Modern Family Boss Reacts to Emotional Series Finale, Teases Possible Spin-Offs

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After 11 seasons and 250 episodes, Modern Family is over. 

The iconic comedy concluded its successful run Wednesday on ABC, and if you're wondering what to make of the final scene with Phil and Claire's illuminated porch light, then we have some answers. 

Modern Family's co-creator Christopher Lloyd has opened up about the conclusion to Entertainment Weekly, teasing that there was a bigger purpose for the final scene. 

Harder Than Expected

"The intention of that image was more to make people imagine that the family will reunite. That's a lovely thing people have in their lives when they move on, that there's a home base, and that you can come back to that base," Lloyd explained.

"To even just know that that light is on can do wonders for you wherever you are in the world."

Manny and Joe - Modern Family Season 11 Episode 17

He continued, "So it was a hopeful image both for Phil and Claire to know that their kids are going to come back and everybody's going to come back at some point."

While the series seems to have exhausted every potential storyline with the characters over 11 years, the final scene does not confirm that a revival is in the works, or even a reunion special. 

"It was much more that these characters will live on in our audience's mind," he said.

"But it was not meant to say, 'We will absolutely see this family constituted again.' "Does that mean we won't? It doesn't mean that. It's possible. But if it doesn't happen, it seemed like a nice little uplifting image for the end."

Frantic Claire - Modern Family Season 11 Episode 17

TV shows are rebooted and revived often these days, so such a project materializing down the line would not be all that surprising. 

The series was still a decent performer in the ratings for ABC -- even during its final season. 

While the family may never return to TV in its entirety, there is hope that spinoffs could pop up down the line, with Lloyd revealing there have been some "very preliminary conversations about spinning off some characters" behind the scenes.

"That could be a year from now, we catch up with one or two or three people and then other characters from the show perhaps drop in," he said, before adding some caution to the wind.

Gloria in Finale - Modern Family Season 11 Episode 17

"It could be something like that. But I don't want to suggest that that's a real thing, because it isn't yet. It's a thing we knock around."

So, the franchise could continue, but would anyone really tune in to watch without every character?

We're not sure about that one, but you can hit the comments with your thoughts!

Remember you can watch Modern Family online right here via TV Fanatic. 

Whether you've missed an episode, or simply want to catch up, we got you covered!

Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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