively live-tweeting, waxing poetic, and chatting up fellow Fanatics and readers. Follow her on X.

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Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 13 Quotes

Jessica: You look wonderful!
Malcolm: Do I?

Malcolm: I'm just confused, lost, scared. You have no idea what these visits do to me, what you did to me.
Martin: My boy, I made you.
Malcolm: You destroyed me.
Martin: Malcolm, what are you doing?
Malcolm: I came to tell you face to face--
Martin: Tell me what?
Malcolm: That you're a crazy, old man, a sick lunatic, living in a delusion. We never had a relationship because none of this is real. I never loved you, and you'll never see me again.