The Time Traveler's Wife Season 1 Episode 3 Review: Clare's Perspective

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No one should meet their soulmate when their six years old. That's a terrible burden to put on a child and many years to wait.

The series delves into Clare's perspective on The Time Traveler's Wife Season 1 Episode 3. Both actresses that portray young Clare --Everleigh McDonell and Caitlin Shorey, feature some of their best work alongside Henry (Theo James).

The series has focused mainly on Henry's point of view. We hear Clare's side and how she became so frustrated, longing and waiting for someone not available to her.

Clare's 16th Birthday - The Time Traveler's Wife Season 1 Episode 3

Young Clare (Everleigh McDonell) was often neglected and dismissed, so she looked forward to her visits from Henry. No one listened to Clare, even when Clare tried to tell her dad about her mom's depression.

Poor Clare was impatient for Henry's return that Nell allowed her to rip the pages off a calendar. Nell was the only one that showed Clare any kindness or attention besides Henry.

Waiting for Henry - The Time Traveler's Wife Season 1 Episode 3

When you’re little, everything is waiting.

Older Clare

Waiting is torture for a little kid. Clare didn't understand that Henry could show up any time on the date he told her, and she waited for hours until he appeared.

Since Clare was so angry about being ignored by her family, she often brought Henry her dad's clothes or her chicken legs to eat. She was a clever and spiteful child.

Clare even realized that Henry looked younger than the last one that visited her.

Since electronics trigger Henry to time travel, the infamous checkers' games begin. Clare hated these games as she grew up.

Through the Years - The Time Traveler's Wife Season 1 Episode 3

Preteen Clare (Caitlin Shorey) became even more clever when dealing with Henry, so he had to watch what he told her. Henry felt comfortable telling her that he hated never knowing where he was going to or coming to and compared it to card tricks, something she'd understand.

Of course, it didn’t matter, because they were the same Henry, just shuffled.

Older Clare

Clare saw her first experience of one of the Henry's getting injured as a preteen. Everyone brushed her experience off as a bad dream, but she swore she saw blood. Even Henry blew her off, saying that everyone dies.

When 13-year-old Clare became convinced that they were married in the future, Henry lied to protect her.

There is nothing more horrible than lies of decent men

Older Clare

Sexy 16 - The Time Traveler's Wife Season 1 Episode 3

He had destroyed her fairy tale and her invisible friend in Clare's eyes. Henry had crushed her world and betrayed her. Therefore, she allowed him to arrive naked with no clothes the next time he arrived. Claire was spiteful.

The next time Henry returned, it was Clare's 16th birthday. He was overwhelmed by how grown up she looked and shocked that he was naked and she wouldn't provide clothes promptly.

Teenage Clare was clever and sneaky. She wanted to play checkers, and every time he got a king, he'd win an item of clothing back.

Henry: Clare, I’m naked.
Teenage Clare: I’ve seen you naked lots of times. How is this different?
Henry: You’re older now. There are rules.

While Clare enjoyed this game of strip checkers, Henry was uncomfortable since she's matured into a lovely young woman, and she enjoyed seeing him naked. She's not a little girl, and he's not a fatherly figure anymore.

Seducing Henry - The Time Traveler's Wife Season 1 Episode 3

Clare tried to kiss Henry, but he was a perfect gentleman and stopped it. He took her for ice cream to celebrate her birthday instead.

It became distracting watching Rose Leslie play a 16-year-old.

She's lovely, but she does not look that different at 16 than in her early thirties in this series.

That doesn't work well when Henry says she's not old enough to have a relationship together.

The High School Party - The Time Traveler's Wife Season 1 Episode 3

Clare tried to forget Henry by going to a high school party.

It was no use. Even as she partied with her friends, all she could think about was Henry.

Her friends became suspicious, asking about the older man they saw her with earlier.

Suddenly, Henry heard Clare scream, but he disappeared before she returned.

Henry Confronts Claire - The Time Traveler's Wife Season 1 Episode 3

A different Henry returns when Clare wants to take a drive. She's reckless and driving like a manic. She acted like she had a death wish.

When Henry begs her to slow down, she taunts maybe the younger him would understand her better.

Henry: You’re not allowed to meet me yet.
Teen Clare: Says who?
Henry: Says history.

Clare was angry at the world. She felt that history was unfair. She couldn't even kill herself since she was destined to marry the older Henry.

When they almost crash again, Henry realizes something awful must have happened to Clare. It also triggered him because of his mom's car accident.

Needing Help - The Time Traveler's Wife Season 1 Episode 3

While Henry kept insisting he and Clare didn't get together in the future, the minute he heard what Jason did to her, he was all in on the revenge plan. Clare knew Henry couldn't be arrested long since he could just time travel out of jail.

Seeing those bruises on Clare and hearing Jason taunt her about those texts made Henry's blood boil before beating Jason up.

Sadly, it is often a tragedy that often brings a couple together.

After beating Jason up, Henry told Clare he loved her and gave her a marker to exact justice on Jason.

Pondering - The Time Traveler's Wife Season 1 Episode 3

Clare and Henry only met one final time in the meadow before Clare met the younger Henry two years later at the library.

This was my favorite episode so far. As a massive fan of the novel,  I felt it truly allowed Clare's voice to shine, and Rose Leslie and the other two actresses portrayed Clare perfectly.

The writers didn't shy away from challenging material. While they didn't show the sexual assault onscreen, they showed Clare rehashing it and her ugly bruises.

Clare has many Easter eggs in later timelines -- her shoe, the marker. We'll have to wait and see what these mean. However, in time travel, these could prove to become important.

In Over His Head - The Time Traveler's Wife Season 1 Episode 3

Over to you, Time Traveler's Wife Fanatics. Do you emphasize with Clare's perspective of waiting her entire life for Henry?

What are you hoping to see next? Chime in below in the comments.

Remember, if you miss an episode, you could watch The Time Traveler's Wife online via TV Fanatic.

The Time Traveler's Wife airs at 9/8c on Sundays on HBO. It also streams on HBO Max.

Claire's Perspective Review

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Laura Nowak is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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The Time Traveler's Wife Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Of course, it didn’t matter, because they were the same Henry, just shuffled.

Older Clare

When you’re little, everything is waiting.

Older Clare