Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 9 Review: Tossing in the Meadows

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The Bordelon family came together for Ralph Angel and Darla's baby shower on Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 9.

It was wonderful to see them all celebrating this event with family and friends, especially knowing they may lose the farm to the Landrys.

But this was a moment to revel in the new life that was about to arrive.

Baby Shower - Queen Sugar

I know everybody’s dealing with their own battles right now, but we still need to take time to rejoice.


I love it when the Bordelon family all gets dressed up. Nine months pregnant, Darla looked beautiful. Nova's dress was stunning, and I loved the earrings she paired with it. Billie wore her hair natural instead of her typical pulled-back look, and it was gorgeous.

And seeing Blue in his tie while he snagged clothes pins from everyone was fun. I've missed him!

Speaking of Blue, Ralph Angel definitely sugar-coated what was happening with the farm. 

Sometimes in life, things will happen that make you get desperate. Now, desperation, that’s doing things out of fear. We can’t live like that, you know. To be honest, I hate to admit that I’ve been living like that far too long. I don’t want that for you, son.

Ralph Angel

Talking To Blue - Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 9

Yes, what Ralph Angel did, he did out of desperation. That much was true, but I was surprised when he told Blue they would probably have to move off the farm for a little while instead of admitting they may not be coming back.

I understand that the Bordelons aren't about to stop fighting for their land, and Charley and Nova are both actively looking for ways to save it, but it's still entirely possible that the Landrys will grab that farm before they can stop them.

I suppose I have to cut Ralph Angel a break on this one. With Blue away at school in D.C., he doesn't get to see his son very much, and the last thing he wants to do is ruin this trip with the horrible news that this might be his last visit to what has been his home. 

But that was my one minor nit to pick in an otherwise excellent installment.

Others in the family had things weighing on them too. 

Violet Enjoys Blue - Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 9

Take Vi, for example.

Violet: I didn’t expect you to stop connecting with the boy even though his Mama is some kind of nutty.
Hollywood: Lord, she’s a whole bag of mixed nuts. But, hey, it ain’t Gabe’s fault. Right?

Between learning that Hollywood is still in contact with Gabriel and watching him kid around with Blue, Violet seemed to worry again about Hollywood never having children of his own. 

The man would make a fantastic father, but he knew he was giving that up when he married Violet, and he did it willingly. Hollywood is crazy in love with Vi, and I hope her concerns don't lead her to doubt that or do something that damages their marriage. 

But it appears they'll both have a little one to dote over soon. 

Charley Hosts a Baby Shower - Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 9

Vi offered us her extra bedroom. If you’re open to it, I think it would be kind of amazing to have her around. I’d like as much love surrounding this baby as possible.


Charley generously offered her home to Ralph Angel and Darla, but I don't see the couple feeling comfortable in that much space. So staying with Aunt Vi feels like the perfect choice.

Of course, when the baby is crying and keeping the whole house awake at 3 am, I'm sure things won't seem quite so perfect, but this is a marvelous way to mend fences and strengthen family bonds. 

It also acknowledges how Violet stepped up to help raise Blue. Sometimes I fear Violet thinks she's been cast aside because now Ralph Angel and Darla can parent Blue on their own. Taking Violet up on her offer shows how vital her help still is to this family. 

Vi, not only did you raise Blue when we couldn’t, but you were there for me more recently in ways that pulled me back from the edge so that I can stand here now. And Hollywood. Hollywood. Most people probably don’t know how I feel about you. How you single-handedly tracked me down and saved me from myself in my darkest hour. Thank you forever.


Hollywood Is Relieved - Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 9

And I wanted to run up and hug both Darla and Hollywood when she acknowledged how Hollywood saved her and Blue all those years ago when Darla was at her lowest. This incredibly joyful moment likely wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for him. 

Micah was also struggling with some issues, and It was perfect that he shared it with Nova. 

Micah is at some a crossroads. He knows how he feels about Isaiah as a friend, but could those feelings lead to more? Have they already? Nova's advice seemed spot on.

Just continue following your feelings. Don’t lead your feelings. Let your feelings lead you. See where they take you. Don’t stress, don’t plan, don’t anticipate. I find that that kind of clutter in your mind produces false results.


There's so much outside noise regarding identity, sexuality, love, and attraction. Nova encouraged Micah to let that all go and just feel what he feels and take it from there. 

Micah Confides in Nova - Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 9

But I have to point out how lucky Micah is to have parents and family who are there for him, believe in him, and support him no matter what. Micah obviously felt that when Charley shared what it was like to raise a child and told Micah that he was everything she'd dreamed he'd be.

Nova invited Dominic to the baby shower, and he jumped at the chance to get closer to her. 

I want to like Dominic. I want to trust Dominic. And it seems as though he's developing real feelings for Nova, but there's a part of me that still wonders if he only got close to Nova to feed information back to the police.

But as for now, Dominic has been helpful. 

Dominic: The data revealed two new details. One, the bones are from the late 1800s. And second, that the remains are from multiple people.
Nova: As in?
Dominic: As in a community, Nova. We think it’s a larger graveyard.

I didn't know anything about the Thibodaux massacre, which shouldn't surprise me. There's so much of our history that was never talked about, buried, hidden, and never taught. So I've got to say thank you to Queen Sugar for bringing it into the light for a wider audience. 

But if the farm is set on a mass grave from the late 1800s, what will that mean to the farm's future? 

Is there enough time before the Landrys swoop in to save the land and declare it a historical site? If it is saved, can it still be used as a working farm?

Right now, we have more questions than answers, and with only one more episode left in the season, I hope they don't leave us hanging.

So what do you think, Queen Sugar fans?

Billie and Prosper - Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 9

Did Darla and Ralph Angel make the right decision moving in with Aunt Vi and Hollywood? And what do you think they'll name their little girl when she arrives?

Are you happy Billie may be staying in St. Jo's? Check out our exclusive interview with Tammy Townsend about that and more.

Am I being paranoid about Dominic?

And can the farm be saved?

Check back in for my Queen Sugar season 6 finale review to find out more!

Tossing in the Meadows Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 9 Quotes

Violet: I didn’t expect you to stop connecting with the boy even though his Mama is some kind of nutty.
Hollywood: Lord, she’s a whole bag of mixed nuts. But, hey, it ain’t Gabe’s fault. Right?

I know everybody’s dealing with their own battles right now, but we still need to take time to rejoice.
