Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 6 Review: Tim & Amy

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Nikki and Mike shippers, how are you guys feeling?

As one could've guessed, an on-the-nose case with an engaged couple on Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 6 caused Nikki to open her eyes and realize how much she loves Mike and has mistreated him.

And (Not) Keith made some interesting progress after befriending Oliver, but now we need all the details about his captor threatening him!

Nikki Supports Kemi  - Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 6

Do you know what a romantic proposal is? It does not result in some armed drug militia coming after you in the mountains mid-storm, resulting in the death of the man you love.

Never underestimate the appeal and comfort of a nice dinner at a decent restaurant, you know?

Call to the Mountains  - Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 6

The little tale of Tim and Amy was essentially doomed from the moment they got the alert about it. It didn't bode well that they were gone for nearly two days before anyone realized it, and it got progressively worse from there.

In hindsight, the likelihood that the MPU would've even found one of them alive, let alone both in a timely enough fashion, was slim to none.

Amy may not think she's lucky; after all, she lost the man she loved horrifically, is still saddled with debt, has no money, and has a lifetime of trauma to contend with -- but it's a miracle Mike and Jason saved her in time.

Tim seemed like a decent guy, but there was simply no way on earth he could've thought that taking that money would fare well. A pallet of money falls from the sky, and he didn't know there would be people looking for it, and the bad kind at that?

Search for a Missing Couple  - Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 6

If anything, they should've gone home when flying debris descended on their camping ground. But instead, we got an adventure that felt like something out of a survivalist movie.

And Tim was the casualty that caused some heartbreak but not nearly as much as it would've been if we lost one of our own. The second Tim was doubled over and insisted he didn't feel well after that beating; it was apparent he was battling internal bleeding.

And there was nothing anyone could've done about that once they got lost.

Tim and Amy were guilty of being in the wrong place at the worst time as the freight pilot and Bill, the gang cleaner, were at odds over this money. They were collateral damage in something much bigger.

What Do You Want From Him? -tall  - Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 6

What's crazy is that Tim and Amy didn't take nearly as much money as what was left in that pallet. He mentioned they only had about $800 grand. With the weather conditions and later law enforcement entering the equation, it would make sense to eat that loss and go on about their day with the majority of the haul.

It seemed like Bill and others were hunting Tim and Amy, and later Amy and the MPU for sport.

J doesn't believe in therapy. He prefers to suffer in silence.


Jason and Mike make a decent enough team and tend to balance each other well enough. They have such an unusual connection and understanding of each other, bonded by their genuine love for Nikki and a similar passion for saving and helping people.

Where one of them slacks in an area, the other can rise to the occasion. Jason was essential for that rescue mission. He clocked things quickly, like the bullet in the tree, and he was quick on his feet and generally good in the field, most likely from his years of military experience.

Trouble in the Woods - Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 6

Jason was also shockingly good with Amy. It's funny because when he's engaging with his peers or others, he has that arrogance and way about him that could be offputting, but he takes a much sweeter, compassionate, comforting role with victims.

Sometimes he connects with those people more than he can his own peers, and there's probably something to unpack there that he won't get around to during therapy sessions he'd refuse to take.

Jason knows what a person needs when they need it most at the height of a crisis, and he was so good with Mike. He's no fool, and he can tell that Mike has felt like he's been playing second fiddle to Jason and the family since Keith's return.

It was nice to hear Jason acknowledge how important Mike is to Nikki and reassure him that way. Both men could give honest input about who they are in Nikki's life.

The Wrangler -tall  - Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 5

Mike ran with Jason's scab analogy, reminding him that even scabs, in all their irritating glory, have an essential role in our healing and protection, and the effect was as poetic as it was touching.

And Mike needed to hear that Nikki did choose him. He wasn't simply this "better" option that came along while she and Jason were in a rough spot.

When you consider how Nikki and Mike met, with him leading the investigation of Keith's disappearance, it makes sense that Mike would have reservations and doubts, even excluding the Jason factor.

