Family Law Season 1 Episode 2 Review: Parenthood

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Parenting is one of the most demanding jobs.

Family Law Season 1 Episode 2 covered a controversial topic when Abigail and Daniel were determined to prove that Ellie and Levi could be good parents, despite having limitations.

Despite what they thought of each other, the half-siblings came together to support Levi and Ellie.

Defending Parental Rights - Family Law Season 1 Episode 2

It's unfair that disabled people have to jump through more hoops for so many things, including having children. Levi and Ellie functioned well with their down syndrome and had every right to have a child like anyone else.

Now we have to prove we can be good parents or else they’ll take away our baby.


Their story touched the siblings. Abigail knew what it felt like to jump through extra hoops, and Daniel agreed to do the case pro bono.

Father vs. Son - Family Law Season 1 Episode 2

I hate that Harry ridiculed Daniel's collaborative work and only cared about winning cases. Harry seemed so old-fashioned, implying that the couple could never raise their baby.

Harry: It would be futile to take on a pro bono case you can't possibly win.
Daniel: What makes you think we can't win?
Harry: You're kidding, right? They can't possibly raise a child.
Abigail: Don't say it.
Harry: The law is clear. We must act in the best interest of the child. Back me on this, Abigail.
Abigail: I think it's highly unlikely they’re capable of raising a child, but neither were you, but you had three. I'm willing to give it a go.

Ellie and Levi think simply about their routine, which is endearing and worrisome. Taking daily showers may not happen with a newborn, and will changing their routine off throw them off their game?

They had notes everywhere around their house, reminding them to buy food, or put on deodorant, things most people do without thinking.

These challenges don't mean they couldn't raise the baby, but they would need assistance. At first, Levi's mom seemed like a good candidate, but the social worker revealed that his mom has Parkinson's.

Naturally, it's all Abigail's fault for getting Levi and Ellie's hope's up.

Gathering Intel - Family Law Season 1 Episode 2

Do you know what judges’ expectations are for parents? Good enough. I think Ellie, Levi, and Mary provide at least that standard.


While prenatal and parenting classes are helpful, they don't prepare you for nights of a squirmy crying baby trying to guess what they need. Those nights can drive you crazy if you're not equipped for it.

While it wasn't the real thing, Lucy brought over a baby stimulator so Ellie and Levi could practice with it, and they could record their actions. The baby looked like a creepy doll and nothing like a baby.

I hate how every time something goes wrong, Abigail is the scapegoat. Her family couldn't even think that those that called in the complaint may have snuck in an extra nanny cam.

I was thrown by who snuck in the extra nanny cam and filed the complaint.

I can’t figure out for the life of me why someone would do that to their own sister.


Proving Themselves - Family Law Season 1 Episode 2

Sibling relationships are complicated, especially when you're part caretaker as well. Even if you love them, watching their limitations and distractability can be frustrating if you're afraid it may harm someone else.

This case has always been about what's best for the child. Is it best for him to grow up with strangers? Or is it better to provide help for the parents that want him?

This case resonated with Abigail because she jumps through hoops daily to be allowed contact with her children, so she and Ellie forged a bond.

Ellie: They took your kids away from you too?
Abby: In a way, yes.
Ellie: That must hurt your heart.

Luckily, Ellie did connect to Abigail since they ran to Abigail's house when Ellie and Levi ran away from the hospital.

Social Worker's Side - Family Law Season 1 Episode 2

After only two episodes, I root for Abigail whenever she goes up against an adversary. Even when Karen changed her mind and wanted to help Ellie raise her son, the social worker expressed hesitation.

She feared their son would face embarrassment for not having "normal" parents.

Every teenager is embarrassed by their parents at some point. Abigail knows that point only too well.

You're not a parent, are you? If you were, you'd know every teenager is embarrassed by their parents. Ellie and Levi love their child. Mary loves her grandson. Karen loves her nephew. You can't bottle that and sell it.


It truly does take a village to raise a child, and hopefully, we'll check in later this season to see how this family is thriving.

Equal Rights - Family Law Season 1 Episode 2

While we didn't see much in Abigail's recovery, she continued to struggle to re-incorporate herself into her children's life. Part of being an alcoholic is recognizing your faults, and Abigail's alcoholism caused her to miss many school events.

While her son wants her around, her teen daughter Sofia can't forgive her, especially since her mom's viral video just embarrassed her. Image is everything to teenagers.

When Abigail thought she was making progress with her children, she realized how wrong she was when she learned Nico was being bullied.

While everything else ridiculed Abigail for taking charge, Nico saw his mom as a hero for defending him. It's the positive reinforcement she needed when no one else thought she was good for their image.

Runs in the Family - Family Law Season 1 Episode 2

Image was everything to Harry too. Despite how hard Jerri fought for it,  Harry wouldn't even allow his oldest daughter in the new company photo.

Jerri is the only law firm person treating Abigail like family.

There may have been a slight thaw when Lucy unexpectedly met her niece and nephew.

Sofia appreciated Lucy defending her when Ellie and Levi stopped by Abigail's house and dealing with teenagers gave Lucy a real-world view of parenting.

Family Connection - Family Law Season 1 Episode 2

So far, Lucy has come across as Miss Perfect, but she's flawed too. Apparently, she's not as enthusiastic about having a baby as her wife, Maggie.

It didn't help that she spent days seeing how hard raising kids was by seeing Abigail with her kids and watching Ellie and Levi prepare.

However, Lucy seemed afraid of making another commitment. Growing up without a mom and an absent father will give you issues.

While she seems the most adjusted, I think we've only scratched the surface of Lucy's commitment issues.

Partnering with Daniel - Family Law Season 1 Episode 2

Over to you, Family Law Fanatics. How long will it take before Abigail's family accepts her?

Is Lucy and Maggie's marriage in trouble? Chime in below in the comments.

Remember, if you missed an episode, you could watch Family Law online via TV Fanatic.

Family Law airs at 8/7c on Sundays on The CW.

Parenthood Review

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Laura Nowak is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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Family Law Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Harry: It would be futile to take on a pro bono case you can't possibly win.
Daniel: What makes you think we can't win?
Harry: You're kidding, right? They can't possibly raise a child.
Abigail: Don't say it.
Harry: The law is clear. We must act in the best interest of the child. Back me on this, Abigail.
Abigail: I think it's highly unlikely they’re capable of raising a child, but neither were you, but you had three. I'm willing to give it a go.

Now we have to prove we can be good parents or else they’ll take away our baby.
