Alert: MPU Season 1 Episode 7 Spoilers: Keith Gets Reckless!

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The Keith mystery continues.

We're long overdue for Keith to spend some one-on-one time with his parents, which makes Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 7 an hour to look forward to for Alert Fanatics.

But quality time with Keith doesn't keep Jason and the rest of the MPU away from a case involving a twin.

Shannon Collage  - Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 7

As far as cases go, this sounds like an intriguing one. The team is dealing with another abduction, but it's a pressing timetable with interesting factors.

For one, the person they're searching for happens to be a twin, which means the resident mom and fearless leader, Nikki, will probably spend some time consoling the woman left behind.

A Double Dose of Drama

Finding a Twin -tall - Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 7

Twin cases are always fascinating because dramas love to play into the twin connection that two people have that tends to defy all logic, reason, and science.

A series like Alert: MPU, which dips into alternative practices and beliefs more than your standard procedural, is bound to toy with this concept a bit during their investigation.

It would be a surprise if they didn't introduce this concept in some capacity.

Also, it's a great case for Kemi to have some heavy involvement in, and from the looks of things, she'll get from behind the desk and be in the field for this one alongside the guys.

Investigative Trio -tall  - Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 7

Based on the title of the hour, our missing woman is Shannon, and the synopsis teases that the team will have to race to find her before she's murdered.

It begs the question of what she got involved in or what type of trouble has found her.

We're deep into the season, and they haven't broached a topic like that of a serial killer or something, so how it would be intriguing if that's the case here.

Could Shannon be a victim of theirs that they find too late? They haven't had a direct instance of that without the storyline delving into another mystery.

Kemi, the Love Guru

Love Life Guru - Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 7

Kemi's personal problems regarding her father and Isaiah may take a break, but she gets to distract herself with C.

These two unorthodox team members have an unusual connection that works, so it'll be fun to see them sharing some screen time.

Kemi is determined to help C with his love life and is awkward enough to require some assistance. Perhaps this means we'll see more of that Rachel character he had the hots for, and maybe Kemi will prep him for their first date together.

Jason and Nikki's personal lives will also have some airtime as we see them both connecting and bonding with their children.

Co-parenting and Addressing Both Kids' Needs Is Difficult

Parents and Partners -tall  - Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 7

We're still waiting to discover if Sydney will share more information about the night Keith disappeared and express her doubts about him.

She's likely waiting for the results of the bones unearthed in the lake, but it's taking some time, and C probably isn't any closer to learning the identity. Although, it would be a nice cliffhanger if the results came in by the end of the hour.

In the meantime, she's been having a hard time with Keith's presence, and it looks like she and Nikki will have another heart-to-heart about the matter.

And Jason will spend some time with Keith, which should be fun. We see them in the car together, so either Jason is trying to teach Keith how to drive, or he finds out that Keith has been driving with his new friend from a support group.

Keith Keeps More Secrets and Gets More Reckless

Magazine-Worthy Pose -tall - Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 7

The synopsis teases that Keith is getting reckless, which could be about driving.

However, it also can reference the mystery around his identity and what really happened to him.

He hasn't shared with his parents that his abductor is threatening to cause him and the family harm.

Keith is terrified; whether it's the real person or not, it doesn't change the fear that he's experiencing.

Mom/Daughter Standoff -tall  - Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 7

His reckless behavior may be a response to that fear and not knowing what to expect from the people who took him.

There's a danger posed to Keith and the family, but it doesn't seem like anyone is any closer to learning what that's about and who is behind it. Maybe we'll get some progress on that front.

Over to you, Alert Fanatics. What are you looking forward to about this episode? Do you have any new theories to share? Hit those comments.

Alert: MPU airs Mondays on FOX. Don't forget to join us for our full review after the episode.

Jasmine Blu is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. She is an insomniac who spends late nights and early mornings binge-watching way too many shows and binge-drinking way too much tea. Her eclectic taste makes her an unpredictable viewer with an appreciation for complex characters, diverse representation, dynamic duos, compelling stories, and guilty pleasures. You'll definitely find her obsessively live-tweeting, waxing poetic, and chatting up fellow Fanatics and readers. Follow her on X.

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Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Nikki: So our missing person just became the prime suspect in a murder?
Mike: Yup.
Nikki: Who do I tell first? The grieving mom or the agonized sister?

Sydney: The reason why I put locks on my door, and I don't call him Keith, and the reason why I resent him for being able to drive a car that my brother loved and adored is because he is not my brother.
Nikki: We know that you feel that way, but how can you possibly be so sure?
Sydney: Because I killed my brother.