Superstore Season 5 Episode 19 Review: Carol's Back

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If the title didn't tip you off, Carol is back at Cloud 9 on Superstore Season 5 Episode 19

The second half of Superstore Season 5 has been significantly better than the first, and this installment keeps up with that trend. 

All of the storylines were comical in their own way, and there wasn't a dull moment for the entirety of the episode. 

Protestors  - Superstore Season 5 Episode 19

One would think that after Carol's actions she wouldn't be allowed to work at the store anymore. 

As Dina pointed out, the only place Carol should be is in jail.

Amy: This isn't a joke. She finished her therapy and she's been cleared to come back to work.
Dina: So, after everything she's done she can just waltz back in here and wear the blue vest. The only vest she should be wearing is one with black and white stripes.
Amy: Like a referee?
Dina: No, like a jail vest. Like, a vest you wear in jail.

It's hard to believe that she hasn't ended up there for past crimes. This is Carol we're talking about. 

She snuck away while on the clock, kidnapped a co-worker's cat and attempted to throw it out the window at her wedding.

Most companies would let an employee go after something like that. However, firing employees for valid reasons has never been Cloud 9's style. 

Carol  - Superstore Season 5 Episode 19

If it was, Amy and Jonah would have been fired long ago after accidentally creating a sex tape and live streaming it to every Cloud 9 in the world. 

It's still curious how Amy was able to become the store manager after that particular incident. 

But because it's been well established that corporate has a weird sense of justice when it comes to keeping their employees around, it wasn't surprising that Carol was able to come back to work.

And considering that Carol was diagnosed as having mental health issues, that isn't something that she can legally be fired for. 

Justine: You're buying Carol lunch? So, she gets rewarded for traumatizing Sandra.
Sayid: So, that's how it works? Hey, Sandra. I'm going to slice you open while you sleep. I'll take a smoothie, please.

Carol is back at Cloud 9 for as long as she wants to be there. 

Sandra and Glenn - Superstore Season 5 Episode 19

But she was rushed to the hospital after getting electrocuted on the job, so who knows what's next for her?

The feud between Carol and Sandra definitely hasn't simmered down, and Carol may end up being on the defensive side this time around. 

Amy, Dina, and Glenn didn't miss the look in Sandra's eyes when Carol was wheeled out of the store on a stretcher. Did Sandra cause Carol's injury? No. But, did she enjoy watching her suffer?

That question is immediately answered when Sandra is shown watching Sandra's accident on a loop in the security room. It makes you wonder whether Sandra or Carol is the evil one.

Disturbed - Superstore Season 5 Episode 19

Or, maybe they're both creepy in their own right, which makes it hard to pick a side. 

Sandra: Oh, you think I should apologize?
Carol: Well, you almost made me kill my cat.
Sandra: I did that?
Carol: You stole Jerry from me, you rubbed your wedding in my face for months, and then you asked me to be your maid of honor? i mean, that was just cruel.
Sandra: You told me I had to.
Carol: I don't know, Amy. It seems like she's not ready to take responsibility.

Either way, the dynamic between them creates an entertaining rivalry.  

The sitcom may take place at a big box store the majority of the time, but it's always refreshing to watch the characters flourish in a different environment. 

Being able to attend a "Raise The Wage" protest along with Jonah and Cheyenne helped put the episode over the top. 

Jonah and Cheyenne are a severely underrated duo, and the episodes that focus on their hilarious dynamic have been some of the best ones of the season. 

Cheyenne - Superstore Season 5 Episode 19

Jonah always feels the need to prove himself to people, but Cheyenne rarely feels the need to help him do that. 

Their relationship has always been like a little sister who picks on her older brother constantly. 

While that's funny at times and it does work, Cheyenne being on Jonah's side was a nice change of pace. 

Jonah: Where's Tommy's number?
Cheyenne: Oh, he didn't want to put it on there. He thinks you're a spy for Gateway Subs. Like, you're a nark or something.

It was all too fitting for the leader of the protest to mistake Jonah for a nark.

Who wouldn't?

Raise the Wage Tall - Superstore Season 5 Episode 19

Jonah's reaction, as well as the extent that he went to to prove he was on their side, was priceless. 

Secretly paying customers not to eat at the sub shop was the Jonah thing to do.

But nothing could beat him knocking over a trash can and screaming about fair pay before fleeing the scene with Cheyenne. 

As long as fans have this duo around, Superstore will always be a great source of entertainment. 

Hopefully, the series will continue to utilize them the way they have been recently, and let them share more storylines for fans to enjoy. 

Taking a Call - Superstore Season 5 Episode 19

Stray Thoughts:

  • The Garrett and Mateo storyline was ironic. They were, essentially, treating the employee they hired the same way that corporate treats the workers of Cloud 9. Yet, they didn't seem to notice it. It's proof of how easily power can go to a person's head.
  • I can't be the only one who was smug that Mateo didn't get those concert tickets. Sorry, Mateo, but you deserved it. Accept the loss. 
  • Harmonica is four years old, already? Time really flies when you're having fun. 
  • After being absent for a couple of episodes, we couldn't be happier to see Marcus on our screens again. But if you told me I would say that while the show was first airing, I wouldn't have believed you. 
  • In every episode he's in, Sayid always delivers one or two lines that can't be beaten. Who would've known he'd be such a great addition when he was added to the cast during Superstore Season 4?

It's your turn, Superstore fans! What did you think of "Carol's Back"?

Are you on Team Sandra or Team Carol? Do you think the feud will start back up, again?

Do you enjoy Jonah and Sandra's dynamic? Are they a duo you're hoping to see more of?

Drop a comment down below, and let us know your thoughts and predictions!

And don't forget that if you missed the episode, you can watch Superstore online right here at TV Fanatic!

Carol's Back Review

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Superstore Season 5 Episode 19 Quotes

Amy: This isn't a joke. She finished her therapy and she's been cleared to come back to work.
Dina: So, after everything she's done she can just waltz back in here and wear the blue vest. The only vest she should be wearing is one with black and white stripes.
Amy: Like a referee?
Dina: No, like a jail vest. Like, a vest you wear in jail.

Sandra: Oh, you think I should apologize?
Carol: Well, you almost made me kill my cat.
Sandra: I did that?
Carol: You stole Jerry from me, you rubbed your wedding in my face for months, and then you asked me to be your maid of honor? i mean, that was just cruel.
Sandra: You told me I had to.
Carol: I don't know, Amy. It seems like she's not ready to take responsibility.