It would be easy to wonder if Nikki only fell for him because of who he was and what he was doing. Was it because she was at her most vulnerable during that time? Are those feelings she has for him just emotions tied to other things she's projecting onto him?

A Takedown -tall  - Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 5

And maybe he didn't have all those thoughts before, but when Keith returned, and he got put on the back burner repeatedly, those insecurities resurfaced.

Fortunately, Mike got to hear from both Jason and Nikki about where he is in this family and where Nikki stands with him. Although, I would be lying if I didn't say that a part of me wondered if, in not specifying or putting a name to things, the man she loves who she was describing was Jason or even both.

Bill: You're not a suicide bomber. You're not going to kill yourself, not over this.
Nikki: I'm a cop. I saw your file. I know who you are.
Bill: So you know you won't be getting out of here alive.
Nikki: I'm not talking about your crimes. I'm talking about you. No wife. No children; there is no one you can live without. So you can't imagine the agony of living without them. Me? I don't have to imagine. My son went missing six years ago. And every day that passed without him, I wished that I could trade my life for his. I feel the same about that man in that cabin. I love him. Now to you, those are silly words, but to me, they're the air I breathe. Without him, I would suffocate. So if you wanna call my bluff, by all means, go ahead. I've held this detonator for six years. Maybe it's about time I let it go.

Because the fact of the matter is that Nikki would do anything for the people she loves and her family, Jason is still part of that. I don't doubt she'd feel just as passionate about the father of her children.

It felt like a nice bit to have her say those things without ever mentioning a name because it felt applicable to both the men in her life.

Having Ephiphanies -tall  - Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 6

Although, her speech was too speechy and cheesy. It detracted from the badassery of the moment. It felt reminiscent of when the hero gives the villain way too much time to spout an annoying soliloquy.

It also sucks that they finally started addressing how often Nikki puts herself in danger, takes too many risks, and behaves recklessly. But then they follow it up with her pretending almost to activate a deadman's switch while chopping it up with some drug militia pendejos.

Nevertheless, now that she's seen the error of her ways with how she's treated Mike, and the engagement is back on, and so is that ring, we can move forward with bringing Mike into the family.

Because if she thinks there will ever be a "right time" to tell (Not) Keith about her engagement, she's wrong. Everything will always be an adjustment period.

Nikki Supports Kemi- tall - Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 6

Although, it's odd that we only get a little about Sidney's perspective on the Mike component. Do she and Mike have any relationship or familiarity? It keeps coming across as if this news will also be a considerable shock and adjustment period for Sidney.

The "incestuous" nature of this team and its overlapping and interconnectedness, particularly between Nikki's work and almost husband and her ex-husband, reached an all-time high when Jason literally had to give Mike his blood.

It was hard not to get a good chuckle out of that. They're all destined to be this triad, no matter what any of them do. Poor Mike literally has Jason's blood pumping through him now. He can't escape the guy in a single aspect of his life.

But we should be grateful, as without Jason; Mike would've died out in the mountains.

Colleagues, Sisters - tall - Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 6

Setting the begrudging brotherhood of Mike and Jason aside, we had some great moments of strength and sisterhood with Nikki and Kemi.

Despite his diplomatic immunity, Kemi went a bit rogue with hauling Isaiah in. She hoped that he'd acknowledge what he did, show remorse, or there'd be some way she could make him pay for what we now know was sexual assault along with kidnapping.

The scar on your left shoulder, the burn mark on your chest. I know who you are, and by now, I'm pretty sure you know who I am too.


The context gives a better idea of why Kemi is the way she is. Once she explained that she didn't get past her post-traumatic mutism until an experience with a shaman, it added some desperately needed background to her highly-visible and obsessive spiritualism.

With context like that, it helps the audience understand Kemi and her rituals and practices even if they still can't connect with or understand them.

