Legacies Season 2 Episode 14 Review: There's a Place Where the Lost Things Go

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This is Dark Josie's world, and everyone is just living in it. 

Legacies Season 2 Episode 14 found the core characters placed in a Chambre de Chasse, but it wasn't like the one the Mikaelsons were placed in on The Originals Season 5 Episode 8

The visuals, costumes, acting, and music were great in this murder-mystery environment. The actors were given different things to do, and it worked very well as a location for all of the conflict to boil over. 

Film Noir World - Legacies

Dark Josie getting her own vessel, of sorts, was very reminiscent of Elena having her doppelganger Katherine pursuing her on The Vampire Diaries. 

It was predictable for Dark Josie to be the killer, but the purpose of the storyline was more about reiterating to Lizzie, and everyone else, that the Josie we know and love will not be returning. 

Lizzie Snarls - Legacies Season 2 Episode 14

If you watch Legacies online, you know Lizzie can be self-centered, but she cares for her twin more than anyone would believe. That's why it was so painful for her to hear Dark Josie tell her that her mind was being left in the Chambre de Chasse. 

It was a cruel move, but it propels the narrative forward considerably. Instead of just Malivore and monsters of the week, we have the Necromancer and Dark Josie as our villains, and that should allow the series to evolve beyond the repetitive structure. 

Emma: Does anyone have any questions?
Lizzie: Yeah, I have a question. What the hell is she doing here?

Bringing the merge into Dark Josie's machinations made sense, and it felt like a more natural way of progressing that story without making it feel like the merge was highlighted just to keep it as a part of the show. 

Leaving Lizzie in an alternate reality would have allowed Josie to consume her sister with ease, but plans never pan out the way you expect. 

Josie Looks On - Legacies Season 2 Episode 14

Dark Josie is pressing forward based on power, but she fails to realize that people will soon discover her weaknesses. That being said, the final scene with Josie raising the ground and setting the school on fire was visually stunning. 

There's no telling what she will do while she's waiting for the merge, but that could be where the Necromancer comes into play. Raf was haunted by him in the alternate reality as well as the real world. 

Jade: Hi, uh sorry I'm late. Weird dreams.
Emma: You're just in time, Jade. Don't worry. What we're about to do here is merely a simulation, and I'll be there as well. I promise to keep a careful eye on all of you.

The mark on him is problematic and could suggest that he has already been murdered and is merely back to cause unrest at the school. Legacies sometimes struggles to deliver shocks in ways that don't feel predictable. 

That's why I'm hoping Raf isn't dead and that there's more about his storyline that we don't know. There has to be more.

Raf and Hope - Legacies Season 2 Episode 14

We needed a break from Landon. "There's a Place Where Lost Things Go" zeroed in on the fears of the other characters. Landon has already opened up about his on a number of occasions, so it was wise to leave him out of this one. 

Even though he wasn't there, Hope is starting to realize that the trajectory of their relationship is changing. She didn't need the alternate reality to tell her that, but now she's more sure than ever that change is coming for them. 

Some couples are fated to have lots of hurdles in their relationship. Just look at the complicated journeys of Delena and Haylijah. It's the way it is, and the conflict makes for good TV. 

Speaking of relationships, Josie's sex dream about Jade came out of the left field, and I'm assuming Dark Josie planted the dream in both of their heads to build a connection between them. 

MG The Inspector - Legacies Season 2 Episode 14

I'm not opposed to them becoming a couple, but it felt weird seeing Jade manipulate Josie as a young girl on Legacies Season 2 Episode 12, and for the show to now be building a relationship. 

Then again, there were centuries between Delena and Haylijah, so massive age differences are just par for the course with supernatural shows. 

Dorian and Emma getting the hell out of Mystic Falls was a good thing. They're both beautiful inside and out, in love, and don't want to die trying to defend other people. 

Everyone think of bright, sunny, tropical beaches.


They did their time, and it's best for them to move away and try to find some semblance of a happiness. They're not vampires, so they won't be around forever. 

With their exit, it would be nice to circle back to Sheriff Mac and her kids, who have pretty much disappeared. What's been very clear about Legacies is that the budget only allows for a certain number of actors an episode. 

Hope Works - Legacies Season 2 Episode 14

It's glaringly obvious in some scenarios when characters who should be there disappear without much of an excuse. 

As we look towards the end of Legacies Season 2, there are a lot of balls up in the air, and it will be exciting to see whether the writers can stick the landing. 

What are your thoughts on Dark Josie? Are you on board with Josie and Jade? Do you think the film-noir aspect benefited the plot?

Do you want more Alexis Denisof as Vardemus?

Hit the comments below. 

Legacies continues Thursdays at 9/8c on The CW. 

There's a Place Where the Lost Things Go Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Legacies Season 2 Episode 14 Quotes

Emma: Does anyone have any questions?
Lizzie: Yeah, I have a question. What the hell is she doing here?

Jade: Hi, uh sorry I'm late. Weird dreams.
Emma: You're just in time, Jade. Don't worry. What we're about to do here is merely a simulation, and I'll be there as well. I promise to keep a careful eye on all of you.