Bob's Burgers Season 11 Episode 2 Review: Worms of In-Rear-Ment

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The relevant storylines for 2020 continued on Bob's Burgers Season 11 Episode 2, as it was all about an epidemic and the spreading of disease.

Sickness doesn't really sound like it would make for the funniest half-hour of television, but Bob's Burgers managed to turn something serious into something hilarious, like it always does.

While the majority of the Belcher family catching pinworms made for some classic butt jokes, it also (not so slyly) added in the importance of handwashing and self-isolation when sick.

Louise - Bob's Burgers Season 11 Episode 2

It was no COVID-19, but the pinworm epidemic was rather nasty, and Louise was determined to keep herself healthy by washing her hands repeatedly and keeping her distance from those infected.

In my humble opinion, Louise is the most underrated character on Bob's Burgers, and it was refreshing for the show to give her space to shine without dedicating an entire episode to being solely about her.

The story was still very much about the Belchers as each of them had their moments within the episode, but Louise definitely took the cake on this one.

Louise: I say we leave out of the fire escape, find a new house, find a new Gene, and never look back.
Bob: Uh, maybe.
Linda: Bob!
Bob: Sorry, I mean, poor Gene.

Her rather extreme -- but necessary -- precautions to the pinworm epidemic made for hilarious instances in which she contemplated leaving Gene alone when they found out he was infected and when she was running away from Linda.

Also, her idea of dressing fancy for the symphony that included putting on a bolo tie over her normal clothing was a classic Louise moment; it's hard not to love her.

Louise and the Hamster Slide - Bob's Burgers Season 11 Episode 2

Louise is dramatic and strong-willed, in all the best ways, as shown by her determination to not be infected and by her (and Gene and Tina's) obsessiveness over the hamster slide.

This episode highlighted all of her unique, amusing qualities and showed us why Louise is one of the best characters on the show.

In reality, she was representative of the average person today with her substantial aversion to pinworms, making her quite relatable, which is something that we don't always see with Louise.

If there was one thing that has been sometimes missing with the youngest Belcher child, it was her disconnection as a character. But she does have her moments from time-to-time, and her actions on this half-hour were more than identifiable to the audience.

Bob and Linda - Bob's Burgers Season 11 Episode 2

Linda's refusal to accept the truth and her fixation on proving her worth as a good mom was another highlight of the episode.

Linda and Louise are surprisingly more alike than they would probably like to think. Where do you think Louise got her stubborn nature? Definitely not her father, that's for sure.

And while Louise was determined not to catch pinworms, Linda was determined to educate her kids by taking them to the symphony.

Linda: I was at the vagina-cologist in the waiting room reading that parenting magazine "Modern Swaddling," and it said you're supposed to play classical music for babies to stimulate their brains and stuff! We never exposed you to any classical music when you were babies, just a bunch of Billy Joel. You have baby Billy Joel brains!
Gene: But you did expose us to a lot of your Uptown Girls. Bosoms.

The matriarch of the Belcher family has always wanted what she thought was best for Tina, Gene, and Louise, even if that meant being in public when the majority of them had been exposed to pinworms.

That's a major no-no, as we have all learned in the past few months.

Gene - Bob's Burgers Season 11 Episode 2

Linda was discouraged by the kids' report cards and wanted to bring a bit of culture into their lives to better shape them as outstanding individuals.

Of course, we all know that the Belcher kids, while imperfect, are hilarious and semi-competent human beings. What more could a parent want?

But Linda's obsession with going to the symphony was, in the end, more about her quality as a mother than it was about shaping the minds of her children. Once she sets her mind on something, though, it's difficult to talk her off the ledge.

Linda: I failed you kids. If you grow up dumb, it's my fault.
Louise: I mean, it's not like Dad brought a ton to the table.
Gene: A distinct odor?
Bob: Okay, thank you.

In some ways, Linda's need to control and baby her kids -- even though they are still very young -- can be a bit repetitive and induce some eye-rolling. But that's just who Linda has always been; she'd go to great lengths to prove she's right.

Plus, who are we to complain when Bob's Burgers threw in an epic song with a pinworm orchestra about Linda wanting to be a good mom?

Tina - Bob's Burgers Season 11 Episode 2

Elsewhere, this episode took advantage of its simple concept and threw in as many funny moments as it could -- even though the majority of those were jokes about scratching their butts.

While Linda was conflicted over her parenting and Louise was running away from the pinworms, Gene, Bob, and Tina were all scraatching their butts because, why not?

Louise: Well, how are we supposed to concentrate at school anyway? We're in the middle of a pinworm epidemic. There are pinworms crawling through kids' stomachs, laying eggs in their anuses, and I'm supposed to be able to think about what two plus two equals?
Bob: Wait, is that what you're being taught in math right now?
Louise: Butt worms, Dad! That's what I'm being taught!

The comedic timing was spot on, from the slow-motion reveal of Gene needing to scratch his butt to the montage of Linda and Gene being a bit too lovey-dovey with pinworms going around.

The episode also included a classic awkward scene between Bob and an employee at a store that was quite hilarious until you realized that people using gum to get the pinworms out could, in reality, actually happen.

And, of course, Linda would play Billy Joel for the kids when they were young instead of classical music. The Belchers have never been a fancy bunch.

Bob - Bob's Burgers Season 11 Episode 2

The first two episodes of Bob's Burgers Season 11 slightly highlighted the unfortunate circumstances of the world we are currently living in, which is to be expected from most of the television shows we watch as they come back on air.

It's hard to ignore what's going on in all of our lives, and it is important to address the issues that affect us, but a part of the reason we love these shows is that they are a form of escapism.

Bob: But I thought you guys were washing your hands like all the time?
Louise: It's Gene, Dad. He is not a clean child. Remember that week we thought he had a sunburn but it was really hot wing sauce all over the back of his neck? For three days!

There needs to be a perfect balance of relatability and escapism within a show, and Bob's Burgers has greatly favored the former so far this season.

There will come a point when it becomes repetitive, and we will just want to see the Belcher family up to their old hijinks.

So, while these last two episodes have been a delight, let's get back to our regularly scheduled programming.

What did you think, Bob's Burgers Fanatics?

Did you like that the show featured an epidemic while we are in the middle of a pandemic ourselves? What was the funniest part of the episode?

And is Linda too overbearing?

Let me know in the comments, and do not forget that you can watch Bob's Burgers online right here via TV Fanatic!

Bob's Burgers airs on Sundays at 9/8c on FOX.

Worms of In-Rear-Ment Review

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Sarah Little was a staff writer for TV Fanatic.She retired in September 2021.

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Bob's Burgers Season 11 Episode 2 Quotes

Louise: Well, how are we supposed to concentrate at school anyway? We're in the middle of a pinworm epidemic. There are pinworms crawling through kids' stomachs, laying eggs in their anuses, and I'm supposed to be able to think about what two plus two equals?
Bob: Wait, is that what you're being taught in math right now?
Louise: Butt worms, Dad! That's what I'm being taught!

Linda: I was at the vagina-cologist in the waiting room reading that parenting magazine "Modern Swaddling," and it said you're supposed to play classical music for babies to stimulate their brains and stuff! We never exposed you to any classical music when you were babies, just a bunch of Billy Joel. You have baby Billy Joel brains!
Gene: But you did expose us to a lot of your Uptown Girls. Bosoms.