Kemi Feels Support- tall - Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 6

Isaiah is a piece of work, and Kemi's father is too. What is their connection, and why does Kemi's father not seem to care about what Isaiah did to his daughter?

He had the man at his party, and he seemed to have a great relationship with him. Kemi mentioned that she was sacrificed for her mother and sisters, but why?

Kemi choosing to come clean to Nikki about it was for the best. Nikkis is super understanding about these things, giving the women a chance to bond on a deeper level.

Kemi also needed to hear that she had to let this go, even if it meant they were postponing things until they found a better way of dealing with Isaiah.

Queen Kemi -tall  - Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 1

It's still taking a long time to figure out who those bones were in the lake, but that's undoubtedly one of the more realistic aspects of the series.

It was nice to check in with C again, and it's cute that he clearly has a crush on Rachel, the woman who came in for the body. Their flirting and faux pas was amusing.

I reached out to the FAA to see the flight path between Toronto and here...granted talking to people is not usually in my wheelhouse, but interacting with the living was surprisingly refreshing.


We're not that much closer to unraveling the Keith mystery. Instead, more components have gotten added to the equation.

It was refreshing to have an installment without Sidney because we focused strictly on Keith and how things are for him now.

C's Skillset -tall  - Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 1

His parents have noticed that he's backsliding, but we don't get how Keith feels about some of this until Keith has that group therapy session and Oliver gets him to open up.

Keith may not be who he says he is regarding his relationship with the family, but he's still a kid who has undergone some severe trauma and abuse.

His feelings about that are all valid and very much real. Keith is utterly lost after however many years of living in a basement. He has a lot to adjust to, and it has been challenging.

You can tell he feels a lot of shame and guilt, and it wasn't until Oliver started putting things into words for him that we better understood things for him.

The Enigma -tall  - Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 5

Oliver is the first person Keith has encountered so far who understands him and is allowing him to be and treating him as a teen.

Spending more time with Keith made it much easier to sympathize with him, even if we're still suspicious of him.

He was having a perfect day, driving for the first time, got a new friend, and even started putting himself on social media.

But it all went to hell the second he got that anonymous message, presumably from his abductors. Keith is genuinely terrified of this person and what they're capable of, and he very well may not recall enough details to do any good.

That part of what Oliver said about remembering all the wrong things but nothing worth helping the police resonated with Keith.

Keith or Impostor? -tall  - Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 3

It wouldn't be a surprise if Keith hauled ass to the basement again after seeing that car outside his house. He's afraid of what this person can do to him and the family, and that's not something he's making up.

Oliver is a nice start for Keith, but he needs to open up and be honest with those around him. He cares about them enough to be afraid of this person and the threat they pose to the family he found.

Keith: Why does everyone to hear my sob story? Don't you all have your own crap to deal with?
Oliver: It's not about us. It just actually helps. Dealing with the past is the only way to get back to normal.
Keith: Normal? I don't even know what normal looks like.

If anyone can ensure that he and the rest of the family stays safe, it's Nikki and Jason.

Over to you, Alert Fanatics. What are your thoughts on Keith's abductor threatening him? Sound off below.

You can watch Alert: Missing Persons Unit online here via TV Fanatic.

Tim & Amy Review

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Jasmine Blu is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. She is an insomniac who spends late nights and early mornings binge-watching way too many shows and binge-drinking way too much tea. Her eclectic taste makes her an unpredictable viewer with an appreciation for complex characters, diverse representation, dynamic duos, compelling stories, and guilty pleasures. You'll definitely find her obsessively live-tweeting, waxing poetic, and chatting up fellow Fanatics and readers. Follow her on X.

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Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

I reached out to the FAA to see the flight path between Toronto and here...granted talking to people is not usually in my wheelhouse, but interacting with the living was surprisingly refreshing.


Keith: Why does everyone to hear my sob story? Don't you all have your own crap to deal with?
Oliver: It's not about us. It just actually helps. Dealing with the past is the only way to get back to normal.
Keith: Normal? I don't even know what normal looks like.